Author Topic: Sarah Waters: Books & Movies Discussion  (Read 111314 times)

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Re: Sarah Waters: Books & Movies Discussion
« Reply #180 on: May 12, 2009, 05:23:47 pm »

For this session, yeah, we can read the first chapter and give our initial impressions.  :)

I'll post tomorrow about it for sure.

Okay,  I won't check this thread until my reading is done. =]
Would love to get through chapter 1 tonight.. but I've got to seal the grout on my new kitchen tiles tonight.. so it may not happen.. =[
We'll see how it goes tho'.

Cheers bud,  :)

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Re: Sarah Waters: Books & Movies Discussion
« Reply #181 on: May 14, 2009, 10:51:43 am »

**report on Chapte 1**

Heya!  So, I finished reading the first chapter of The Little Stranger last night.  It's 36 pages and seems mainly to be about setting the scene and introducing a bunch of characters.  So far the narrator/ protagonist is a man, which is certainly different for Waters.  And, there's no hint of a lesbian subject yet.  The writing is very strong, but I don't feel like I have a lot to react to yet... in terms of feeling attached to the characters or even yet having much of a sense of how the narrative will progress.

So, on to Chapter 2!

the world was asleep to our latent fuss - bowie

Offline Lumière

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Re: Sarah Waters: Books & Movies Discussion
« Reply #182 on: May 29, 2009, 05:00:41 pm »
**report on Chapte 1**

Heya!  So, I finished reading the first chapter of The Little Stranger last night.  It's 36 pages and seems mainly to be about setting the scene and introducing a bunch of characters.  So far the narrator/ protagonist is a man, which is certainly different for Waters.  And, there's no hint of a lesbian subject yet.  The writing is very strong, but I don't feel like I have a lot to react to yet... in terms of feeling attached to the characters or even yet having much of a sense of how the narrative will progress.

So, on to Chapter 2!

Hey Bud...  :)

Sorry I didn't show here sooner... I have been so busy with other stuff lately.
I am working on Chapter 2 right now.

I love the narrative and the introduction we are getting to the characters thus far.  SW continues to impress with her descriptive style... I love it.
I'm with you - I'll be back with hopefully more detailed comments after chapter 2 is done.

Re: any lesbian subject - I doubt there is any in this book.  I posted about that in here.. months ago, I believe.

Here is a great interview SW did on "Little Stranger":
Check it out.  :)


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Re: Sarah Waters: Books & Movies Discussion
« Reply #183 on: May 29, 2009, 06:58:16 pm »
Oh.  Well, somehow I forgot the detail that there's no lesbian plot or character.  It's extremely disappointing to me, because that's why I read Sarah Waters.  I thought part of her whole approach to writing was to re-insert lesbian characters, plots and points of view into otherwise conventional genres (where lesbian identity would be eliminated in conventional books).  It also seems that Waters is turning her back on the core of her audience who really look to her as one high-quality writer who tackles lesbian topics in a serious way.  To me it's the element that makes Waters as a writer special and different... as opposed to the sea of conventional books and authors out there.

Aside from all that, I'm finding this book to be very slow and so far I'm not finding myself very attached to any of the characters.

« Last Edit: May 30, 2009, 12:31:53 am by atz75 »
the world was asleep to our latent fuss - bowie

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Re: Sarah Waters: Books & Movies Discussion
« Reply #184 on: May 31, 2009, 07:09:35 pm »
Oh.  Well, somehow I forgot the detail that there's no lesbian plot or character.  It's extremely disappointing to me, because that's why I read Sarah Waters.  I thought part of her whole approach to writing was to re-insert lesbian characters, plots and points of view into otherwise conventional genres (where lesbian identity would be eliminated in conventional books).  It also seems that Waters is turning her back on the core of her audience who really look to her as one high-quality writer who tackles lesbian topics in a serious way.  To me it's the element that makes Waters as a writer special and different... as opposed to the sea of conventional books and authors out there.

Aside from all that, I'm finding this book to be very slow and so far I'm not finding myself very attached to any of the characters.

I don't know who Sarah Waters is (this is the only post of the thread that I've read, because I noticed it while looking at your posting history, A), but this is certainly what Rita Mae Brown has done too.  I was very disappointed by her too.  To go from Rubyfruit Jungle through her other lesbian novels to those Sneaky Pie Brown mysteries that could easily and comfortably have one or more lesbian characters, but don't, what a bummer.  She was never that great a writer, but she sure used to be honest and fairly insightful and funny.  Now she's phoning in heterosexual novels.

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Re: Sarah Waters: Books & Movies Discussion
« Reply #185 on: June 02, 2009, 01:20:31 pm »
Oh.  Well, somehow I forgot the detail that there's no lesbian plot or character.  It's extremely disappointing to me, because that's why I read Sarah Waters.  I thought part of her whole approach to writing was to re-insert lesbian characters, plots and points of view into otherwise conventional genres (where lesbian identity would be eliminated in conventional books).  It also seems that Waters is turning her back on the core of her audience who really look to her as one high-quality writer who tackles lesbian topics in a serious way.  To me it's the element that makes Waters as a writer special and different... as opposed to the sea of conventional books and authors out there.

Aside from all that, I'm finding this book to be very slow and so far I'm not finding myself very attached to any of the characters.

Hey bud,

Aww... did you stop reading it altogether?

I had posted in here a while ago that this novel was not going to be centered around lesbian characters.  I think you might've missed it or forgot about it.  SW had mentioned in an interview that she hopes she won't piss off too many of her lesbian readers by doing so.

As I see it, I don't think she necessarily wants to limit herself to lesbian historical fiction (even though historical fiction is still her main focus).  I can understand the need to branch out.  She is a very talented, creative writer who probably wants to explore other themes in her work.  I respect that.  I will continue reading The Little Stranger... who knows, I might get really sucked into it by the time I get to the middle of it.  ;)

I hope you keep reading, bud.  :-*


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Re: Sarah Waters: Books & Movies Discussion
« Reply #186 on: June 19, 2009, 09:55:38 am »
Cynthia Crossen raves about Waters' books in today's WSJ Weekend Journal.
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Re: Sarah Waters: Books & Movies Discussion
« Reply #187 on: June 19, 2009, 11:31:23 am »
I had no idea who Sarah Waters was.  :o I recently read THE LITTLE STRANGER which I really enjoyed.  The characters, suspense and atmosphere were well developed.  I only picked up the book because TIME MAGAZINE had it in their listing of top pop culture choices for the week.  I got a copy from the local library. I went to and was curious as to why it was listed #1 on G/L books.  There were no gay or lesbian characters in the book.  I did a wikipedia on Sarah Waters and it said she usually has lesbian characters in her book.

The book did remind me of THE TURN OF THE SCREW.  Is it psychological or is there something sinister going on? After reading the book, I have my theories.  Wish I had someone to discuss it with as I don't want to post any spoilers on this thread.   ???

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Re: Sarah Waters: Books & Movies Discussion
« Reply #188 on: June 22, 2009, 11:54:44 am »

Sounds like the great reviews for The Little Stranger keep coming.

The book did remind me of THE TURN OF THE SCREW.  Is it psychological or is there something sinister going on? After reading the book, I have my theories.  Wish I had someone to discuss it with as I don't want to post any spoilers on this thread.   ???

I will be back here when I have finished reading the book.  Perhaps we can discuss then, if the discussion hasn't already started in here.  :)

Offline Brown Eyes

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Re: Sarah Waters: Books & Movies Discussion
« Reply #189 on: September 02, 2009, 04:37:39 pm »

I just learned (via the Taking Woodstock thread in CT) that Imelda Staunton who played Mrs. Sucksby in Fingersmith is in the new Ang Lee movie!

the world was asleep to our latent fuss - bowie