Well, just to let you know Jess, I sometimes call my dog Cody Decoder. Mr. Cody Decoder!And the Code Dog!!
An internet Star Wars friend of mine that I miss dearly used to have a dog she named Cody. Or Cody-Wan.
chili-cheese tater totsI can't recall what they're called, but they're french fries with cheese, ranch dressing, bacon bits and chives on them.Blooming onion (breaded and deep fried onion) with dipping sauce
Toast with crunchy peanut butter and sliced banana.Cheese and fruit cakeUncooked sponge cake mix,often make a batch just to eat it raw,Bread and gravy.My kids love this now but husband thinks it is gross!!!
Nacho cheese Doritos with salsaCheddar & sour cream flavored Ruffles potato chipsMesquite BBQ favored potato chipsDark chocolate covered strawberries or apricotsVeggie flavored crackers with cheddar slicesCookies (iced oatmeal raisin, ginger snaps, chocolate chip, Oreos)Chocolate chip cookie dough (eaten raw)Breyer's chocolate chip mint ice creamAnd what I call cheese bowl ... spaghetti sauce with provolone cheese & Parmesan cheese melted in. Eaten with a spoon or on crackers.Damn, I'm hungry now!