Congrats Paul! Congrats Chrissi! Will you have wifi to go with the laptop? Because then, see, you can say "Einschuldigung, bitte, meiner liebes kinder, aba Mutti muss in die andere zimmer gehen (oder im garten gehen, oder zum internet cafe), mit seiner laptop..." 
Thanks Clarissa. Yes, it has wifi. That's the point of it for me

But the trick with the kids won't work. They follow everywhere...
I remember an episode of the Bill Cosby Show: Claire got her own room for a (birthday?) present. It had a desk, a couch, a lock, and most important: it was soundproof! Ahhhh, paradise!

All moms should have a soundproof room of their own.
I know, in reality it wouldn't work. You need at least an emergency call, and kids do classify a quibble with siblings as emergency. *sigh* - But a girl can dream ...