Author Topic: Brokeback Mountain was not the first Wyoming story about homophobia  (Read 11661 times)

Offline Artiste

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Re: Brokeback Mountain was not the first Wyoming story about homophobia
« Reply #20 on: April 11, 2007, 11:36:10 am »
Homer Simpson!! There you made me laugh, Front-Ranger!!

You made my day!!


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Re: Brokeback Mountain was not the first Wyoming story about homophobia
« Reply #21 on: April 11, 2007, 11:53:07 pm »
I'm comin to collect those hugs one day, Artiste!!


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Offline brokebackjack

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Re: Brokeback Mountain was not the first Wyoming story about homophobia
« Reply #22 on: April 12, 2007, 12:20:01 am »
Homer? possibly


Without a doubt
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Offline Artiste

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Re: Brokeback Mountain was not the first Wyoming story about homophobia
« Reply #23 on: April 12, 2007, 09:48:43 am »
Front-Ranger, hugs are for you and all too!!

The only time I do hugs are on the internet!!

Guess I was raised like Ennis??



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Re: Brokeback Mountain was not the first Wyoming story about homophobia
« Reply #24 on: April 12, 2007, 04:33:17 pm »
Guess I was raised like Ennis?
Hey, even Ennis hugged Jack and Junior (and Cassie for that matter) when the opportunity allowed. So you might take a cue from that lonely ranch hand and practice a little hugging in the off-line world as well.

(Still getting used to hugging too)...

« Last Edit: February 21, 2008, 09:15:43 pm by moremojo »

Offline Artiste

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Re: Brokeback Mountain was not the first Wyoming story about homophobia
« Reply #25 on: April 12, 2007, 11:21:33 pm »
Thanks   moremojo!Scot!!

As just read your comment, I had to laugh, smile... as it does make my evening!! Congratulations!!

I do not remember hugging anyone but my past lover/partner, if holding are hugs and/or vice versa were hugs, which I think they were indeed!! That was the only person I was really close with, as I am Ennis in many ways I guess.  My experiences have been worst that Ennis and I still fear not only society, but for my life!!

I think that I am afraid to hug!!?? I do not hug my mother, nor my sisters nor brothers!!

Maybe if I find my next lover/partner, then I will hug him, many times, as I seek that!!

So BM, is my story too!!


Offline Front-Ranger

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Re: Brokeback Mountain was not the first Wyoming story about homophobia
« Reply #26 on: April 12, 2007, 11:32:00 pm »
I hope hugging is something new that you add into your life this year, Artiste. It is a very life-affirming things. Many Brokies are confirmed huggers and even Impish, who was quite a hermit, hugged me several times when I met him. I am suffering from hug deprivation these days because my FRiend EDelMar is out of town, and he not only hugs, but lifts you off your feet!! One time I was carrying a 30 pound computer bag when he hugged me, and he lifted me as if I were a feather!

My son taught me a new hug. He used to walk on my back in order to crack and relax my spine. But now that he is 15, he is too heavy to walk on my back. So, I now cross my arms and then he lifts me from behind and shakes me gently, and my back goes "crack! crack!" and I feel so much better! And then I do the same to him.

I could not live without hugs! But my father never hugged me, never come to watch me ride, and that was just the way it was when I was growing up. Thank God those times are gone.

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Offline brokebackjack

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Re: Brokeback Mountain was not the first Wyoming story about homophobia
« Reply #27 on: April 13, 2007, 03:19:22 am »
I make a solemn promise to hug FR-Lee and lift her off of the floor when we next meet to discuss security.

how appropriate when you think on it  lolololol

I'm funny with hugs, sometimes I like them sometimes run away, depends on the situation.

When I was around 20  there was this awful old fart in  my 12 step meeting who gave me the willies, he always tried to hug me and  hugged too mightily and huggily, guy creeped me out, I KNEW he wanted more then a hug.I used to position myself as far across the room as possible yet somehow he always ended up hugging me until I told him to Hug Off <G>.

[ Can women tell if a guy wants more during a hug Lee? I'd suppose you CAN! has to be creepy sometimes.]

There was this other guy who was homeless, him I made a point of hugging  because nobody else would, even though I had a thing about germs. He was my friend & my age & had been on the street since his family tossed him out like garbage when he was 15 cause he said he was gay; today he's a network exec with CBS. I didn't care if he was smelly, he was my friend and did the best he could under awful circumstances. It was easy, youjust had to consider his pride--we'd go for coffee and I'd ask if he could help ME out. He once told me that the willingness to happily hug him when he was smelly and sleeping in a park even though he knew I was germophobe gave him solid proof that not everybody thought he was a worthless waste; it helped him to not drink.. All I knew was that he was a really nice guy and my friend and I didn't like how some of those snooty 'adults' treated a very nice person...all they saw was a supposedly lazy lowlife but he was working 2 awful jobs in a desperate attempt to get off the streets.

Then there were the stacked girls who made such a big deal of hugging, like " I am doing you SUCH a favor by allowing my breasts to be on your chest"--until I finally told one look don't do me any favors, hug somebody else. And walked. It blew half the room away but had an odd odd result-- ALL those stuck up bimbos went out of the way to hug was as if rejection made them want me, and really, they tended to be dull as a cheese knife: if they didn't have breasts nobody would have talked with them.

There was the male gymrat version of the above, all big pecs and biceps lolol, One in particular used to cup my ass as we hugged and gave each other deadly insults. It looked friendly until you heard us whisper sweet curses  but i put up with it cause i liked his chest roflmnao and he put up with it because he was God's own ballbuster, so i guess we liked each other lolol. 

Then there was my ex BF who used to make me melt with a hug. God what a good hugger, he used to say he liked the affection. Of course, sometimes he would end up hugging me into a wall and i would be like, whatever dude, go for it.

Now there is my wife, who can't get enough hugs and really, that is sooo cool who would ever want to UNhug. It's adorable how much she likes to hug me. And I really like hugging HER, she's just  soooo sweet to be around...

And my son, he would be HURT if we didn't hug. As in hurt. So he gets all the hugs he wants and I don't know what it is but every time he hyugs me i feel like cryin. isn't that strange???

My brothers, the only one who likes to get hugged is, oddly, the NYPD. Especially after a few beers lol

But I don't think I would want to get a hug from any Ernie Borgnine Clones. By the way, when we re-enact scenes from Brokeback at Estes, please and pretty please make sure no Ernie Borgnine Clones are beating a shirt on the rocks while nekked in cowboy boots. ...please. LOL

« Last Edit: April 13, 2007, 03:29:11 am by brokebackjack »
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Offline Artiste

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Re: Brokeback Mountain was not the first Wyoming story about homophobia
« Reply #28 on: April 13, 2007, 09:08:44 am »
Thanks Front-Ranger!!

You made me smile! And laugh! That comment of yours is like a hug, like hugs from you!!

You made my day!! At least, start it great!!

EDelMar is off searching for BM??

Hugs to you, to your son, and EDelMar!!

Offline Artiste

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Re: Brokeback Mountain was not the first Wyoming story about homophobia
« Reply #29 on: April 13, 2007, 09:20:35 am »
Wow, wow, brokebackjack!!

You made me sad as well as happy with your hug stories!!

And still, I am laughing and smiling too!!

You should get this published somehow in books like Reader's Digest??
Even school books?? !! And gay books, since us gays are often very sad, if I may qualify?? !!

And may I ask that you elaborate this (as I do not understand):
My brothers, the only one who likes to get hugged is, oddly, the NYPD. Especially after a few beers lol

Hugs!! (I'm still smiling as you made my day, my weekend!! And, may I copy your stories to send to other persons??)