Gabreya, thank you for starting this one. Reading it now for the first time, it seems a lot of folks have something to get off their chests, so to speak, about these scenes.
To try to stay on topic, I, as a mostly-straight (I've kissed a couple girls myself, Fiona:), and it was lovely) woman, was gigantically turned on by both sex scenes. Number 1, helllllooooo, it was Heath and Jake, for goodness' sake, and number 2, it was finally the culmination of what we, as viewers, knew would be the outcome (no pun intended, sorry), but that they, as Ennis and Jack, weren't sure would actually happen. So the intrigue and mystery and waiting only added to the excitement of that first night. Honestly, I didn't think it would be as quick as it was, but I'm guessing that's something the censors controlled, rather than truly reflecting reality between two men. But then again, I've never in real life, seen two men making love for the first time, so what do I know?
I think everyone has certain sexual preferences, for lots of reasons. Maybe based on what they've seen in the movies as they were growing up, or seen in real life, or something a lover turned them on to, or any number of other things. I've never in my life judged two people who wanted to be together. And if there's love involved, as opposed to just like or lust, then all the better.
It is unfortunate for men in this society, that they don't get the approval and/or opportunity, to express their affection or sadness or other emotions with men. But women get to, without a second glance. This has always bothered me, that old pat-two-or-three-times-hard-on-the-back hug thing that men do. I think that's part of why I like BBM so much. Ennis and Jack, they never did that. Every time, it was either all or nothing between them, and when I say that, I mean, it started as a look, several looks actually, and a handshake. Every reunion thereafter, including their final moments together (ouch!), was marked with the most giant of hugs and happiness and love oozing out of both of them. I think they set an example that all men should see. It's okay to express your emotions, not just to the women in your life, but to every person in your life.
And I agree with another thing on this thread. Whenever I had a nightmare as a child and as a teenager back in the 80's, which was a lot, there was never a second's hesitation in crawling into bed between my mom and dad, and being comforted by both of them, back to slumber. Was a simpler time then, I guess. Sad to say. I know I couldn't have made it through a lot of nights, without them there to assure me there'd be better dreams to come. Some nights now, when I can't sleep, I drive over to my mom and dad's empty house, and crawl into that bed, somewhere in the crack, between the two pillows, where all my nightmares stopped...