Author Topic: Jack And Eniss's Fathers  (Read 2182 times)

Offline "Joseph Golden"

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Jack And Eniss's Fathers
« on: February 24, 2008, 01:26:47 am »
I was going through the script and movie to get a feel on how there relationship slowly escalates into a sexual one. I noticed something that really made me think.

Jack says "My old men keep secrets to himself" Now in contrast i dont think Ennis's father was the same. If he was then he would not have shown Ennis the dead body.

Apparently, psychologist think that boys search for women that are similar to there mom and girls search for men that are similar to there dad's.

Do you think Jack was looking for a men like his father....Ennis! And Ennis was looking for someone completely different to his father.....Jack!

And Mothers, We have no idea what Ennis mother was like. We know Jacks mother was beyond her era. And i think Jack wanted  that also. But he never really found it.

What do you think?

Don’t lie, don’t try to fool me, Ennis. I know what it means. Jack Twist? Jack Nasty.


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Re: Jack And Eniss's Fathers
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2008, 01:34:42 am »
I have heard in another thread that gay men's first love is their fathers (which kinda makes me feel for Jack  :P) but I dont' know...I will have to think