the wildest thing about Germany when I first went there to live was seeing all the Santas climbing up the sides of houses on rope ladders or ropes! And they were mostly thin and fit looking (they have to be to climb up the houses.) Ah, I miss the winter of 2001 at my first German Christmas... (sigh).
You mean these guys:

They're awful. Alone the thought that you may preceive them as "typically German" makes me squirm. They are not! Ten years ago nobody had ever seen such a thing in Germany. Then, all of a sudden, they were the biggest decoration hit for a few years (

Meanwhile this fashion is thankfully waning, but still existent.
And it was explained to me, that there is no "Santa" in Germany - it"s the "Weihnachtsmann" (Christmasman).
Yup, correct. And people are still pretty much divided whether the Weihnachtsmann or the Christkind (Christ Child) brings the presents. For my children, they both collaborate. No reindeers though.