This may be along the same lines as what others have said. However I'm not (at the moment) going to bother reading through that many posts. So here's my interpretation:
Ennis to me here, is saying several things.
"Jack, I swear I loved you since we first shook hands outside Joe Aguirre's office that day and I always will and if you were murdered, and I came to know them, who did it, they would get the thrashing of their lives. And I swear if I could go back and do things differently, then I would. I would have built a cabin up there on Brokeback, where we could live away from the prying eyes of society. Where we could be just us"
Of course, Ennis might not be so ummmm articulate? but thats my interpretation and I'm sticking to it. *folds arms defiantly* 
Hey Kat!
That definitely would be a mouthful for our Ennis! But, seriously, it's a lovely interpretation.
I personally think Ennis was motivated to go look at his little shrine in the closet specifically because of the conversation about "love" with Junior. So, I do think that it's very likely that the "word" love might be in Ennis's head as he makes this enigmatic statement.
Truly, I think the wonderful this is that the sentence is incomplete. So all of us can fill in the rest based on our own interpretations and understandings. It's the perfect manifestation of "completing the story" ourselves.
I love all the ambiguity that exists in BBM. It seems to be one of the key reasons that we can discuss this endlessly.
And, you have the right instincts about some of these really old, long threads. You certainly can just jump right in with your own comment on a topic without reading the whole thread. I do that all the time.