Hey, everyone,
I have enjoyed so much the insights from so many new readers. What wonderful reading!
Real life has rudely intruded into my time lately. My laptop started smoking from the keyboard last week, so I've had to make do with sharing the desktop with my son – much to his disgust. And there's a new issue with Apple's latest system upgrade creating major problems with third-party software. At least two of our three computers are affected. *Groan* If you own a Mac, DON'T download the latest upgrade!
Meanwhile, I found the last locations update in my profile. So here's what I've got so far.
New readers, let me know via PM or post if you want to be added to this list. You may offer only whatever details you wish. Time changes in three weeks!
Locations update, in alphabetical order:
Belbbmfan: Leuven, Belgium (CET=EDT+6)
Bigheart: Bergschenhoek, Holland (CET=EDT+6)
CarolK1943: Somewhere, Michigan (EDT)
DavidinHartford/David: Hartford (duh), Connecticut (EDT)
DeeDee: Baltimore, Maryland (EDT)
gn411: St. Petersburg, Florida (EDT)
Helen/Helen: Somewhere, UK (UKT=EDT+5)
JennyC: San Francisco, California (PDT=EDT-3)
Laurel: Rocky Hill, Connecticut (EDT)
Louisev/Louise: Saarbrücken, Germany (CET=EDT+6)
LoveEmBoys: Somewhere, Colorado (MDT=EDT-2)
Lucise: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (MDT=EDT-2)
Lynne: Tennessee, USA (CDT)
Madlori/Lori: Columbus, Ohio (EDT)
Magicmountain/Jo: Sydney, Australia (AEDT=EDT+11)
Mainewriter/Leslie: Portland, Maine (EDT)
Moremojo/Scott: Austin, Texas (CDT=EDT-1)
Navyvet: Somewhere, Florida (EDT)
Neatfreak/Betty: Indianapolis, Indiana (EDT)
notBastet: Somewhere, North Carolina (EDT)
Opinionista/Natali: Madrid, Spain (CET=EDT+6)
Pastorfred/Fred: Moscow, Idaho (PDT=EDT-3)
Quiplash: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (CDT=EDT-1)
Ranchgal: Northern Plains of South Dakota (CDT=EDT-1)
Scudder: Tucson, Arizona (MST=EDT-3, for now)
Tamarack: Vienna, Maine (EDT)
Yb: Hongkong, China (Name of zone?=EDT+9)