Author Topic: Heath and us Broken-hearted...  (Read 3323 times)

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Heath and us Broken-hearted...
« on: January 24, 2008, 03:22:27 pm »
It seems to me that Heath was broken-hearted, and that now we are too... in many ways.

Hommage to him... helps us all too!! Now I am sad because of his passing and dire times he had, I feel priviledged that Heath acted brilliantly for us all to be more happy in each of our lives.

Heath certainly tried to show as well as mend our hearts... since he did so as Ennis, if I may note!!

All comments are  welcomed as he tried to mend his heart, ours, and now try we do to help mending ours with his aid... if I may say.


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Re: Heath and us Broken-hearted...
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2008, 03:36:26 pm »
I am still very much broken-hearted with Heath's passing.

And about certain news... which puzzles me and does not help.

I have not found this on here yet; I know that it helps me... a bit.

Maybe, it will help you too:
By Michael Perry

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian actor Heath Ledger, who was found dead in his New York apartment, was edgy and anxious during his Christmas holidays about not seeing his daughter Matilda, close friend and model Sophie Ward told local media.

Ward, sister of supermodel Gemma Ward with whom Ledger had been reportedly linked, said Ledger was distressed during holidays in his hometown Perth, worried about his split with Michelle Williams and their two-year-old daughter.

"He was clean and wasn't drinking any alcohol or taking drugs," Ward told The West Australian newspaper on Thursday.

Ledger, 28, was found on Tuesday face down and naked beneath the covers of his bed with sleeping pills and other prescription medication nearby, New York police said.
Police initially said Ledger may have died from a drug overdose, but a New York City's medical examiner conducted an autopsy that proved inconclusive.

Ledger's family said his death was a tragic accident and Sophie Ward also said she did not believe Ledger took his life.

"He smoked cigarettes, but that's about it. He was drinking diet Coke when we were together and he said he was very committed to not drinking alcohol," she said. "I don't believe he took his own life deliberately."

But Ward said Ledger was distressed about his split with Williams and being away from his daughter.
"We went to the movies and just did normal stuff ... but he was a bit edgy. He couldn't really relax," said Ward.
"He said he was going to London but was quite upset because he couldn't see his daughter as much as he'd like to. He was traveling so much and I think he was just frustrated with it all."

Ledger was best known for playing a gay cowboy in 2005's "Brokeback Mountain," for which he received an Oscar nomination. He had completed filming his role as The Joker in "The Dark Knight," a Batman film due out this year.
Ledger and Williams, a co-star in "Brokeback Mountain," split in September and Ledger moved from their Brooklyn home to an apartment in the SoHo area of Manhattan.

Ledger's death shocked Australia and Hollywood, both mourning the loss of a young actor with great talent.
"It's heart-breaking... It's a great loss," Ang Lee, who directed Ledger in "Brokeback Mountain," told Reuters in Tokyo.

"He is such a sincere actor."
Australian newspapers ran front-page stories and pictures on Thursday about Ledger. Sydney's Daily Telegraph headline read: "Heath burned candle at both ends ... but what a Beautiful Flame" and The Sydney Morning Herald's said "The sleepless stress of a troubled star."

Both the Herald and national newspaper the Australian gave Ledger's death more prominence than the U.S. Federal Reserve's surprise interest rate cut and Australia's stockmarket woes.
"A grieving nation is today waiting to learn of the cause of the shock death of actor Heath Ledger," said the

Media praised Ledger's acting but highlighted his struggle with the paparazzi, which drove him from a beachside Sydney home in 2006 to New York, where he thought he could be anonymous.

Ledger spent much of December and January with his family and friends in his hometown Perth on the west Australia coast, a place where his fame seemed not to follow him, said newspapers.
Before heading back to the United States Ledger rang the film editor of The West Australian newspaper and left a message thanking the media for leaving him alone, the paper said.

"I don't know whether it's a conscious thing or an unconscious thing, giving me space and respecting my privacy," Ledger told the paper. "It's just been awesome."

"I've had the most beautiful time back here and being able to see all my friends and family ... It's really enabled me to be a boy again from home and feel like I'd never left," he said.

"It's truly been an incredibly therapeutic and a much-needed trip home..."
(Additional reporting by Takanori Isshiki in Tokyo; editing by Sanjeev Miglani)

Hope it helps you...

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Re: Heath and us Broken-hearted...
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2008, 07:08:27 pm »
For days now, I can not work, do that many chores neither, since Heath's passing.

He had helped me greatly since I am a gay man, and Heath did his role of Ennis with such greatness, accepting man to man friendship and love... and other kinds of enriching loves.

Forever, I will appreciate his effort, such greatness for humanity! I can cope with life better now since such his acting and that of others in the Brokeback Movie awakes and gives us all hope for different kinds of love and help - thanks, merci, Annie too!! Comforting you all were. Now, may we comfort you Heath in Heaven, and too to your family and all who loves you down Here too!!

Heath has helped you and mended your heart too, as he did mine??


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Re: Heath and us Broken-hearted...
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2008, 10:04:40 pm »
I believe that Heath did fight for humanity to better and better it in wondrous ways, especially by his acting roles.

Since Heath played willingly the role of Ennis for love between man and man and other ldifferent lovesin the Brokeback Mountain movie, doing Ennis, which made Annie Proulx story more popular, Heath would probably be fighting now this act:
By Keith Leslie, The Canadian Press

TORONTO - George Smitherman, the country's only gay health minister, went on the attack Wednesday against an "offensive" Health Canada advisory penned by "wonky bureaucrats" that seeks to exclude homosexual men from becoming organ donors.
The directive, which agency officials defended as a reiteration of existing policies that was drafted with the help of medical professionals and the provinces, caught many health professionals off guard when it was issued with little fanfare last month.
"To have these wonky bureaucrats up in Ottawa write that kind of nonsense, based on some long-standing bias within their department, ignoring the front-line people that actually do this stuff, that was the part that was most offensive," Smitherman said in an interview.
Over the course of five years as a member of the Ontario cabinet, Smitherman has lobbied aggressively - along with the Trillium Gift of Life Network, the province's organ and tissue donor agency - to raise the profile of organ donation in the province.
Not only has he signed every organ donor card he's ever received, he said, but he still carries all of them around in his wallet because he believes so strongly in the principles and the importance of organ donation.
"The Trillium Gift of Life network will work aggressively in the gay community to let them know that opportunities are still available (to donate organs)," he said.
"We're going to work hard to reach out to the community and make sure they know opportunities are not lost, notwithstanding the impressions created by Health Canada."
Federal Health Minister Tony Clement's office wasted little time Wednesday defending the Health Canada directive, which was drafted with input from professionals and scientists from all over Canada, including Smitherman's own ministry.
"These regulations do not constitute a change in policy. They are formalizing a practice that has been ongoing for many years in Canada that has to do with risk assessment," Clement's press secretary, Laryssa Waler, said in an e-mail.
"As minister of health for Ontario, George Smitherman is well aware of this."
But Smitherman said it would be wrong to prevent sexually active gay men like himself from proceeding to the rigorous screening process that already exists for potential organ donors, which he said has built-in failsafe mechanisms to assess any possible health risks.
"I think it was a bit silly, really, and very insensitive, the way that they make these blanket determinations about risk on the basis alone of my sexual orientation," he said.
"So because I'm a gay man, they make it seem like we're not sophisticated enough to ask the next range of questions to really determine what the risk is. That was the stupid part about it."
Trillium chief executive Dr. Frank Markel said he's confident there was no intent on the part of the health professionals who helped draft the Health Canada directive to slight or otherwise offend the gay community.
"I've personally learned from what's happened (and) I think our organization has learned," Markel said in an interview.
"We will be reaching out to the gay community in a variety of ways to . . . make clear they're welcome as potential donors and that we will treat them in a non-discriminatory way."
Ontario doesn't exclude anyone from being an organ donor because of the long waiting list for a life-saving transplant, he added.
"We need every donor we can get," Markel said. "We have 1,650 people on the waiting list, so we would not deny anybody the chance to be a donor if their organ can be used."

Heath did take on issues for humanity, you figure too?

Hugs!!  Thanks Heath for your courage and love for all on Earth!!

Offline LittlePill

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Re: Heath and us Broken-hearted...
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2008, 01:31:05 pm »
Hello to everyone here. I just want to say that I'm so sad about Heath's passing. Yes, my heart is broken. I wish there was something we could do as his fans to express how much he'll be missed. I'll never forget him.

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Re: Heath and us Broken-hearted...
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2008, 04:54:18 pm »
(((little pill)))

we know how you feel  :-*

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Re: Heath and us Broken-hearted...
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2008, 07:30:09 pm »
Thanks LittlePill, and thanks Kelda!!

It is always sad to know someone has passed, especially when we know that person. You and us, we knew Heath who did his role with brilliance as Ennis... and we all will never forget that, to-day. tomorrow and years to come, may I say.

Everyone on Earth, I figure, briings us a gift as he or she... and with Heath he wanted and did that role for us all to love in wondrous ways!!

We can all think daily about his wonderful role, he will always be Ennis to us too - he liked that role!! Heath brought us that gift of hope and joy!! May we all be joyful and thankfull of his acting and life!!

Hugs!! Hugs!!

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Re: Heath and us Broken-hearted...
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2008, 11:15:14 am »
I know that we are all still on edge. WE all have broken-hearts still... and Heath wanted to heal that!! And He did!

We will always love Heath, and Annie and BM movie and all those who created that, plus all the members on Bettermost... where we try to solve mysteries to love better and better ourselves and others!!

Thanks for you help too!!

My niece sent me this to-day, it is fun to see about cats. It is good always to smile and laugh in dire sad times as well as in happy times!I

Hugs to you all too!! Here is the funny clip: