Author Topic: Movies you've been watching  (Read 11919 times)

Offline RebelWithASmile

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Movies you've been watching
« on: August 11, 2008, 11:54:54 am »
so its summer, and my summer is usually filled with emptiness and spiritual enlightenment. So, i've been watching a lot of movies lately.

recent movies

Raging Bull - wow, the 1st time i saw this movie i thought it was good, but i think i wasn't truly involved with the film. But now the 2nd time around, all i have to say is WOW. This movie is perfection. Beautiful shots, great performances, awesomeness.

Crash - i've had to watch this movie several times. After this viewing, i really, really liked it. It is a very good movie, even though i do not agree with it winning Best Picture, i put aside my prejudice towards this movie (as a Brokeback fan). Not perfect, but i respect it. Slightly ridiculous

The Last Picture Show - this is my new favorite movie! I love it, so well made, 3-d characters inspirational and yet tragic. Great, GREAT movie

The Hours - this has to be the best movie of the new millenuim. Very beautiful like a panorama of emotions, great music-best ever soundtrack? Great acting by an ensample.

Brokeback Mountain - Everytime i see this movie, i see more love, i see more beauty. Truly a wonderful movie. I'm always still mixed on something, i always have to rewatch it sometime later, because i almost forget how and why its so wonderful-only to be inspired again!

Persepolis - its a french animated film about a girl who goes through life in a sheltered society. WOW, so entertaining, compelling and provocative. I really liked this one, so uniquely drawn and executed.

A Streetcar Named Desire - This is such an amazing movie. One of my favorites. Blanche DuBois is one of the best characters ever written, tragic, intelligent, sensitive, and all so desperate. Vivien Leigh really gives a divine performance.

so what are some movies that my fellow Brokies are watching???  :D

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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2008, 12:09:28 pm »
last night I watched "The Murderers Among Us" 1946 German movie about the rehabiliation of Nazis in the post war period. Last week I watched "The Kite Runners", I really recommend this movie. Dusty had on "Alien", so I ended up watching most of that too.

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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2008, 12:10:52 pm »
so its summer, and my summer is usually filled with emptiness and spiritual enlightenment. So, i've been watching a lot of movies lately.

recent movies

Raging Bull - wow, the 1st time i saw this movie i thought it was good, but i think i wasn't truly involved with the film. But now the 2nd time around, all i have to say is WOW. This movie is perfection. Beautiful shots, great performances, awesomeness.

Crash - i've had to watch this movie several times. After this viewing, i really, really liked it. It is a very good movie, even though i do not agree with it winning Best Picture, i put aside my prejudice towards this movie (as a Brokeback fan). Not perfect, but i respect it. Slightly ridiculous

The Last Picture Show - this is my new favorite movie! I love it, so well made, 3-d characters inspirational and yet tragic. Great, GREAT movie

The Hours - this has to be the best movie of the new millenuim. Very beautiful like a panorama of emotions, great music-best ever soundtrack? Great acting by an ensample.

Brokeback Mountain - Everytime i see this movie, i see more love, i see more beauty. Truly a wonderful movie. I'm always still mixed on something, i always have to rewatch it sometime later, because i almost forget how and why its so wonderful-only to be inspired again!

Persepolis - its a french animated film about a girl who goes through life in a sheltered society. WOW, so entertaining, compelling and provocative. I really liked this one, so uniquely drawn and executed.

A Streetcar Named Desire - This is such an amazing movie. One of my favorites. Blanche DuBois is one of the best characters ever written, tragic, intelligent, sensitive, and all so desperate. Vivien Leigh really gives a divine performance.

so what are some movies that my fellow Brokies are watching???  :D

I enjoyed "The Hours" quite a bit more than I thought I would. There was something about the time progression and its interrelated parts of the womens lives that intrigued me.

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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2008, 02:43:26 pm »
I've made it a habit to put on a movie each night as I'm winding down for the day, so my list would be far too long to post in its entirety, and I probably can't remember them all anyway! Here's a few recent ones though:

The Omen (2006) - I watched this one last night. It was quite good. Much better than I expected it to be. Julia Stiles played the mother and Mia Farrow played the nanny.

The Walton's - Not really a movie, but I have season #2, #5 and #6 on DVD. I've been watching season #2 off and on these past few days. I think my favorite episode from that season is "The Substitute", where the school finds themselves without a teacher (due to a family emergency) and hires a substitute teacher from New York City - highly intelligent, but young and inexperienced - who believes in running a very strict and rigid classroom.

How Stella Got Her Groove Back - One of my favorite movies. I love Angela Bassett and Taye Diggs is SEX ON LEGS!

What's Eating Gilbert Grape - Another one of my favorite movies! If you haven't seen it, you should rent it and watch it sometime. This was one of Leo DiCaprio's earliest performances, and he did such a brilliant job with his acting people actually thought he was mentally handicapped.

The River Wild - This movie is full of energy and beautiful scenery. Meryl Streep totally immersed herself into her character. She insisted on taking rafting lessons in order to make her character appear more realistic. This isn't the first time Ms Streep has done something like this. After she was cast for the movie Music From The Heart, she learned to play the violin. I've played the violin since the age of 7 or 8, and I can attest that it is NOT an easy instrument to learn. Meryl Streep is an amazing actress.

Pay It Forward - Another beautiful and amazing movie.

Titanic (1997) - My favorite movie of ALL TIME (not counting Brokeback Mountain of course!). I've watched this movie dozens of times and it seems I cannot get enough of it.

Interview With The Vampire - Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Antonio Bandaras, need I say more? LOL It is an elegant and highly intricate movie, quite beautiful in fact and full of homoerotic imagery.

The Color Purple

Driving Miss Daisy

Beloved - A ghost story starring Oprah Winfrey, Danny Glover, Thandie Newton, Kimberly Elise and Beah Richards. This was one of Beah Richards last performances and she did an amazing job. The movie is set in the Midwest (Cincinnati) during the latter half of the 19th century. Oprah Winfrey plays an escaped African American slave from northern Kentucky who moves in with her mother-in-law (Beah Richards) after a series of horrible events take place during her escape to freedom.

Everybody Loves Raymond - I own all 9 seasons on DVD and I watch them all the time! It's my favorite sitcom.

Fast Times at Ridgemont High - Another of my favorite movies. Sean Penn is a riot in this movie, especially when he is dealing with Mr. Hand! lol

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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2008, 04:06:00 pm »
The Happening, 2008, written by M. Night Shyamalan, and staring Mark Walberg.

The wind and the trees conspire to make people jump off of buildings and Mark Walberg looks perplexed and runs a lot. Not my favorite Shyamalan story, that would be The Village.

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Offline RebelWithASmile

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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2008, 05:31:22 pm »
I kinda wanted to see The Happening...but, lol, after your explanation, idk. lol

The color purple i've been meaning to watch all the way through. I really like Whoopi.

Same with Beloved

I like the Homecoming movie of the Waltons-very relaxing, very sweet.

What's Eating Gilbert Grape? Is a very good movie. I love Leo in it, Depp is good as usual. Very sad

Pay it Forward is inspirational

Titanic is a great movie, not one of my fav anymore, but its truly a landmark. I really don't understand how people say The Dark Knight is better...its not.

AH! I've been needing to see Driving Miss Daisy as well! Damn, Jessica Tandy was on Broadway, she actually played in A Streetcar Named Desire on Broadway. How cool

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Offline seadragon16

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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2008, 05:36:36 pm »
I like films that other people recommend because I've seen some great things that I might not have discovered otherwise. Like DavidinIndy, I tend to watch a film a night so I've watched dozens these past few weeks (I guess films really are my vice  ;)) These are just a few of the I've seen lately that have stuck in my mind afterwards:

BBM - obviously!

Mysterious Skin - wow. Not easy to watch at times, but Joseph Gordon-Levitt is really one to watch. He is incredible in this.

Manic - I tend to find actors or directors that I really like and then buy their other stuff. Another great film with JGL that looks at life in a unit for troubled teens. Great turn from Don Cheadle too as a counsellor.

Candy - another great Heath Ledger performance. God, he was good wasn't he?  :'(

Amores Perros - amazing film (I liked 21 grams and Babel too - cinematography in all three films was by Rodrigo Prieto) but this was the best of the three. Some difficult dog fighting scenes, but Gael Garcia Bernal was great in this. If you like this, try Motorcycle Diaries, Bad Education and Y Tu Mama Tambien, all with GGB too.

Tideland - Lots of people hated this, but if you watch what Terry Gilliam has to say in his introduction, you'll see that he is right. You have to watch it as if you were 6 years old. I love Gilliam's films and I'm really looking forward to Imaginarium.

The Science of Sleep - if you liked Eternal Sunshine and you like odd films, you'll love this. Beautifully shot, great animation mixed in and it leaves you thinking at the end.

My Own Private Idaho - my joint favourite film of all time (along with BBM of course). The bleakness of this film, along with the sadness that the late River Phoenix is no longer with us (such an amazing actor  :'() get me every time. Lots of people don't like Gus Van Sant's films, but I like everything he's done so far (with the exception of a couple). Watch it and see what you think. See Nancy Savoca's Dogfight too for another underrated gem, another incredible RP performance.

12 Angry Men - Brilliant. Shows how films should be made. One set for nearly the entire film and yet it holds your attention all the way.

Before Sunrise/Sunset - very good. Great scripts and leaves you feeling optimistic about life when you're feeling down.

Half Nelson - Ryan Gosling is another one to watch. With the exception of The Notebook (which personally I hated) pretty much everything he has done has been brilliant. See United States of Leland too.

See, so hard to stop when I get going! I could list another dozen at least  ;D

Other honourable mentions - The Dark Knight, The Mudge Boy, Everything is Illuminated, Somersault, The Machinist, Running on Empty, Japanese Story, Awakenings, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Big Fish, Lovers of the Arctic Circle, The Straight Story, Grave of the Fireflies, Leaving Las Vegas, Look Both Ways...

Absolute rubbish/hugely overrated (IMHO  :P) - The Lake House, A History of Violence, The Notebook, Requiem for a Dream, Titanic  ;)

I'll stop there...  :laugh:

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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2008, 07:10:13 pm »
Well BBM of course, and Candy, then some guilty pleasure with A knights tale.

Breakfast at Tiffanys, actually having a bit of an Audrey Hepburn fest as someone bought me a 4 box set.So Sabrina, Roman Holiday, Funny Face nd My fair Lady. In the same vein I watched Gigi. Then as it is related to our situation here I have watched green card.None of them are brilliant, but Audrey Hepburn to me anyway, is just stunning, I could watch her all day.
Tried the notebook and didn't get on with it at all.
Frederic Mitterand's film version of Madame Butterfly. It did not have me sobbing like BBM, but I did have a very big lump in my throat.
I was lucky enough to see the opera in a very intimate theatre at a castle in England and was immediately transfixed by both the story and music.This film version is a pretty good representation of it.I would think it is very difficult, to take something designed for the constraints of a stage and commit it to film.It worked for me anyway.
Those are my most recent viewings and I guess they are a pretty mixed bag.

Offline RebelWithASmile

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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2008, 10:38:54 pm »
wow, i'm happy i'm not the only movie lover

Mysterious Skin is a movie i wanted to see!

I use to resent Audrey Hepburn, but now i like her after seeing parts My Fair Lady. Kinda got me interested.

I've wanted to see Gigi, and Amores Perros.

I forgot to mention All About My Mother. A really good foreign film, that is about a woman that loses her son and tries to find the boys estranged father who has had a sex change. I've been trying to get into Pedro Almodóvar, he seems very interesting.

I'd love to see an Opera, optom3! i'm jealous. I want to see Rent on Broadway before it closes next month.

My Own Private Idaho is another movie i wanted to see. James Dean is my favorite actor, and Heath was one of my favorite actors when he was living, and now even more that he's passed. So i have to finish the circle with River Phoenix. I like him in Stand By Me of course ( i read the book for his character). But i haven't seen anything else of his, and this one sparked my interest.

The Science of Sleep! urghh!! i wanted to see that one too, actually, i might order it from a library tomorrow along with Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Wonderful movie

you don't like Requiem for a Dream, Seadragon13? Why? It tries to pull too much from you, at an unrealistic rate and unrealistic events, but i was still floored by the movie and Ellen Burstyn. Its kinda one of my favorites, but i've been losing interest.
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Offline Flashframe777

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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2008, 11:21:04 pm »
I have been watching "Shelter" (2007) over and over and over again, just like another film I watch all the time.  It's a small film, but a very good story, and with a nice little ending.

I can't get enough of Brad Rowe (though he seems to have put on a little baby fat since his part in "Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss").  Brad's really handsome, but it's a little shocking how he went from looking like Brad Pitt to the Brad Rowe of today (not complaining, just shocked).

That said, I still miss Heath.  I immediately recognized him by the gate of his walk in the first few scenes of Batman, which was incredible.

But I digress - if you want to see a really nice little gay-themed film, then "Shelter" is my rec. 
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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2008, 12:16:04 am »

Heya Flashframe!!!  It's so great to see you back at BetterMost! 8)

Yep, I recognized Heath pretty quickly at the beginning of TDK too.  I really enjoyed that movie and have seen it twice recently (and twice is probably enough for me... it certainly won't become a BBM, which obviously I can watch an infinite number of times).

Other than TDK, I went and saw Brideshead Revisited last weekend, which the more I think about it the more mediocre I think it was.  I had really high expectations for it. 

So, those are the two films I've seen recently.

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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2008, 05:40:31 am »
I have been watching "Shelter" (2007) over and over and over again, just like another film I watch all the time.  It's a small film, but a very good story, and with a nice little ending.

We EuroBrokies had a gathering last weekend to see TDK, and the night before TDK our group watched Shelter together. Agreed with what you said about it. Nice little feel-good movie.

Amores Perros - amazing film (I liked 21 grams and Babel too - cinematography in all three films was by Rodrigo Prieto) but this was the best of the three. Some difficult dog fighting scenes, but Gael Garcia Bernal was great in this. If you like this, try Motorcycle Diaries, Bad Education and Y Tu Mama Tambien, all with GGB too.

Whoo, I also saw Amores Perros, 21 Grams, Babel and the Motorcycle Diaries :). I liked them all, but of those The Motorcycle Diaries was my favorite. Fine collection of movies that you listed here. Guess I gotta check out the other two I haven't seen yet.

My Own Private Idaho - my joint favourite film of all time (along with BBM of course). The bleakness of this film, along with the sadness that the late River Phoenix is no longer with us (such an amazing actor  :'() get me every time. Lots of people don't like Gus Van Sant's films, but I like everything he's done so far (with the exception of a couple). Watch it and see what you think. See Nancy Savoca's Dogfight too for another underrated gem, another incredible RP performance.
Other honourable mentions -  ..... Running on Empty,

Seems there's another River fan. :) Well, I'm not a fan, but I really like him. And I also liked Dogfight, a totally overlooked movie, barely anyone has seen it. STB and MOPI are my favorite movies with River.
Check out The Thing Called Love if you haven't seen it. In I Love You to Death River has only a small role, but the movie is good.

Absolute rubbish/hugely overrated (IMHO  :P) ... Requiem for a Dream, ...

LOL, Requiem for a Dream also didn't fit with me. There's so much praise about it, but I just didn't get it.

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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2008, 04:47:52 pm »
Seems there's another River fan. :) Well, I'm not a fan, but I really like him. And I also liked Dogfight, a totally overlooked movie, barely anyone has seen it. STB and MOPI are my favorite movies with River.
Check out The Thing Called Love if you haven't seen it. In I Love You to Death River has only a small role, but the movie is good.

Afraid so, ever since I was old enough to watch films. I was in my early teens when he died and I was really upset about it. My friend and I had been fans for ages and had to persuade our local video shop owner to buy in MOPI when we were 14 and then let us borrow it because it was an 18 cert at the time! When we returned it, I remember it being put on the very top shelf along with all the adult films and that annoyed me, because it's a story about love, finding your family and a place to belong which just so happens to feature a gay hustler  ::) I have all of RP's films, even those that weren't so great. TTCL makes me sad though, because it seems so obvious to me that he was in serious trouble by that point.  :(

I've been trying to get into Pedro Almodóvar, he seems very interesting.

Rebel - I love Almodóvar films, hence recommending Bad Education and I've also got Volver, Live Flesh and Talk to Her on DVD that I haven't watched yet. Some of the films I recommended I had a hard time finding on DVD for a reasonable price, but they were all worth it. I've got over 300 DVD's (I always buy films rather than renting - costs the same if you look around enough) and very few that I haven't enjoyed so far - most from recommendations or because I liked what I read about them.

And MOPI - you have to watch it, then watch it again! It's hard to appreciate everything about it on the first viewing. It's a bit like BBM in the respect that you see new things every time you see it. It's masterpiece and so far ahead of it's time (remember this was made in 1991) And watch Dogfight & Running on Empty too if you want to finish the circle!   :)

Optom - I love Breakfast at Tiffany's. I saw it years ago and then watched it again very recently and very much enjoyed it.

Going to get hold of a copy of Shelter now - that's the third time today I've seen the film mentioned and not just on here. A hint maybe?

you don't like Requiem for a Dream, Seadragon13? Why? It tries to pull too much from you, at an unrealistic rate and unrealistic events, but i was still floored by the movie and Ellen Burstyn. Its kinda one of my favorites, but i've been losing interest.

Just didn't like it at all. There are quite a few good 'drug' movies out there, but this didn't get to me at all. I admit I've only seen it once and maybe it needs another watch, but I didn't care about any of the characters and they didn't seem at all real to me and I doubt my view will change on that if I saw it again. There were quite a few bits where you were expected to suspend disbelief and that spoilt it for me. I didn't feel sorry for any of the characters and didn't get the sense that they were stuck in something they couldn't control. I thought it was very sensationalist and not at all realistic - it tried too hard to shock and therefore the impact was lost. Interestingly, my daughter (in her mid teens) has seen both Candy and Requiem and she wasn't bothered by Requiem at all, but after Candy she said that was enough to convince her not to use drugs. I've read all these reviews saying how amazing and shocking Requiem was, but I just didn't get that feeling I'm afraid. When it ended, I just had that 'Is that it?!' feeling. Maybe I read too much about it beforehand.

Thanks for all the recommendations everyone!

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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2008, 10:53:57 am »
Sweet, i will definitely check out Shelter and My Own Private Idaho.

I just watched Lars and the Real Girl. That is a very good movie! Ryan Gosling doesn't seem to get enough credit, he was amazing in it. Very sad, yet comical. It could of been easily based on a true story.

Requiem for a Dream didn't shock me and i mainly felt bad for Ellen Burstyn. That's the only one, really.

I just got Talk to Her from my library, maybe gonna watch it today.

I'm not a huge fan of Candy. I really like it, and Heath's performance, but i think the movie is kinda unbalanced. Abbie Cornish impressed me more than Heath in it, actually. I already knew Heath was a good actor.

what about Candy vs Monster's Ball??? which displays the better Heath performance, and which one is the better movie? I love Monster's Ball- thats a great movie, very tragic, and Halle Berry gives a great performance. So much shit hit that movie when she won. I think she deserved it. Stupid how some thought that the only way for her to win an Oscar was to have a viscious sex scene with a white dude.  :laugh:

i don't recall Whoopi having one in Ghost, and she won
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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #14 on: August 13, 2008, 11:10:16 am »
My film society is showing a double feature with Manniquin and Lars and the Real Girl next Saturday so I am planning to attend on your recommendation...thank you for the reviews!

I bet you will enjoy Talk to Her! I did!

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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2008, 02:38:37 pm »
Seadragon, the comment about your daughter and Candy, rang so true to me.My oldest son is plagued with so many problems as a result of a combination of Bipolar and Tourettes.He watched Candy with me, I had previously watched it.If he is to be believed, the portrayal of adiction was enough to convince him to stay well away.
I liked it ,because unlike trainspotters, which I hated, it was an even portrayal.It seemed centered in reality, and at a level anyone could relate to.The characters were "ordinary" and could have been your neighbour.That being the case it was a salient warning to anyone tempted to dabble in Heroin.It is not chic,it just slowly and insidiously destroys all it touches.
I loved the performances and my heart bled for Heaths' character at the end.
The death of the older character, was as shocking as was his addiction.It sent shivers down my spine, knowing that all the time Heath was surveying the lifeless body of Geoffrey Rush, in the not too distant future, he would be in the same position himself.the phrase, life imitating art was not far from my mind.

The parallels were almost too much to bear.

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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2008, 05:20:57 pm »
Optom, well put. That's exactly how it made me feel. You hit the nail on the head when you said they were just like your neighbour, just 'ordinary'. My sister has had a hard time with depression and low self esteem since she was in her teens (she's now in her late 20's and getting on ok now). Having been through with it with my sister, I think Candy showed really well how helpless the people surrounding those in the grip of something they can't control really are. The only person that can make you stop hurting yourself is yourself at the end of the day. I liked that Candy wasn't exaggerated and didn't try to use false shock tactics to get it's message across because the reality on it's own is more than shocking enough.

Rebel, I liked Monster's Ball a lot, although I honestly believe that Heath's part was the one that stood out. I don't much like either Halle Berry or Billy Bob Thornton. It would have to be Candy for me out of the two, hands down.

I haven't seen Lars and the Real Girl yet although it's on my list of films to see. Ryan Gosling is brilliant!

Two days off work now and then no kids for a whole week (at their grandparents!  ;D) so lots of time to watch things hopefully!

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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #17 on: August 13, 2008, 06:47:08 pm »
Talk to Her wasn't bad. I was disapointed, but i enjoyed it. beautiful, as was All About My Mother. Pedro A. really has a keen eye, and i think that was very obvious in the movie.

A lot of people didn't like Halle Berry in Monster's Ball. I guess the tragedy in the movie pulled me in, it is a very sad movie. I watched it for the 2nd time during one of my Brokeback fits (which i advise not to do) because i died was horrible. I cried more during that one viewing than i ever did to any other movie. I guess i was vulnerable, PBS (Post-brokeback-syndrome) as they say.

I'm going to watch The Squid and the Whale! I've heard a lot of good things about this movie, and i'm excited. I also got Terms of Endearment (never saw it before). I'm officially a fan of Larry Mcmurtry- i'm reading The Last Picture Show (i had to after seeing the amazing movie). He also wrote Terms of Endearment, and of course the screenplay of Brokeback with Diana Ossana  8)

Lars and the Real Girl is very touching, very sad. It won't disappoint.
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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #18 on: August 13, 2008, 07:01:23 pm »

A lot of people didn't like Halle Berry in Monster's Ball. I guess the tragedy in the movie pulled me in, it is a very sad movie. I watched it for the 2nd time during one of my Brokeback fits (which i advise not to do) because i died was horrible. I cried more during that one viewing than i ever did to any other movie. I guess i was vulnerable, PBS (Post-brokeback-syndrome) as they say.

I really am floored by Sean Combs in the character Larence Musgrove, I think he has never received the attention he should have for that roll. He had to sit in an actual electric chair with the hood over his head and everything. I couldn't of done it.
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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2008, 10:42:56 pm »
It's been a very stressful spring and summer for me, and I find myself turning to two DVDs over and over.  One is the History of Britain collection the first 3 DVDs of the collection.  I don't know, the historian's voice is very soothing and evocative of a place so far away in time and space that it relaxes me.  I also watch Fellowship of the Ring for the same reason.  The beginning, in the Shire, with its peaceful, lovely homes nestled amidst the rolling green hills and fields and copses and the only things going on are some pleasant drinking with friends in a small pub, outdoor parties on warm spring nights, complete with fireworks and reading books under a huge green trees on quiet mornings.


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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #20 on: August 14, 2008, 04:06:57 pm »
yes, i used to fall asleep to Fellowship of the Rings every night in 5th grade. I hated it during 1st viewing (because i was stupid and prejudice against anything that wasn't Harry potter). But then i learned to love the movie....then i REALLY LOVED THE SEQUEL...AND THEN I DIED DURING RETURN OF THE KING, which i must say is a very depressing movie (i don't watch it too much, holds a special place in my little obsessive heart.)

How do you guys feel about Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? I just watched it for the 2nd time. I love it, i think it is a very solid movie. Elizabeth Taylor-besides for being almost too beautiful, she is just great in this movie. Her performance was one of the first movies i saw her in (what a difference between this and her character in Giant, or Butterfield 8 !!!) i just love the movie, Richard Burton was great too, of course. It seemed to speak levels. I've been watching a lot of Elizabeth Taylors movies lately

A Place in the Sun - wonderful, it took a second viewing to truly appreciate this beauty
Giant - slow, and sad, because of Jimmy Dean
A Cat On the Hot Tin Roof - despite being different from the play, this is a great movie (James Dean was to play in it, but died 3 years before it came out. Ultimately Paul Neman gives a great performance in his place)
Suddenly, Last Summer - this is a very underrated movie. I love Tennessee Williams, and Kate Hepburn and Elizabeth Taylor of course!!!!
Butterfield 8 - It was good, not her best performance (she won the Oscar for this one)

ones i'm looking for

National Velvet
Taming of the Shrew (original 10 Things I hate about You)
Raintree County
Reflections in a Golden eye
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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #21 on: August 14, 2008, 06:38:02 pm »
It's been a very stressful spring and summer for me, and I find myself turning to two DVDs over and over.  One is the History of Britain collection the first 3 DVDs of the collection.  I don't know, the historian's voice is very soothing and evocative of a place so far away in time and space that it relaxes me.  I also watch Fellowship of the Ring for the same reason.  The beginning, in the Shire, with its peaceful, lovely homes nestled amidst the rolling green hills and fields and copses and the only things going on are some pleasant drinking with friends in a small pub, outdoor parties on warm spring nights, complete with fireworks and reading books under a huge green trees on quiet mornings.


That description just gave me a huge, I miss my farmhouse in England pang.We used to walk over the fields to the pub in the evening, sit with friends to have a few drinks and the kids would run round like kids do.Sometimes having paper boat races in the stream by the side of the pub.
We would all then walk back acros the fields, some of us in more of a straight line than others.!!!!
I have just realised, that much as I love it here and I do, the heat has allowed me to drop so many of my medications, I miss walking by the bluebell wood, next to us,in fact I miss walking .
I also miss sitting in the orchard at the bottom of our garden reading, book in one hand, glass of Pimms in the other.Ofcourse the reality is that happened not very often as I was either working or it was cold and wet,It was however a very evocative memory, in a good way, so thankyou for that.

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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #22 on: August 14, 2008, 09:04:56 pm »
I love movies about ships, especially the big sailing ships with many sails and masts. Some of my favorite movies of that genre are:

The Bounty

Master and Commander - The Far Side of the World

White Squall


And even though this next one has NOTHING to do with ships, I also love the movie Amadeus, which I'm planning to watch sometime tonight! :D

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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #23 on: August 21, 2008, 04:03:54 pm »
WOW! I've watched a bunch more movies! Start to bring this thread back to life

so, as i've said before, i'm really into Gael Garcia Bernal. Lately i've watched these movies of his

The Science of Sleep - very cute, very interesting, he's a good actor. I liked the audacity of this one
Babel - rewatched this one, still love it. Great movie, with my favorite ending of all time, very poignant
The Motorcycle Diaries - this movie was flawed, but good and inspirational. The power of it hits at the end

BAD EDUCATION - i just finished this, what a great movie. my favorite Almodovar.  Sexy, but with a great storyline, very thrilling, very thought-provoking!!! Gael's really good in that one

I'm soon to watch him in Dot the I and Y Tu Mama Tambien (which i've heard is really good)

others i've watched since last posting (plus Gael's movies)

Driving Miss Daisy - very touching, and a very memorable
Volver - Another Pedro Almodovar. Great movie, never thought Penelope Cruz was that good.
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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #24 on: August 21, 2008, 06:15:26 pm »
I liked  A Place In The Sun too.
All this talk of movies has made me revisit some very old ones, which I had to order through Amazon.Next day delivery, amazing,
I got Midnight express, Apocalypse now and Last Tango in Paris.
When I first watched all of these films I know they had a profound effect on me. Not to the level of BBM but they did stay with me for a day or two. So far I have only watched Apocalypse now, and it is still, to me a very good film.
I am interested to see how the other 2 stand the test of time.Will post on results.

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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #25 on: August 22, 2008, 10:59:22 am »
really enjoyed Mamma Mia.  Had a lot of laughs!

Although, I must say, I don't go to movies very often.

I had thought about seeing "Mirrors", but it didn't get good reviews, from what I saw.

Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #26 on: August 22, 2008, 10:51:54 pm »
yes, do tell about Last Tango in Paris. Thats a movie i long to see. Apocolypse Now is a great movie. I need to watch it again to fully get what its about, but i really liked it on first viewing.

Mamma Mia looks good to me, i want to see that. Meryl Streep is so talented, and she looks hot as hell in it.

Y Tu Mama Tambien was an amazing movie. It was a movie version of sex, basically. It was character-driven and the character's were sex-driven or even life-driven. It was wonderful, and really had an effect on me. Can't ignore sex now. At times i resented it, because of some juvenile jealousy issues, but you grow to look beyond that.

Dot the I was okay. I liked the twist, that was cool, and it was a fun movie, but not much to write home about. Could of been played better, i felt.

Tomorrow, i plan on watching One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest, Y Tu Mama Tambien (again) and/or The Color Purple. So many movies in one day, because school starts on Monday

movies are my real education
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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #27 on: August 24, 2008, 01:37:45 am »
Legends of the Fall

Lost count of how many times Ive seen this movie, but absolutely love it. It is such an epic, with excellent acting.
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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #28 on: August 24, 2008, 02:09:26 am »
WOW! I've watched a bunch more movies! Start to bring this thread back to life

so, as i've said before, i'm really into Gael Garcia Bernal. Lately i've watched these movies of his

The Science of Sleep - very cute, very interesting, he's a good actor. I liked the audacity of this one
Babel - rewatched this one, still love it. Great movie, with my favorite ending of all time, very poignant
The Motorcycle Diaries - this movie was flawed, but good and inspirational. The power of it hits at the end

BAD EDUCATION - i just finished this, what a great movie. my favorite Almodovar.  Sexy, but with a great storyline, very thrilling, very thought-provoking!!! Gael's really good in that one

I'm soon to watch him in Dot the I and Y Tu Mama Tambien (which i've heard is really good)

others i've watched since last posting (plus Gael's movies)

Driving Miss Daisy - very touching, and a very memorable
Volver - Another Pedro Almodovar. Great movie, never thought Penelope Cruz was that good.

I absolutely love Driving Miss Daisy. Jessica Tandy and Morgan Freeman are two of my favorite actors. I watched it just a week ago. It's a beautiful movie. :)

Legends of the Fall

Lost count of how many times Ive seen this movie, but absolutely love it. It is such an epic, with excellent acting.

I've seen that movie many times too Sue. I love it! Brad Pitt did an amazing job playing Tristan. :)
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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #29 on: August 24, 2008, 02:22:18 am »
OMG Yes....Brad Pitt was amazing.....not to mention the always excellent acting of Anthony Hopkins.
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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #30 on: August 24, 2008, 04:46:34 am »
Yesterday I finally did it. I saw The Dark Knight. Maybe I should be posting this somewhere else but here I am. My daughter, 19 years, refused to see it with me. She thinks Batman movies is a load of crap..... :o My son, 14 on Saturday, is one year to young to watch it here in Sweden. So I went alone. It is not my favourite kind of movie but since I like to learn new things I thought I might discover a new, funny and exiting genre in movies.... :laugh: ;D


Heath was OK, he seemed to have a lot of fun, Morgan Freeman as always excellent and also Michael Caine. But the rest...and the story....I actually fell asleep twice, never happaned before on an action film..... :(

I know I'm an old woman - 54 - but I didn't know I was that old.

Save your money, skip it if you haven't seen it already.

Next movie will be Mamma Mia. Not my genre either but maybe I discover a new, funny and exiting genre......I am a true optimist  ::) :laugh:

Ennis.....always Ennis.....

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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #31 on: August 24, 2008, 04:54:50 am »
Yesterday I finally did it. I saw The Dark Knight. Maybe I should be posting this somewhere else but here I am. My daughter, 19 years, refused to see it with me. She thinks Batman movies is a load of crap..... :o My son, 14 on Saturday, is one year to young to watch it here in Sweden. So I went alone. It is not my favourite kind of movie but since I like to learn new things I thought I might discover a new, funny and exiting genre in movies.... :laugh: ;D


Heath was OK, he seemed to have a lot of fun, Morgan Freeman as always excellent and also Michael Caine. But the rest...and the story....I actually fell asleep twice, never happaned before on an action film..... :(

I know I'm an old woman - 54 - but I didn't know I was that old.

Save your money, skip it if you haven't seen it already.

Next movie will be Mamma Mia. Not my genre either but maybe I discover a new, funny and exiting genre......I am a true optimist  ::) :laugh:


Berit! You're not old. Stop saying that!

I didn't really care for the Dark Knight either. I was like.... mmmyyaah... What ever. :-\

It was okay, but nothing to break out the champagne over. But I've never been a real Batman fan to begin with, so perhaps I'm not the best judge for this movie. :)

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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #32 on: August 24, 2008, 06:01:22 am »
You know David, I have teenagers in the house....need I say more.....moms are ALWAYS old for a teenager....

I don't think that my son would like it and I know my hubby woudn't.

Mamma Mia might be better.... :laugh:

Ennis.....always Ennis.....

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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #33 on: August 25, 2008, 10:39:58 am »
A typical "so bad it's good" movie on the "Sci-fi" channel movie called "Locusts - The 8th Plague".

A science lab has created a group of locusts that don't eat crops.  They are now carnivorous, and have been trained to eat other bugs that eat crops, eliminating the need for dangerous pesticides.

Of course, they escape from the lab, and start to eat livestock, and people. 

One memorable scene, an amusement park is attacked by the swarm, while people are strapped into rides, unable to escape.

Who thinks these things up?

Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!

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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #34 on: September 03, 2008, 08:23:49 pm »
sci-fi movies are totally bad, but i've might of seen that one...and i think i liked it.

So i have to say One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and The Color Purple are two of the most perfect movies ever made. Love Whoopi, love Jack, love both of these movies.

I watched a ton of movies, of course

Shine - one of the best performances of all time, Geoffrey Rush is just awesome
My Left Foot - one of my favorite movies! Another amazing performance in a very inspirational movie
Monster's Ball - such a lovely story. Very sad, but also pleasent, because the two leads seem like each other's guardian angel
The Red Shoes - i really liked this one, but i have to watch it again. I wasn't focused the whole time, and i think i missed some big parts
In Bruges - such a good movie! Possibly the best of 2008, that i've seen. Colin Farrell is awesome in this one-it is both sad and hilarious.
Mamma Mia - this one was just so entertaining and fun! Meryl was just so alive in this one.
Diary of the Dead - not bad at all, it had a good 'message'
Easy Rider - this one was true blue. Infuriating at the end but still pretty laid back
The King - another great Gael Garcia Bernal movie. Totally amusing
The Crime of Pedro Amaro - Gael once more. This was complex, tragic, and intriguing.
A Home at the end of the World - this one is strange, but i really like it-its sad, touching and i love friendship movies

i think there may be more

i think i'm missing some...
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Re: Movies you've been watching
« Reply #35 on: September 03, 2008, 08:31:26 pm »
The only one of the bunch that I have seen is Mamma Mia, I loved it! Good to see you Pheonix!

Have you every seen Being There?


"It was only you in my life, and it will always be only you, Jack, I swear."