Author Topic: OT: It's a BUST guys: DA VINCI  (Read 54104 times)

Offline Sheyne

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Re: OT: It's a BUST guys: DA VINCI
« Reply #150 on: May 21, 2006, 11:55:14 pm »
Mandy, get your butt to the nearest shop and buy - not rent - but BUY yourself Legally Blonde. You won't regret it.
Chut up!


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Re: OT: It's a BUST guys: DA VINCI
« Reply #151 on: May 21, 2006, 11:58:57 pm »
I know Sheyne, you're so cute in that :o lol


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Re: OT: It's a BUST guys: DA VINCI
« Reply #152 on: May 22, 2006, 01:14:24 am »
Mandy, get your butt to the nearest shop and buy - not rent - but BUY yourself Legally Blonde. You won't regret it.

I'll see what I can do, Shanice  ;)

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Re: OT: It's a BUST guys: DA VINCI
« Reply #153 on: May 22, 2006, 01:50:33 am »
As you say I guess we probably could go on all night because my point is getting through to one.  It's not tit for tat one upsmanship to debate the idea of art versus commerce and why so many have been somehow programmed to think that ticket sales are the end all be all of an artist's work, which is an idea that really disturbs me.  Early on we all railed against those who said that BBM would not be worth its weight because it would not make money, didn't we?  It was not this way in the 70s, before the blockbuster began with Star Wars, and studios rightfully gave money to filmmakers and took risks with real actors who were not cookie cutter fabrications designed to appeal to the zoned-out masses. 

Box office receipts mean nothing if you're looking for quality movies.

Well, I'm pretty sure I get it, rt, and I agree. Actually, most people must agree that popularity doesn't equal quality. It's just that some make exceptions for their own tastes. Certainly everybody's noticed a zillion examples of things that make tons of money but aren't all that good and vise versa. I'm always a little surprised when things I like ARE popular, if only because so many of my conversations wind up concluding that, well, people are stupid.

But then, I'm stupid too sometimes. For instance, don't tell anyone but I like reading InStyle magazine. Is it the equal of the New Yorker? No. I sometimes enjoy InStyle MORE than certain New Yorker issues, but I wouldn't take InStyle with me into the coffee shop, nor remember what was in it an hour afterward. Another example: don't tell anyone this either, but I've always thought Citizen Kane is kind of boring. Would I argue that means the movie is a piece of crap? No. I assume it's my defiiciency, not the film's. Still another: I thought "Leaving Las Vegas" was really, really well made ... and I was depressed for days afterward and wished I'd never seen it.

There are two different scales: what any one person subjectively likes or doesn't like, and then what is "good" or "bad" in some larger objective sense. Obviously there's disagreement about the first one, but what's tricky is there's disagreement about the second one, too -- it's actually not entirely objective. Roger Ebert -- who, despite discrediting himself in the Crash/Brokeback controversy, is not a total idiot -- gave DaVinci Code three stars, but his was the only good review I've seen. I read so-so reviews of Brokeback from reviewers I otherwise respect and continued to read afterward.

I respect your opinion a lot, rt, but I'll probably go to Davinci Code anyway because, if nothing else, it will keep my kids quiet for two hours while I relax and eat popcorn. At least it's a step up from when they were younger and I had to go to Rugrats movies (and gladly, rather than trying to keep them entertained myself!).

Oh, and I also agree with you about the '70s. I'm hoping this year's Oscar contenders signal a return to those days.

*Edited slightly this morning for lucidity, as I originally wrote this too late at night.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2006, 09:21:13 am by latjoreme »

Offline Sheyne

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Re: OT: It's a BUST guys: DA VINCI
« Reply #154 on: May 22, 2006, 08:41:18 am »

Nicely put. I'm not fence sitting here. I think there have been good arguments on both sides.

I agree with latjoreme - I'm really thoroughly surprised when things I like are popular, cause I can admit that when it comes to movies, I have pretty snobby tastes. Only cause I've seen enough in my life to know what I like and what I think is rubbish.

And I back rt's argument too, that box office takings are never a reliable indication of the quality of a movie. We gotta remember that not a lot of folks head out to the cinema to have their lives changed or altered (of course, on January 26 2006, that's exactly what DID happen for me).. most people just want a movie to distract them. Or - as latjoreme said - people are stupid.  She's right. Most people resent any experience that makes them actually think. They don't don't WANT to think their way through a movie. Or they might be happy to think a little, so long as it doesn't challenge them. Which is why there is such a market out there for meaningless drivel.
Chut up!

Offline sparkle_motion

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Re: OT: It's a BUST guys: DA VINCI
« Reply #155 on: May 22, 2006, 07:11:27 pm »
On a side note...
Sheyne, you're perpetually sunny, sweet, funny, have good taste, are very pretty and you like Donnie Darko. You are the perfect girl!
...then you ask me about Mexico and tell me you'll kill me for needing somethin' I don't hardly never get.


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Re: OT: It's a BUST guys: DA VINCI
« Reply #156 on: May 22, 2006, 07:14:45 pm »
On a side note...
Sheyne, you're perpetually sunny, sweet, funny, have good taste, are very pretty and you like Donnie Darko. You are the perfect girl!

I wholeheartedly agree!!   :D


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Re: OT: It's a BUST guys: DA VINCI
« Reply #157 on: May 22, 2006, 07:28:12 pm »
I wholeheartedly agree!!   :D

Yep me too!  And she can draw!

Offline Sheyne

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Re: OT: It's a BUST guys: DA VINCI
« Reply #158 on: May 22, 2006, 11:17:55 pm »

Hrmm...  Y'all are too much for me..

*in Chicken Little voice* What're we talkin' about??


Thanks sparkle, you're a sweetie yourself..  :-*
Chut up!


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Re: OT: It's a BUST guys: DA VINCI
« Reply #159 on: May 22, 2006, 11:45:24 pm »
Hey Chris is this you?   ROFLOL   :laugh: