Author Topic: Getting in Touch With Your Feelings About Brokeback Mountain  (Read 35328 times)

Offline BBMGrandma

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Re: Getting in Touch With Your Feelings About Brokeback Mountain
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2006, 04:56:42 pm »

 The emotional dust bunnys we sweep under the bed only get bigger if we ignore them. It is a lesson I've had to re-learn every so often throughout my life.

If only Ennis had been able to do so.

WOW Tim....very well PUT!!  I had SUCH a pile of those 'bunnies' swept under my bed....for EONS!!  Through the emotional 'shake-up' that I experienced through 'our movie' I've made some unbelievable 'clean-ups' that were hidden SOOO far under that bed.  Thanks to THIS forum.....and the most wonderful caring people I've met here

Stay here with bet is that you'll find your 'dust bunny sweeper' right our safe place. 

Much love....Nancy  . 
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Offline BBMGrandma

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Re: Getting in Touch With Your Feelings About Brokeback Mountain
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2006, 07:16:13 pm »
I read this post today on the IMDB forum...and just HAD to drag it over's sooo beautifully poignant...that I feel it deserves a read....on OUR FORUM. 

Posted by: pierre at March 5, 2006 11:42 PM

I had a vision march 5th,
I swear I saw jack and Ennis turn down their heads when " crash" was read and relegated back to the solitary confinement of the Mountains. i swear i saw Ennis lead as jack followed in disbelief. I swear i saw the fight of their last meeting resurrected, and the brief glimpses of the beauty they shared, albeit cut short by what surrounds them. i swear i saw that they held onto each other harder then ever before, harder then any prior fight. They knew all they have is each other. the world is not for them. They are sun and moon forever united. So full of hope that they could be with one another in the light, only to find out the tire iron still exists just in the body of a ignorant group and shape of a white envelope.

i swear i saw ennis and jack, slowly gather their belongings. Fold up the tent. put away the joyous harmonica for the last time. Climb on their horses and ride out of the auditorium. riding past the howling coyotes and learned snakes. Where they'll go? they don't know. But they know they are not welcome here and our boys are too good to stay any place they are not wanted.
I swear i saw them ride into me. they ride into my heart. make a camp. build a cabin. run a cattle operation. In my heart i will protect them from the world. I will protect them from what they don't understand. Ennis will hold jack and jack will hold ennis in my offer of peace and a home in my soul. I will let them love as they wish and only i can dream. Forever a part of me.
Jack and Ennis... I swear ..."

"The dogs may bark, but the caravan passes on."
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Re: Getting in Touch With Your Feelings About Brokeback Mountain
« Reply #12 on: March 11, 2006, 01:16:52 am »
Our friend Pierre gets it...that is so moving...he needs to get a personal invite to join us, I think.
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Re: Getting in Touch With Your Feelings About Brokeback Mountain
« Reply #13 on: March 11, 2006, 10:39:15 am »
I read this post today on the IMDB forum...and just HAD to drag it over's sooo beautifully poignant...that I feel it deserves a read....on OUR FORUM. 

You know I've been thinking this exact same thing all week, that Jack & Ennis live with us now.

But Pierre's given the sentiment a poetic zing, and we know he is kindred.

Once again I shed tears of joy that we have BBM, and Jack & Ennis.

Thanks Nancy.
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Offline strazeme

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Re: Getting in Touch With Your Feelings About Brokeback Mountain
« Reply #14 on: March 11, 2006, 02:38:54 pm »
Our friend Pierre gets it...that is so moving...he needs to get a personal invite to join us, I think.

Left a message for Pierre ... he's been invited on over.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2006, 09:48:46 pm by Phillip »

Offline BBMGrandma

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Re: Getting in Touch With Your Feelings About Brokeback Mountain
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2006, 12:45:16 am »
Our friend Pierre gets it...that is so moving...he needs to get a personal invite to join us, I think.
Left a message for Pierre ... he's been invited on over.

HOORAY for you Lynne!!  ^5 girl!!  I hope he joins us here!!
« Last Edit: March 12, 2006, 09:49:45 pm by Phillip »
"If we never dream....we'll never have a dream come true"   (me...myself...and I)

Offline Phillip Dampier

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Re: Getting in Touch With Your Feelings About Brokeback Mountain
« Reply #16 on: March 12, 2006, 09:10:04 pm »
But I couldn't wait and I found the short story on the Internet in a RTF (Rich Text Format) file.

One of my favorite lines from a movie comes from Meryl Streep in Postcards from the Edge:

"Instant gratification takes too long!"

I read the short story online too, only after I saw the movie.  I didn't really connect to the background noise about the movie until after I saw it.  I knew I wanted to see it, but was spending January trying to angle a good time to catch the new Harry Potter movie, a series I am quite fond of.  Besides, I don't go into "I must know everything about this movie" until after I see it.  If I had seen the forum activity before I saw the movie, I would have thought people were going Star Trek-nutty analyzing every frame of film.

I read the story on January 7, 2006 and immediately started journaling about it to try and find WHY this story has hit me so hard.  I have been in Psychotherapy since 1989 and I haven't cried this much since my mom died right in front of me in 1988.  My illness restricts my ability to travel so I had to wait until January 23, 2006 to see the film for the first time in a theater that was close enough for me to travel to.  I was glad that the theater was filled with just a few people, women mostly.  I probably missed half of the visuals because I couldn't see the screen through my tears.  Ultimately, I have seen the film 5 times.  I can't go anymore because my attempts to stifle my crying have become audible enough to irritate anyone around me.   I can't wait for the DVD to come out.  I pre-ordered it as soon as I read Annie's story.

First, I cannot imagine what kind of challenges you have had to endure over these past years, and I send you as much strength as I can, and it's for folks like you that this place was created for.  You are not alone.  I want this to be a place you can count on coming to to share your feelings and finding a caring audience to do our best to help you through them.

Second, I think reactions like you have shared (in common with lots of people) just underlines and confirms my premise that it's not the film alone that is provoking this kind of response - it's the film's amazing efficiency at dragging all of the baggage we've stored away inside ourselves right to the surface and then just lays it bare.  All that hard work trying to ignore the bad stuff in our lives, convincing ourselves we can deal with it later, is literally left exposed and we are all shocked by it.  Many of us don't know why so we keep going back again and again looking for nuances, reasons, answers... ANYTHING to help us cope.

But as I've said many times here, the answers to a lot of this aren't on the screen, they're inside us.  So now we have to identify them, prioritize them, and learn to first cope and then manage and resolve them, if we can.  With me personally, once I realized this, and began to take charge, my emotional state improved a great deal.  Now it's not Jack or Ennis who are so important to me -- it's all of you guys here.  You are all very real people, and each of your movies are still in progress and there's plenty of time to write the endings each of us wants to write.

The only film that I have seen more is "The Wizard of Oz" which I fell in love with when I was a small child.   I have a fondness for classic movies so I have seen Casablanca and the ilk many times - but NOTHING IN THE WORLD has affected me so much since my mom died.  I rarely go to modern movies. I don't like all of the cursing.  And most modern movies don't have plots like the classic movies did.

I have a fondness for classic films myself - lots of mysteries, film noir, and even comedies from a more innocent era.  I am probably one of the youngest fans out there for Angela Lansbury and never missed a Murder, She Wrote episode.  Woman faces the death of her husband, becomes a writer, and writes a whole new chapter for her life.  I think part of the appeal for me is her character's independence and success.  A lot of current movies are just rehashes of the same old tired formulas and, especially lately, have been just awful, relying more on special effects than on plot.

As for violence, try to sit through Sin City sometime.  That movie makes Scarface look like The Sound of Music.  I have no idea how they'll ever be able to adapt that for television.  We have a lot of graphic novels/comics coming to life as movies these days, but none of them impact on me emotionally at all, except maybe when they try to push the envelope a little further with graphic violence. 

WOW was I wrong.  The film hit her own psychogical issues with her late mother and her husband.  On the way back home she "critiqued" it in a way that just crushed me.   I told her to stop but she couldn't or wouldn't.   I finally told her to stop the car and let me walk back to my apartment (a few blocks).  I have had no contact with her since then.  She called 3 times and emailed me but I just ignored it.  I guess I in a state of emotional high maintenance that only my psychotherapist can help me get through.

Each of us is bound to have a different emotional reaction to this movie.  Some of us are going to cry a lot and feel utterly exposed by the film, in a state of fragility where even the most inane comment can be like a dagger to our feelings.  Others react to emotional pain by lashing out angrily, attacking the film as a defense mechanism in a desperate effort to bottle those exposed feelings back up.  I can imagine if a significant other pushed one's buttons so many times that you just couldn't take it anymore, one could just smack the other person down.  Hell, we saw Jack do exactly that to Ennis on their last meeting when Ennis just lost it and reacted initially by trying to hit Jack before he collapsed in tears on the ground.

We have to respect the individual responses each of us has to the film.  We have to avoid perceiving slights as some attack on our own feelings about the movie.  I had that reaction myself when a friend of mine trashed the movie.  I took it personally.  But then I realized I was better than that person anyway.   ;D  Seriously, I just got over it and decided that it wasn't appropriate for me to take those views personally.  You should probably be willing to do the same.  She may be contacting you to let you know she feels bad about what happened.  Life is too short to throw away a friendship based on something like this.  Nothing she says diminishes the validity of your feelings and passion for this film.

As I have said in other forums, I am Ennis and so was my dad.

Actually, just recognizing you are Ennis is the first step of not being Ennis.   :)  If you're not happy being Ennis-like, you've already taken the first step by recognizing the issue and considering a change.  Now we just have to find ways to help people take the next step... and then the next... and then the next after that.
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Re: Getting in Touch With Your Feelings About Brokeback Mountain
« Reply #17 on: March 12, 2006, 09:25:14 pm »
I'm hurting so bad I can hardly stand it, almost makes me wish I'd never opened to door to BBM.  This film made me aware of a profound emptiness in my life .. I'm so lost and alone ... and I don't even have shirts.  I've cried so much, literally, more than in my entire life.  Everything has been so bottled up inside, I've lost touch with myself.  So now, when I try to remember if I ever had a dream of a bluebird-whisky spring, I have no idea where to go with my new awareness.  My life is just on auto-pilot, going through the paces, but now I have to deal with it ... and I feel deeply wounded.  Looking for clue, I've tried to replay all my past, asking whether there was ever a time I was really happy, really felt love, and I've decided I'm far worse off than ever.  Because now I know it, and it won't go away.  Thanks for listening, just writing it out seemed helful.

Hi Strazeme.  Thanks for sharing these real feelings with all of us.  But I want you to consider a few things that might help you on your journey.  I've been talking to a psychologist about how movies impact on people's lives and the stages people go through in dealing with being unhappy or even depressed.  Part of the road to happiness when being sad or depressed is recognizing that there is something just not right with the way your life is going and you are aware of it and you are willing to share those feelings with others.  For a lot of people, they already know they are unhappy and they want to make changes to become happy - they just don't know what specifically to do to move forward.  You just admitted you are already on the first step of your journey to making some change in your life - you've become profoundly aware that there is an issue.

I don't want you to look at that as a major negative, because it's not.  It's a positive development because people who are content with themselves are not about to find the energy to change things, are they?

Do you think it might be true that the problem here is that you aren't sure what to do to get off auto-pilot, to stop being lonely, and stop bottling all of your feelings up?  If that's the case, perhaps some of us here can help you explore those things and help get you looking in some new directions.

I set up a forum called Our Daily Thoughts.  It's sort of half-blog, half-diary.  Every single user here is invited to start one just by posting a new message there and replying to it with new thoughts as often as they like.  Whatever you are thinking about, why not post it there and let it all out.  It doesn't have to be about the movie - it just has to be about you.  Since you're anonymous, nobody is going to know who you are, so you can be brutally honest.  Nobody will ridicule you for your feelings.  Instead, it's my hope that people here will help you through them, sharing their own experiences - especially on things they've gone through just like you, and perhaps as a group we can keep each other going forward.

This is still a new place - just a month old, and we're still adding a user or three a day, and as traffic builds, so can the number of people to help each other.  Please consider starting a message in that forum so we can join forces and help you move forward.

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Re: Getting in Touch With Your Feelings About Brokeback Mountain
« Reply #18 on: March 12, 2006, 09:27:35 pm »
p.s.  Philip....can you direct STRAZ to your "5 stages" plz?  I don't yet know how to post from another forum to THIS one!! 

Sorry it took me awhile to get back to this thread.  I have been making my way up and down the forums with all of the new messages here and trying to give everyone some personal attention!

Here is a link to the stages thread:
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Re: Getting in Touch With Your Feelings About Brokeback Mountain
« Reply #19 on: March 12, 2006, 09:38:29 pm »
The thing that has sustained me this week is knowing that when I've been in this place before, as painful as it has been, I've moved past it and grown as a person. It is hard to deal with pain, but it made me reexamine my life and make the changes to have the things I truly wanted.

If only Ennis had been able to do so.

I recognize that Ennis trait of excuse making not to make necessary changes.  I suffer the same thing - paralysis of fear.  Big, major changes in my life terrify me.  They always have.  Moving up to a new school was enough to upset me, learning how to drive and get a license got put off, going to college was scary, trying to become more extroverted and open about myself, doing the career thing.  It took me years just to get enough courage to get out of renting a townhome and buying a house.  It's fear... everytime.  Lately career changing has been the biggest fear for me, as I wanted to get more into writing and doing something online for work.  The movie was the big catalyst for me to start pursuing it.  I've started by launching this site.  It's giving me experience to take into my next project (and don't worry, there is no way I am abandoning this one) to launch a site for consumer news, reviews, and information.  Its been an idea languishing for a few years because I just lacked enthusiasm and motivation.  BetterMost has given me both now.

What is maddening about Ennis is that he didn't have anyone pushing him.  I suspect half the forum membership here would hop a Greyhound to go out and smack Ennis silly and get him to wake up if we had the chance.  Now here is the scary part - there are REAL LIFE Ennis' among us right now.  You know who you are.   :o  So all the people frustrated by our inability to reach out and do something for Ennis now have that chance right here, right now, and the day after that, and the week after that and so on.  All you have to do is post and participate here.  Everyone's opinion is valued and wanted.  Don't worry about whether you are the best writer or not.  If you ask people which posts on here just floored you the most, I guarantee you some of them were not written by professional writers by any means.

Besides, we can't help give people ideas and support if they never write anything.  So, to those lurkers on here... no more:  :-X  It's forbidden here.   :)
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