Author Topic: TOTW 04/08: Finest acting moments in BBM  (Read 24188 times)

Offline Sandy

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Re: TOTW 04/08: Finest acting moments in BBM
« Reply #50 on: February 20, 2008, 04:27:53 am »
Oh yes, the scene where Ennis is waiting for Jack to arrive.....I remember the first time I saw the film, I was sitting there thinking "now what is gonna happen here when they meet up again"..."are they gonna act like Brokeback never happened?, just act like buddies?" and I guess that comes from the way Ennis was acting, so fidgety, and uncomfortable, even to the point that he may have even been getting bored and frustrated from having to wait all day for Jack...sitting back and closing his eyes, like he had come to the point of "well, I dont give a dam".......the frustration of the day is not only felt by Ennis but by us watching the movie, waiting, waiting to see what happens..........and then that smile, that wonderful wonderful smile on Ennis's face when he sees him, and then I think we know whats gonna happen before it does......So then, its WE know, Ennis knows, and Jack doesnt.....until that grasping embrace, that hard aching kiss and then the look from Jack, and finally, finally, WE all are there, chests pounding, feeling the presssures of their bodies andl lips pressing into each others, hands grasping and holding each other so dam hard, like nothing else exists......OMG has there ever been a scene with so many emotions.

Katie, I'm at work and my chest is pounding! Your description is wonderful and you have absolutely brightened up my day.  I agree that this scene works perfectly. 


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Re: TOTW 04/08: Finest acting moments in BBM
« Reply #51 on: February 20, 2008, 03:06:09 pm »
One other scene I love,whilst it simultaneously breaks my heart, is when they are sat round the camp fire.They have been talking of who else they have been seeing ,and then silence,followed by Jack saying,'tell you what truth is,sometimes I miss you so bad I can hardly stand it"
I so ache for Ennis to say something,anything,that would let Jack know he feels the same.

We the audience are just left with the deathly silence, and a million things left unsaid. Jack can hardly stand the pain, and for Ennis ,it is as hard as always to articulate what he feels.All we get is 'the look"

The only thing that makes it bearable, for me at least,is when the film then cuts to the two of them in the tent,with Ennis wrapped round Jack.A moment I love,because of its pure simplicity.One single shot that tells such a tale. In sleep we see the true love that Ennis has for Jack. It is almost childlike in its portrayal. The way a mother curls round her child,simultaneously,loving and protecting it.
Also as someone has mentioned previously, metaphorically,protecting the back of the person you love. Like so much of the film, a brief moment,which manages to convey so much more.

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Re: TOTW 04/08: Finest acting moments in BBM
« Reply #52 on: February 20, 2008, 03:29:03 pm »
One other scene I love,whilst it simultaneously breaks my heart, is when they are sat round the camp fire.They have been talking of who else they have been seeing ,and then silence,followed by Jack saying,'tell you what truth is,sometimes I miss you so bad I can hardly stand it"
I so ache for Ennis to say something,anything,that would let Jack know he feels the same.

We the audience are just left with the deathly silence, and a million things left unsaid. Jack can hardly stand the pain, and for Ennis ,it is as hard as always to articulate what he feels.All we get is 'the look"

The only thing that makes it bearable, for me at least,is when the film then cuts to the two of them in the tent,with Ennis wrapped round Jack.A moment I love,because of its pure simplicity.One single shot that tells such a tale. In sleep we see the true love that Ennis has for Jack. It is almost childlike in its portrayal. The way a mother curls round her child,simultaneously,loving and protecting it.
Also as someone has mentioned previously, metaphorically,protecting the back of the person you love. Like so much of the film, a brief moment,which manages to convey so much more.

Yes I totally agree with all that. I bet Jake misses Heath so much he can hardly stand it now.  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

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Re: TOTW 04/08: Finest acting moments in BBM
« Reply #53 on: February 20, 2008, 03:32:56 pm »

1) Alma's Confrontation With Ennis - This scene work on so meant levels. The way Alma starts off trying to be cold, but slowly becomes so detached and emotionally hurt to the situation. Michele hits Alma at the right levels and the scene could not of been done better. It was like i was reading the book. She hit the right note. In my option she deseverd the Oscar. Apparently she did'nt get it cause she wasnt in the movie enough. But this scene here makes a lot of the movie.

I wholeheartedly agree about Michelle. I remember the look on on Alma's face when Ennis takes off for one of his trips and he almost forget his creel case. The way Alma is first taking about the opening at the power company, trying to ignore what's going on around her. And the bitterness and anger in her voice as she says 'aren't you forgetting something?'
And then after Ennis leaves, the look on her face, the pain and sadness, but also the resignation, are indescribable...

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Offline Sandy

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Re: TOTW 04/08: Finest acting moments in BBM
« Reply #54 on: February 20, 2008, 05:51:53 pm »
One other scene I love,whilst it simultaneously breaks my heart, is when they are sat round the camp fire.They have been talking of who else they have been seeing ,and then silence,followed by Jack saying,'tell you what truth is,sometimes I miss you so bad I can hardly stand it"

I think this is beautifully acted.  I love the way Jake builds up to it.  His breathing speeds up and he says "tell you what..", pauses, then says "truth is..", and once again pauses. It's as if he's trying a couple of times to put it into words.  When he goes on with "sometimes..." the change in speed of speech really is marvellous.  It shows his NEED to say it, but also his uncertainty in doing so.  Jack was unsure as to whether or not he should say it but knew he had to.