Author Topic: El Prado Museum of Madrid on Google Earth  (Read 1845 times)

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El Prado Museum of Madrid on Google Earth
« on: January 13, 2009, 06:57:11 pm »
Prado museum teams with Google Earth
Project allows people to zoom in, get a close look at gallery's main works

By Ciaran Giles
updated 1:08 p.m. ET Jan. 13, 2009

MADRID, Spain - Spain's Prado Museum has teamed up with Google Earth for a project that allows people to zoom in on the gallery's main works — even on details not immediately discernible to the human eye.

The initiative, announced Tuesday, is the first of its kind involving an art museum. It involves 14 of the Prado's choicest paintings, including Diego Velazquez's "Las Meninas," Francisco de Goya's "Third of May" and Peter Paul Rubens' "The Three Graces."

"There is no better way to pay tribute to the great masters of the history of art than to universalize knowledge of their works using optimum conditions," Prado director Miguel Zugaza said.

Google Spain director Javier Rodriguez Zapatero said the images now available on the Internet were 1,400 times clearer than what would be rendered with a 10-megapixel camera.

"With Google Earth technology it is possible to enjoy these magnificent works in a way never previously possible, obtaining details impossible to appreciate through firsthand observation," he said at a news conference at the museum.

Google Earth is a free service provided by the Internet search engine company Google that uses satellite technology to reproduce maps and finely detailed images of places throughout the world, from people's houses in American cities to beaches or forests in Africa.

The Prado idea was the brainchild of Google worker Clara Rivera.

"There is nothing comparable to standing before any of these paintings, but this offers a complementary view," Rivera said.

"Normally you have to stand a good distance away from these works, but this offers you the chance to see details that you could only see from a big ladder placed right beside them."

With the click of a mouse, she showed examples including that of a minuscule wasp on the petal of a flower just above the head of the women in the Rubens work. Another gave a microscopic glance of a teardrop in Roger van der Weyden's "Descent from the Cross."

The project involved 8,200 photographs taken between May and July last year which were then combined with Google Earth's zoom-in technology.

"With the digital image we're seeing the body of the paintings with almost scientific detail," Zugaza said. "What we don't see is the soul. The soul will always only be seen by contemplating original."

List of available paintings on Google Earth

La Crucifixión, Juan de Flandes

El caballero de la mano en el pecho, El Greco

La familia de Felipe IV o Las Meninas, Velázquez

El sueño de Jacob, Ribera

3 de mayo, Goya

La Anunciación, Fra Angelico

El Cardenal, Rafael

El emperador Carlos V, a caballo, en Mühlberg, Tiziano

Inmaculada Concepción, Tiepolo

El Descendimiento, Roger van der Weyden

El jardín de las Delicias o La pintura del madroño, El Bosco

Las tres Gracias, Rubens

Autorretrato, Durero

Artemisa, Rembrandt

Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement. -Mark Twain.