
1. Spend more time here at the 1000+ posts club. Come on every morning and say hello to all your friends and post your local weather report--or comment on my weather report.
2. Congratulate everyone on their various milestones here in the club.
3. Start a blog and ponder the big issues of life, on a daily basis. Thrice daily is better.
4. Comment on other people's blogs. Find the real blabbermouths and comment ALOT on theirs. Find the quiet people and try to turn them into blabbermouths with lots of comments there, too.
5. Visit your regular threads and post updates daily (you actually do this).
6. Visit new threads and try to get them going (you do this too).
8. Find a few games you like and play regularly.
9. Vote on lots of polls.
10. Forget idea of making a living.
11. Give kids up for adoption.
12. Let house fall into even greater chaos than it already is.
13. RL friends will forget I ever existed.
14. Read a book or magazine?? Yeah, right ...
15. Frozen pizza by the computer is a perfectly good dinner.
16. Why bathe when I have no friends anyway?
17. Shouldn't I have listed all of these in separate posts?