Author Topic: Spiritual Nonsense  (Read 2969 times)

Offline Daniel

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Spiritual Nonsense
« on: July 04, 2006, 10:08:05 am »
Disclaimer: This is a very serious thread about all sorts of spiritual messages that have been offered in the film, and what I think we should do about them. Some of the posts will be straight exposition, but others will be presented in fictional dialogue or as religious invocation. It may seem sacreligious, in fact I am certain I would be burned as a heretic if we were in the Fourteenth Century, but I feel that I must share this with someone and right now I guess this is the best place to do it.
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline Daniel

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An Invocation
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2006, 10:22:04 am »
To the Spirits of Ennis and Jack, I offer myself freely.
To perform service for mankind, to bring forth the teachings of their story.
To share the Four Great Precepts and the Eight Spiritual Realities of their Gospel.
To dedicate the self in Love.
To crystalize the self in Truth.
To acknowledge the self in Wisdom.
To heighten the self in Beauty.
To share with others the reality of Love.
To share with others the reality of Meaning.
To share with others the reality of Happiness.
To share with others the reality of Individuality.
To share with others the reality of Eros.
To share with others the reality of Death.
To share with others the reality of Communion.
To share with others the reality of Redemption.

I swear by the blood of Ennis, which was spilled that there might be Union.
I swear by the blood of Jack, which was spilled that there might be Separation.
I will hold these truths deep within my being until my final days.
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline Daniel

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Random Spiritual Ramblings
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2006, 10:31:27 am »
To perceive with the sixth sense - the sense that is outside the realm and the boundaries of the five senses, is to perhaps deny those five senses in an attempt to perceive meaning and truth in a purposeful way that transforms the inner being.

If it is in the realm of the subconscious, then those artforms which communicate directly to the subconscious appeal directly to the inner sense of being and are perceived immediately by the soul or spirit if not sooner.

That being said, is it possible that our spiritual sense can be forewarned of events which change our consciousness and can prepare our minds and souls for the invariable shock of that transformation?

If this is so, then many artforms and philolinguistic phenomena may in fact hold some basic symbolism which is capable of communicating with the soul directly, or with whatever portion of the mind enables the spiritual sense.

Whether or not we perceive a spiritual sense, we can allow some experiences to affect our inner beings in a direct manner.
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline Daniel

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Ritual of the Apple Pie
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2006, 10:48:34 am »
To continue to allow the spirits of Ennis and Jack to teach us their life lessons, let us devote ourselves to this simple ritual, which we do in remembrance of the pain that Ennis knew but was so loathe to release.

The Baking of the Pie:
I would not recommend going out to purchase an apple pie, but instead suggest that we make it from scratch. While engaged in this process of creation, we can devote our spirit to the messages of the film, thus creating a meditative practice.

Eating of the Pie:
Perhaps it would be best to do this with others who understand our devotions or by ourselves in privacy. Above all, if we feel the burning of tears, I do not feel we should hold them back or attempt to divert them in any way.

With a slice of pie on a plate in front of us, let us take a fork and pick at the pie until the apple filling is released. We then stir the apple filling. While we are stirring this filling, let us consider the many times that someone offered their loving awareness to us, and how we rejected it. As soon as we have these thoughts and feelings firmly in mind, let us take a slow and methodical bite of the apple filling, allowing it to dissolve in the mouth. Let us forgive ourselves for these moments and resolve to make it right again if we can. Then let us stir the apple filling on the plate again, considering the many times we offered our loving awarenesses toward others and how they rejected it: take a slow and methodical bite of the apple filling again, allowing it to dissolve in the mouth. Let us forgive those who have caused such pain in us, knowing that we have caused similar pain in others. Finally, let us perform this ritual one more time, focusing upon the many ways that love has been denied not by ourselves but by society. Let us send healing thoughts and prayers of repentance as we allow the third bite to dissolve in our mouths. Let us then eat the rest of the pie in silence, considering what beautiful moments the day has shown us or still has in store for us.
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline Rayn

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Re: Spiritual Nonsense
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2006, 02:10:19 pm »
Disclaimer: This is a very serious thread about all sorts of spiritual messages that have been offered in the film, and what I think we should do about them. Some of the posts will be straight exposition, but others will be presented in fictional dialogue or as religious invocation. It may seem sacreligious, in fact I am certain I would be burned as a heretic if we were in the Fourteenth Century, but I feel that I must share this with someone and right now I guess this is the best place to do it.

The Spiritual is often "Nonsense" to many people because they fail to use their senses with their reason to discover the spiritual that exists in daily life.  And you're right, you would be burnt at the stake for what you've done here, but this is not the 14th cent. and you have every right to engage us in the spiritual content and ideas of the story and there are many.  I encourage you to continue, but as I try to keep my life centered and simple, I offer only a post I wrote for the thread that I started, "Jack, I swear.... what do you think Ennis meant by that?"   I offer it because of it's spiritual nature.

Here it is.

The Triumph of Brokeback Mountain is the love that Ennis and Jack create for and in each other. I speak in present tenses here: Their love survives everything, even death.  In the end, it is living in Ennis, and so as atz75 points out, though Ennis is not one to swear, the only one he swears to is Jack.  Jack continues to have a strong effect on Ennis because he is alive in Ennis; he always will be. Whether or not Ennis meets another and creates a new relationship cannot weaken that bond. Their connection would only strengthen any future relationship.  That is what true love can do for people. Love calls us out of the canyons of our shadowy, singular Selves to the luminous mesas of the Truth; it's existence requires an oath, "Jack, I swear..."   

And thanks to all of you, for I know more clearly, more fully now what Ennis meant: first and foremost, "Jack, I swear, I love you."  and then perhaps other things as well, "I swear I'll get your ashes up to Brokeback."  "I swear if I'd understood how much you loved me, if I knew how much I'd miss you, things would have been different."  "Jack, I swear... life is hard without you, but your memory is the sweetest thing I know."  "Given a chance to love again, I know I'll do better because of you, Jack." --- I must also allow Ennis his privacy; accept that only he really knew what he felt and meant when he said, "Jack, I swear..."

Love is a gift that always comes with joy and sorrow.  Whether we accept or reject it shapes us; molds us into who we are and who we become.   How we learn from it; what we do with it is one of mysterious responsibilities of human life.  This too is one of the important messages of Brokeback Mountain.


Offline Rayn

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Re: Spiritual Nonsense
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2006, 02:18:15 pm »
I love your Invocation, Daniel.  Here's something else I'd like to offer here because it deals again with unconditional love.  I first wrote it for the thread, "Would you have last 20 years?"

Love is a Force of Nature! 

     The depth of those words may be lost because of simplicity of the statement.  I believe that true love, the unconditional kind, when you surrender to it, when it takes hold of your entire being, isn't a choice as much as some people imagine.  The choice is in the surrender to it, but then we embody it and it becomes a part of us, it becomes flesh, blood, memory, emotions, mind.

   My experience of this love is that it isn't momentary; it isn't over in a few months or years, it last forever and if you know it, you know "a foretaste of heaven"... if there are such places in some afterlife. 

     Is that something a person can walk away from, not usually.  Is it something a person will do almost anything to keep?  Yes.  Jack and Ennis both knew it.

     Life is never just joy and pleasure; there's always some measure of suffering and discomfort one has to bear without a doubt and real love is one of the great mysteries of comfort, strength, power and pleasure that makes it worth the pain. 

     I identify with Jack strongly because I have been fortunate enough to have known real love in this life and I know what he was feeling.  It can happen to you at any time in life and, I say again, we don't have as much control or power over "it" as it has over us. 

     Twenty years for a taste of eternity every month or so?  Yeah, it's worth hanging out for that.  Had Jack not met with the untimely end that he did, he would have met Ennis in November.   I have little doubt of that... nor did Jack..."


Offline Daniel

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Re: Ritual of the Apple Pie
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2006, 12:22:13 pm »
To continue to allow the spirits of Ennis and Jack to teach us their life lessons, let us devote ourselves to this simple ritual, which we do in remembrance of the pain that Ennis knew but was so loathe to release.

The Baking of the Pie:
I would not recommend going out to purchase an apple pie, but instead suggest that we make it from scratch. While engaged in this process of creation, we can devote our spirit to the messages of the film, thus creating a meditative practice.

Eating of the Pie:
Perhaps it would be best to do this with others who understand our devotions or by ourselves in privacy. Above all, if we feel the burning of tears, I do not feel we should hold them back or attempt to divert them in any way.

With a slice of pie on a plate in front of us, let us take a fork and pick at the pie until the apple filling is released. We then stir the apple filling. While we are stirring this filling, let us consider the many times that someone offered their loving awareness to us, and how we rejected it. As soon as we have these thoughts and feelings firmly in mind, let us take a slow and methodical bite of the apple filling, allowing it to dissolve in the mouth. Let us forgive ourselves for these moments and resolve to make it right again if we can. Then let us stir the apple filling on the plate again, considering the many times we offered our loving awarenesses toward others and how they rejected it: take a slow and methodical bite of the apple filling again, allowing it to dissolve in the mouth. Let us forgive those who have caused such pain in us, knowing that we have caused similar pain in others. Finally, let us perform this ritual one more time, focusing upon the many ways that love has been denied not by ourselves but by society. Let us send healing thoughts and prayers of repentance as we allow the third bite to dissolve in our mouths. Let us then eat the rest of the pie in silence, considering what beautiful moments the day has shown us or still has in store for us.

Well I have finally performed this ritual, at least in part. I didn't bake it from scratch, it was store-bought... *sigh*

I think I was fully in the moment though, cause it was one of the most emotionally difficult things for me to do, to look at, stir, and eat the pie. I really felt very anxious about the eating itself, and even when I did manage to get a piece in my mouth, I could feel tears rising to the surface. It was a true communion with Ennis's spirit, and allowed me a moment of peace to consider the sorrows of my life and how I can address them...
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline Daniel

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Re: Spiritual Nonsense
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2006, 12:48:37 am »
I am amazed by how many people on this board have connected with the film and somehow capture one essence or another of the spirit of the film. I think it is for that reason that I enjoy the Performance Thread so much. Everyone in it (including the original cast), has a deep connection with one of the characters from the film. They have some insight into what makes them tick, and what makes them unique as human beings. That is not an easy task. It is strange to see us embody these characteristics in our own life, but I think that these traits have always been there. We were waiting for some experience to bring them out of us, to allow us to feel free to be ourselves.

Every character, whether perceived as good or evil, has a part to play. Each part is necessary. Without one, the entire web melts in the breeze. In the film, and in life, we are attracted to the energies which drive us toward the destiny which makes the most sense for us. Whether this is providence or some other force within us, who can tell? The point is that the film does not create these experiences within us... It draws the experiences out into the open where they can be explored.

I am extremely thankful for the film which is Brokeback Mountain because of this fact. Its spiritual power is there in its capacity to connect with those who observe it and to add meaning and fulfillment to their own lives.
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.