Author Topic: First Mate's Log  (Read 22046 times)

Offline Impish

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First Mate's Log
« on: July 28, 2006, 12:44:12 pm »
Hi everyone:

I;m not on the ship yet, but had to check in to see if Chris is OK and I'll rest easier now that he's out of his coma.  While I'm here, I thought I'd get this thread started... 

I'm in Nice using a French keyboard so forgive the many typos I'm sure to make. 
I arrived yesterday and wandered around Vieux Nice (old Nice) with its roads so teensy that no car could get through.  Stopped in a sorbet shop, where they make their own from every fruit imaginable.  I just had to try the cactus sorbet, and it was delicious.

I wnet to the museum of modern art today ...  my favorite piece was a replica of the Venus de Milo but the body was done using fake fingernails, with all different colors of nail polish.  Hard to explain.

Tomorrow I'm renting a car to drive up on the Grande Corniche above Nice, where Cary Grant and Grace Kelly picnicked in Hitchcock's "To Catch a Thief."

Sunday we board the ship at 1p, and set sail at 5pm.  More from the high seas on Monday.

Bonne journee a tous!

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Offline YaadPyar

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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2006, 03:41:29 pm »
This sounds just wonderful Bill - just wonderful!   I hope this journey through the world is a journey to yourself as well.  Best wishes,

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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2006, 03:50:39 pm »
Thanx for taking us along with U in spirit. Celeste, luv your new avatar.
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Offline David

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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2006, 05:12:22 pm »
Hey Impish!

    I just saw this pic they took of your group arriving on the Ship.   

If I were you,  I'd be real cautious with these people around Midnight!

<photo credit to Lucise>

Offline Front-Ranger

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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2006, 10:47:40 pm »
I think U need someone to come along and serve as the official cilantro taster, to make sure no cilantro is in the same room cabin as U! Meanwhile let us know of any brokeisms U hear on the cruise...and everything else for that matter!

p.s. David is running amok on Safe Haven...just as we all hoped!
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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2006, 08:30:03 am »
Hey there, Bill,

I take it you are safely aboard and undersail by now!  I noticed our newest member 'ImpishAtSea'...'Who, oh who, might that be??  8)

Was the To Catch a Thief drive wonderful??  I'm looking forward to hearing all about it, when you get a chance.

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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2006, 11:30:19 am »
Hey there, Bill,

I take it you are safely aboard and undersail by now!  I noticed our newest member 'ImpishAtSea'...'Who, oh who, might that be??  8)

Was the To Catch a Thief drive wonderful??  I'm looking forward to hearing all about it, when you get a chance.


I finally made it here and am able to post.  I discovered that I left my passwords back in Nice...  and so I couldn't log in.  I registered a new account, but then couldn't use it because didn't have my password for my earthlink account either and so couldn't access the activation email.

So i've created yet another new account using the ship's email address... and am finally here.

I'm having an incredible time.  Travelpride, the company who chartered the boat, is doing a brilliant job: everytime I go back to my cabin, there is a little gift: today it was a sailor's cap, yesterday a neck pillow.  Food everywhere.

Other than losing my passwords, my only mishap was breaking my sunglasses an hour after I boarded.  We docked in St. Tropez today so went into town to replace them.  After searching and searching and getting ready to buy a pair I really didn't like, I asked a very kind French woman -- another customer -- what she thought of the pair I had.  She pointed immediately to another pair that had all the features I wanted and looked much better on me... so I bought them.  Revo's.

The ship is fantastic, and she runs with the sails out most of the time.  The furl and unfurl mechanically, and the booms are motorized also, and it all happens way above your head so you don't have to worry about getting hit by one.  I've attached a stock photo of her at full sail below.

The guest count is 190... (the ship can hold 305).  This is great because you can be walking along a deck and feel like you're the only one of the ship.  Then go to one of the several bars, pools, lounges and be among a crowd.  Another thing is this:  guess how many Windstar crew are on board?  That's right!  Exactly 190!

That's means each of us has our own attendant/valet-cum-houseboy, well, almost:  I don't mean they follow us around all the time. Most of them are from Indo- or Poly-nesia.  Mine's name is Rio.  I could get used to this.... 

Apparently, all the crew is excited to do this gay cruise, because they just finished a very full one with lots of children underfoot.  Having only 190 of us makes less work for them, and that filters down to us in the form of more complete service.

We're on our way to Porto Vecchio on Corsica.  I gotta run, cause there's a tea dance going on where I'll meet the captain of the ship.  I'll be back tomorrow with more.

Ciao,  Impy

PS: David, LOVED your picture of me and the gang.  How did you ever get a hold of it?

PPS:  Any private messages to ImpishAtSea won't be read cuz I can't access them. 
« Last Edit: August 20, 2006, 07:00:08 pm by Impish »

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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2006, 11:57:22 am »
Imp -

I LOVE being at sea - makes the whole world seem so peaceful!  I am so jealous/happy of & for you! 

I too want very much to do a European cruise - maybe next year if I can afford it after the Calgary gathering.  Of course, I'll have to go on one of the mega ships w/ thousands of people so I can get one of the bottom of the ship (cheap) cabins.  (I once named a thread on a cruise site "Sleeping with the crew" - boy did that get alot of response!).

Wish I was there!  ENJOY.

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Offline David

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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2006, 12:04:19 pm »
YAA!    Glad you are having a blast!

Divuldge my secrets of my pics and posts?   NEVER!    Muah ha ha ha!!!

Does the cruise company have a website?   Maybe we can see photos of the ship there?

Offline Ellemeno

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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2006, 12:26:37 pm »
Bill, I love that you went to an onboard tea dance.  I love that the woman helped you find just the right sunglasses.  I love that you are sharing this adventure with us.  Clarissa

Offline ImpyAtSea

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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2006, 11:13:45 am »
Hi all,

We're now in Corsica, docked at Porto Vecchio.  This is the closest we'll be to Luigival...  he sent me his phone number but I didn't get a chance to call while in town (sorry, Luigi).

I forgot to mention the "To Catch a Thief" drive yesterday.  It went fine for the first half... following Luigi's directions, I wandered through Cap Ferrat, a penisula with homes... er... mansions, manors and estates of the mega-rich.  I lovely, hilly and heavily wooded area with a type of tree I've never seen before...  I must find out what those were.

Then up the Corniche Moyenne to Eze, a medieval town at the crown of a large hill, and on to La Turbie for lunch.  Then it was time to look for the Grande Corniche; the highest road to wind my way back to Nice, and it was here that my good friends Cary and Grace had a bite to eat while looking over the Bay of Nice. 

However, I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere...  because all of a sudden I was being funneled onto the tollroad expressway (A8) with no way to get out.  Paid the toll....  and the next exit was for Nice! 

So I missed on the journey back...   but it may have been all for the better, because my back was getting really tired after 3 hours on the road.

Back to life on the ship:  Miss Coco Peru, the drag queen from the movies Trick and Girls Will Be Girls, did her show last night.  She was a hoot:  stand-up comedy in the form of a monologue about her life with songs interspersed relating to her life.  I approached him today at lunch ('him' when he's not in drag) and told him about seeing Trick for the first time just before getting the info that he would be on the cruise with us.  He was very gracious and I think sincerely flattered by my story.

Another I forgot to mention yesterday....  In every cabin they have a flat-screen TV that you can play DVDs on, but they also have 4 movies playing throughout the day on the closed-circuit TV system.  The movies change daily, but the day we arrived, Brokeback Mountain was playing continuously for 24 hours....  Today, Trick is one of the choices, I'm sure in honor of Coco... and TransAmerica is another.  I really want to see that one, but I'm not sure I want to sit in my cabin that long!

One last story for today:  I went shopping in Porto Vecchio today, and I was in a shop with stone and wooden carvings.  In my halting French, I said I was looking for any animal or object related in some way to Brokeback Mountain.  This really cute young guy (but all young French men are really cute to my eyes and they throw my gaydar compeltely off...  every one of them seems gay to me)  immediately said -- in perfect French of course -- Oh!  you must be with that tall ship with the sails!  In other words, the whole town knew all about the gay cruise.  Pretty amazing, if you ask me.  How did they know?

Tonight Andrew Victoria is doing the show, and there's a midnight skinny-dipping party at one of the pools.  But no, I won't be there.  I'm exhausted by that time, and the late night partying by the young hunk crowd isn't for me...

Tomorrow is a day at sea, so I'll log on again Thursday, most likely.

Best,  Impy

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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2006, 01:23:37 pm »
wowie! sounds like you're having a blast. I'm really glad that you decided to break out of your shell and do the trip. One of these days, I'll want to do a cruise like that. keep the details coming.
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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #12 on: August 03, 2006, 01:55:06 am »
I agree, keep the details coming, Bill!  Thanksfor the vicarious adventure from one who is staying home (mostly) this summer.  Clarissa

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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2006, 02:35:30 pm »
Bill reports that a shipboard computer issue has caused problems for him in accessing the thread to further update people.  He'll fill in the blanks sometime this week when he returns.
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Offline Impish

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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #14 on: August 09, 2006, 10:19:06 am »
OK, all... I'm back.  Still full of jet lag and my brain is working very slowly...  I seem to sit and watch thoughts go by --  oh! there goes one now!  :P

The Internet system on the boat was run my Microsoft and was just terrible.  They charge by the minute and then make you wait for minutes at a time for each page to load.  Then when I tried to get into this thread, the browser would freeze altogether.  After two days of trying multiple times on Thursday and Friday,  I was pissed off, frustrated and depressed after each attempt...  so  I finally gave up.

I plan to catch up on this thread little by little, perhaps a post for each day of the trip that I wasn't able to post about before. 

To sum up the posts that will follow, the trip was fabulous in so many ways it defies description.  I learned things about myself also, that I'll try to explain below. 

My last post was on Tuesday last, so this afternoon, I'll post about Wednesday, our day at sea.  Right now, I have to find someone to fix my dryer:  came home to find it broken and me with nothing to clean to wear!   :P

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Offline Impish

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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #15 on: August 09, 2006, 05:36:46 pm »
Someone asked if there were pictures of the boat online.  There are:

Click for info about this specific cruise and look for a link to a Virtual Tour of the ship.

Click for pictures of the ship under sail from the cruise line's website.


Wednesday was our day at sea, sailing from Portovecchio to Ponza, an island off the Italian coast.  While the weather was extremely hot in Nice, once we got on to the sea things cooled down a lot, and we had perfect weather the entire trip. 

Wednesday there was an incredibly strong wind in the afternoon, so strong that the Captain announced he was putting out all sails and turning off the engine.  We were able to continue at about 10 knots under wind power alone, which is a lot, for the ship's top speed using the engines is only 12 knots!

A word about the Captain: he was tall, charming, British and extremely sexy.  He and his girlfriend, who lived with him on board, loved our group and took part in lots of our activities.  He had a very relaxed manner and a good sense of humor.  I hope to be able to post pictures of him after I figure out how to capture images from the DVD of the cruise. [Edit: I've attached two pics of him below]

I spent the day sunning by the pool, or reading a book on an outdoor lounging chair, or "chaise" as my mother would call them.  The wind was too strong for some, but I loved it, and particulaly going to the front of the ship and getting the wind directly toward me.  Passengers weren't allowed to go all the way forward to the bow sprit, that little extension at the very tip of the ship that hangs out over the water.  You know, the place were DiCaprio stood in Titanic and screamed "I'm king of the world!"

Going there and shouting "I'm queen of the world!" was one of my goals and I kept looking for an opportunity to privately ask the captain if I could go out there, even if only for 5 or ten minutes.  If that didn't work, I was scheming to go out their in the middle of the night sometime.  Only problem is that the ship's Bridge  looks directly at the bow sprit so I didn't think I'd get away with it.

I got a tour of the bridge on Wednesday.  A very large room that spans the width of the ship with so many buttons, dials, gauges, switches and computer monitors one would think you could fly to the moon from there.  I learned there that the reason they never were able to use the aft-most sail (there are 5 masts and 7 sails altogether) is that they just had it replaced and it was made too thick for the automated doo-hickey that unfurls it ("doo-hickey" is one of those nautical terms I learned on board  ::)), and each sail costs $50,000.  That's right, fifty-thou for a single piece of triangular material!

I joined 3 others for dinner at the "alternative" restaurant on board, called the Bistro.  It's much smaller than the main dining room, and so one must make reservations for it.  It wasn't any better in terms of food than the main restaurant, and it was a lot noisier, so we all agreed it was a once-per-cruise experience.

I think Wed. night was the Toga Party:  Travelpride supplied sheets and instructions for wrapping them around you to make them into togas.  I didn't go to it, or any of the theme parties...  I was in bed by 11p every night.  But I heard from others -- and saw it on the DVD last night -- that one young man from Australia was a belly dancer, and he appeared in full belly-dancing regalia, including a chain of bangles that extended from his pierced ear to his pierced nose.

There was a midnight skinny-dipping party every night (and the top-most deck was declared the "clothing optional" deck for tanning.  As I said, the Captain had a very relaxed attitude!).

Finally in today's report, I want to tell you about the Buff Twins.  These two lovers were extremely muscular and extremely identical:  height, weight, and all measurements:  even their pecs were exactly the same (huge) size.  One never appeared without the other, and they always wore matching clothes, either identical or the inverse color-wise.  So if one was wearing nothing but little tie-up sailor short-shorts that were navy blue with white stripes, the other had on a white one with navy blue stripes.  They didn't have separate wardrobes anymore: their physiques were so identical all clothes were for both of them.  I caught a glimpse of 'em naked on the tanning deck, and the only way they differed was in their nether regions, with one being better endowed than the other. 

I never got a chance to talk with them at length, but others told me they were sweet if a bit empty-headed.  They had been together for over a decade, and I was very curious as to how they met.  They give the phrase "a perfect match" new meaning and it was heart-warming to see them together.  A picture of the Buff Twins is another one I hope to be able to post sometime soon.

Tomorrow is Thursday, and I'll report about the Thursday of the cruise.  I'm really sorry I wasn't able to do so from the ship.  I know this is anti-climatic coming after the fact....



« Last Edit: August 13, 2006, 12:16:59 pm by Impish »
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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #16 on: August 09, 2006, 08:07:47 pm »
Welcome home!

    Trip sounded great so far!    I can't wait to hear the rest!   

D-i-H     ;D

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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #17 on: August 10, 2006, 06:27:40 pm »
I opened my eyes on Thursday morning to find myself looking out cabin's porthole at steep cliffs quite nearby.  We had anchored at Ponza, a tiny island off the Italian coast. [Edit: added a pic of Ponza below]

After my morning coffee and croissant in my room (did I mention that 24-hour room service was included at no extra charge?) I joined the "tender" to go to shore (I just love tossing about these nautical terms).  The harbormaster had made our Captain stay well outside the tiny little harbor and so our boat ride to the shore was almost a half-hour, longer than usual.

Ponza was special because most tourists haven't discovered it yet, and the large cruise ships can't get in at all (the water's not deep enough), so the little village remains largely unspoiled.  Once ashore, you climb a set of stairs to get to the main drag, a promenade that circles the harbor's waterfront.  I was able to pick up a few little trinkets at charming little shops, including a T-shirt for myself (I didn't have the nerve to buy the one that made me laugh: it a big arrow pointing up to your face with the words "The Man" and a big arrow pointing down captioned "The Legend"), then went to sit at a cafe table with a seat by the little wall at the edge of the promenade.  I did some people watching --   alright already!  boy watching  -- and worked on my Sudoku puzzles. 

On the way back, I saw a little pendant of a mermaid that upon closer inspection proved to be Ariel, from Disney's Little Mermaid.

That was significant because in Miss Coco Peru's show earlier in the week, she included this very funny and touching monologue about how important Ariel was to her when she was growing up in the Bronx, and sang (not lip-synced but sang) Ariel's main ballad from the movie "Part of Your World."

So I just had to buy it for Miss Coco, and lo and behold when I returned to the harbor to wait for the tender back to the ship, there was Clinton Leupp, Miss Coco's alter ego.  I gave him the little bag saying with overly dramatic tone "this gift should have great significance for your life."  Now remember that all Clinton knew about me was my story about watching the movie Trick, which I told him when I found him next to me in the buffet line.

He opened the bag, and was delighted to find a mermaid, then looked at it more closely, and screamed "OHMYGOD!  It really IS Ariel !!!"  He said that he's received lots of mermaid figurines but this was the first one that was actually the Disney character.  He was really touched by the gift.

He asked me to come sit with him (and his manager) while we waited and got to know each other better. He's a super guy, witty, charming, and sincere.  He asked his manager to take a picture of us together, and after that, I told him it would mean a lot to me if he could email me that picture along with one of me and Miss Coco in full dress.  Coco was going to do another show Saturday night so we arranged to have that picture taken then.

Back on the ship, I had lunch, a swim (actually, the pools were so tiny that all you can do is float in the salt water which is nevertheless a relaxing experience), then my nap.  Then more coffee in my room as I read my novel, then read some more on a chaise outside watching the world go by; we were on our way to Amalfi.

Thursday was the day I began to have problems getting here to post my updates.  I tried a couple of times that day (and Friday was well) and I would have to wait forever for each screen to draw, and then when I tried to enter this thread, the screen would freeze altogether.  I was very frustrated because I wanted to stay in touch, not to mention the fact that I was being charged by the minute.  Staring at the blank screen while the clock was ticking was driving me crazy, and each visit to the internet center left me in a foul mood.

Just before dinner, I went to the Compass Rose, the indoor-outdoor bar at the back of the ship on the deck above and overlooking one of the pools.  There were small groups of people around tables chatting away, and it hit me that I didn't feel comfortable enough to just join them.  So I sat by myself and thought about the situation.  I realized that because I didn't go to the dances and late-night parties, most others had had more opportunities than I  to meet others and strike up friendships, and I didn't take full advantage of the opportunities that I did  have.  This was my hermit nature revealing itself.

But then I remembered, while looking at the younger men on the cruise, that once upon a time I was just like them:  body constantly moving to the beat even when seated, at ease among relative strangers, drinking like a fish, flirting left and right.  Having the time of their lives, partying non-stop while on vacation.  I wondered where that former self had gone...  was it my simply that my latent hermit-ness had come out, or was this just the experience of aging, common to all of us?  Was I missing something of value when I chose to have my morning coffee by myself in my room, even though I truly enjoyed that little ritual?  In other words, why shouldn't I be content with the choices I made?

I thought about these and similar questions for a while and didn't come upon solid answers, but I did realize that I was being foolish to get depressed about it.  I'm so fortunate in so many ways -- the ability to go on this cruise being the least of them -- and to feel sorry for myself (if indeed that's what was happening) was the height of ...  oh, I dunno... arrogance? selfishness?  Something like that. 

So I mentally gave myself a kick in the butt and my mood pick up a bit.

The entertainment that night was a straight couple "AndrewVictoria" doing a cabaret act.  I missed this one altogether, but heard the next day from several independent sources that they were truly bad, so I didn't miss anything.

That was my Thursday, already a week ago.  I haven't mentioned something about the water of the Mediterranean sea yet.  I always thought of truly deep water as green, and when I saw the light blue waters off of Nice, I attributed it to the shallowness of the water there.  But when we got far enough out to sea, I discovered the Med is a dark navy blue that somehow remains vivid despite its darkness.  When there is enough wind to make waves, the "whitecaps" are actually a pastel powder blue.  On the sides and astern of the ship where the stabilizers or propellers, respectively, have churned up the water to mix in more oxygen, the water is the most brilliant turquoise that lasts a surprisingly long time....  the trail of turquoise water behind the ship extended as far as the eye could see.

Tomorrow's report: Friday at Amalfi and Sorrento.

« Last Edit: August 20, 2006, 06:41:21 pm by Impish »
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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #18 on: August 11, 2006, 05:57:55 pm »
Wow! I could feel the wind and salt spray as I read your post! More, more!!
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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #19 on: August 11, 2006, 07:51:22 pm »
On Friday, we spent the morning on the waters off of Amalfi, then made a short midafternoon sail to Sorrento, where we anchored for the night.  These were the two ports of call that I didn't go on shore. [Edit: added a pic of Amalfi below]

Both towns are built on the cliffs that descend into the sea; these people  live vertically.  Amalfi was the more dramatic of the two, and it was hard to understand how the first settlers arrived centuries ago, looked at these high mountains with their steep cliffs and absolutely no shore to speak of and said "let's build a village here." 

But the houses are scattered up the cliffside, making it an amazing view from the water.  The highest are at the top of the mountain -- just a few way up there -- with the little cobblestone driveways to reach them so steep that you couldn't force me to get in a car and go up them...  it looked to me like a car going up would simply flip over front over back.

The very highest was the house of Gore Vidal: it was where Jackie Kennedy took her kids after JFK was assassinated to get away from it all.  It's for sale, for a cool 25 million!

Anyway, I took in all those stairways and steep roads and decided I wouldn't bother going ashore (my back doesn't do too well on inclines).  I told myself I would try at Sorrento, but it was almost as bad and  I was happy to live the life of Reilly on the ship: sunning, swimming, reading, lounging, gaping at the twins (see above).

The lunch on Friday was the outdoor BBQ, and they had grills going for ribs, chicken, flank steak, lamb chops... and lobster tails!  This was my first all-the-lobster-you-can-eat experience, but I didn't take full advantage of it because the ribs and lamb chops were so good.  I lunched with a guy who had 8 lobster tails...  and that was on top of the other things!

So about the food:  it was plentiful, beautifully presented,  but it wasn't top-notch cuisine as I had hoped.  I had to remind myself that the galley was preparing food for almost 400 people including the crew, and preparing for such numbers always takes its toll.  Friday's BBQ was the best meal of them all.  But believe me, I'm not complaining.  The food wasn't in any way bad, just not very adventurous, and the coffee was excellent and there was a "Build Your Own Sundae" bar available at all times, two of the most important foodstuffs, in my opinion!   8)

During my afternoon float in the pool, a handsome young man was floating next to me and I heard him speak French so I struck up a conversation with him.  I hadn't seen him before, and he turned out to be the magician that would do a show Saturday night.  His mom was French and his Dad Italian (or vice versa, I can't remember which), and they spent part of the year in France and part in Rome.  I was extremely attracted to him, and envied his life in Paris.

Late Friday afternoon, he did some "close-up" magic during the cocktail hour in the Compass Rose Bar.  He was very good and had a good sense of humor in his patter.  My crush on him continued to develop.

The late-night show was Pamela Stanley again, the chanteuse that sang the first night.  Once again, I was abed by that time, being gently rocked to sleep by the anchored ship.

« Last Edit: August 13, 2006, 12:21:46 pm by Impish »
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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #20 on: August 11, 2006, 08:07:30 pm »
More!  More!

I'd love to do a cruise like that - will never be able to afford it though.

Don't feel bad about your hermit-ishness.  That's who you are.  Why would you beat yourself up about doing what you like?

Yes, it's lovely to meet new people, talk and flirt and party, but IMO as I get older, I find the conversation of drunks less amusing, the groping from people you don't find attractive annoying and the just absolutely nothing but excruciating polite chit chat an enormous waste of time when the people you're speaking with don't share the same interests.  So there's a downside that you probably don't mind missing.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2006, 08:09:49 pm by delalluvia »

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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #21 on: August 12, 2006, 10:01:40 am »
So there's a downside that you probably don't mind missing.

You're right: thanks for the reminder.  It's easy to forget that the reality of a thing is often less pleasant than the dream of it.

I should apply your reminder to the envy I felt about the long term couples I met on board.  One pair had been together 8 years and were only in their early 30's.  They seemed so comfortable with each other....  no drama.  Same for the Buff Twins.  But perhaps what I saw was The Couple On Vacation, and I have no clue about the reality of their daily life back home.

I remember thinking how wonderful it was that the younger generation of gay men didn't have to deal with as much internalized homophobia as we did 30 years ago; I envied this more than the fact that they were in a relationship. I was also wondering if they realized my generation was in part responsible for their better situation.  Not that I was expecting a "thank you" personally or even to all earlier generations... just if they were aware of it.

Then I realized that 30 years ago, I was better off than the generation before me ...  and didn't think about that back then, either.  I guess this is true of every generation:  when we're young, we don't appreciate those who came before us.

I guess I'm wandering off on a tangent here.  My next Log Update will come late this afternoon.
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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #22 on: August 12, 2006, 01:49:32 pm »
I should apply your reminder to the envy I felt about the long term couples I met on board.  One pair had been together 8 years and were only in their early 30's.  They seemed so comfortable with each other....  no drama.  Same for the Buff Twins.  But perhaps what I saw was The Couple On Vacation, and I have no clue about the reality of their daily life back home.

Absolutely.  Think Jen and Brad on their last vacation.  Lovely-dovey, close, affectionate, walking arms around each other on romantic beaches..and they would be separated and Brad run off with another woman' in less than 3 months.

I remember thinking how wonderful it was that the younger generation of gay men didn't have to deal with as much internalized homophobia as we did 30 years ago; I envied this more than the fact that they were in a relationship. I was also wondering if they realized my generation was in part responsible for their better situation.  Not that I was expecting a "thank you" personally or even to all earlier generations... just if they were aware of it.

Then I realized that 30 years ago, I was better off than the generation before me ...  and didn't think about that back then, either.  I guess this is true of every generation:  when we're young, we don't appreciate those who came before us.

Agree, it's quite normal.  In the woman's movement it's sad that younger women today consider 'feminist' a dirty word and one they wouldn't consider using when describing themselves to their potential beaus lest they 'turn him off' with its connotations of being a fat, hairy-legged, man-hater.

Yet feminists are exactly who worked hard and put up with a great deal to allow the current generation to live the more emancipated lives they are living now. [shakes head].  I, too, wish they'd appreciate it, some do, but most don't even think about it and don't want to.

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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #23 on: August 12, 2006, 07:46:51 pm »
Last day, Saturday:

After anchoring off shore of Sorrento overnight, we took a quick hop to Capri, an island just a bit further offshore the coast of Italy.  It took less than an hour to reposition the boat, and I went ashore about 10 a.m.

Capri is a tourist trap and jet-set stop, so it was quite crowded and chock-full of upscale shops: Ferragamo, Hermes, and the like.  There's not much on waterfront, but you take a funicula (sp?) up to the main town, another charming warren of tiny pathways going off in all directions.

I stopped in a bookshop because I had finished both novels I had brought with me.  It reminded me of the bookstores in Paris: the Europeans read true literature rather than the trashy page-turners we prefer in the states (usually about serial killers or espionage).  Very little lurid cover art like we find in our local Borders.

Had an Italian iced coffee in a cafe in the charming main plaza before returning to the ship.  Had lunch, took a quick dip, and napped.  [Edit: added a pic of the plaza below]

Remember my desire to get out to the bow sprit?  This was our last day on board, and I was starting to worry that I'd never get the chance to ask the captain for permission (I was kinda lookin' forward to getting on my knees in front of him to beg if I had to!).

But while I was having my after-nap coffee, the Captain came on the P.A. system to announce that he had decided to do something against the rules:  he would allow our group out to the bow sprit between the hours of 3 and 5p, in groups of 5 and accompanied by his first mate. 

So my wish was granted.  I waited til about 4 then went to the front of the ship, which was perfect timing: I got to go out by myself (and the first mate, a cute young Scot).  The railings around bow sprits are angled outwards for some reason, and this allows you to lean on them hanging out over the water, and you can't see any sign of the ship up, down, left or right of you.  It really does feel like you're flying high over the water.  I spread my arms and shouted the requisite "I'm queen of the world!"  I had about 15 minutes out there by myself.

I profusely thanked the Captain afterwards and told him it had been a dream of mine to do that.  He said he hadn't allowed it for over a year, but he was so happy with our group that all he needed was the right conditions, calm seas during the daytime with not too strong a wind.

During the cocktail hour, Travelpride had the last tea-dance with open bar and took a group photo by the pool.  I stood next to the French magician who I had a crush on, and had my arm around his waist.  Such a thrill.

The late-night entertainment on Saturday, the last day of the cruise, was a short encore by Miss Coco Peru, then the French magician's stage act, then a gay stand-up comic.  Coco told the story of her recent marriage in Spain to this Spanish hunk (and I mean hunk, I had seen pictures).  Her bit was funny and touching.... and true.  She really did marry him just a few weeks prior.

The magician's act combined magic with dance, pretty amazing.

After the show I met her to take the picture she had promised me earlier.  I received it yesterday and (with DavidinHartford's help), here it is!

I asked permission to post this and the picture taken of us after I had given him the Ariel pendant.  His manager told me that they preferred that I didn't post any pictures of him out of drag, so I'm keep that one as my private little treasure.

While we were sleeping, the ship made the journey to the port outside Rome, and the next day we were up early to depart for the hour-long bus ride there.  I was not ready to leave the ship, I felt like throwing a tantrum and make them carry me off kicking and screaming.   :-\  A week later and I'm still falling asleep by  walking around the ship in my mind.  I miss it, viscerally!

I went to a hotel to spend a couple days in Rome, but I won't be adding that experience here, basically because I  didn't like Rome much (sorry to Luigi and all my Italian friends).  So that's the end of my report. 

Again, sorry I wasn't able to keep this up while still on board.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2006, 06:54:18 pm by Impish »
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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #24 on: August 12, 2006, 10:39:34 pm »
Thank you, Impish, for such a wonderful account of your cruise!  I'm glad I happened upon this thread.  I've always wanted to take a Mediterranean cruise, and now I'm more determined than ever to do it.  It sounds so idyllic.

I enjoyed your personal reflections as much as your account of the trip itself.  I hope you're able to post some pictures, especially of the Twins and Miss Coco Peru.  8)
« Last Edit: August 12, 2006, 10:51:09 pm by meryl »
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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #25 on: August 12, 2006, 10:46:38 pm »
I especially loved the part about "While we were sleeping..."  :D
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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #26 on: August 13, 2006, 02:46:12 am »
Just want to echo (somewhat) what Meryl said - Thanks for giving us your thoughts as well as your account of your day by day experience on board a (gay) cruise. Glad to have been able to live, vicariously, your trip.
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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #27 on: August 13, 2006, 08:25:30 am »
WOW!   Great report!

Now i really want to go on a cruise!


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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #28 on: August 13, 2006, 10:04:25 am »
Got the pic up: thanks David!  I'll next try to add some pics from the DVD, if I can figure out how to capture the images.

A couple of notes for those of you considering a gay cruise, as I hope you will:  the organizing company, Travelpride, did an absolutely top-notch job, and I can't praise them enough.  There are many businesses that organize gay cruises, and I'm sure there are some that are as good, but I want to warn you, some are really bad.

Some of them get you on board and then leave it to the cruise line to handle everything from there on in.  Travelpride brings its own crew on board, throws theme parties, decorates the ship, and books the entertainment.  Remember how much the Captain loved our group, and did special things for us?  That was because of Travelpride. Here's their homepage:

There's another company with a specially bad rep: they claim it will be an all-gay cruise, then if they don't sell out, book  straight people on it, who get a discount. Neither group is informed about the other until they get on board.  This sets up enmity between them, as the straight people are certain to include some homophobes, and gay people feel like they're being asked to go back in the closet for the duration of the cruise.  This company has done this more than once, as I heard from several of my fellow passengers.  I'm not sure what legal risk I'd be taking by posting the name of the company here, so I won't.  If you are seriously looking for a gay cruise, PM me and I'll tell you which one to avoid.

But I really do encourage everyone to consider a cruise --gay or straight -- for a future vacation.  They're not right for everybody, but there are people that would love it but will never  go because they  tell themselves it's impossible for them.  It's not.  If you want to do it, set a goal and start working toward it.  You won't regret it, I promise.  (I'm talkin' to you Dellaluvia!)

Travelpride is doing a cruise of the Mexican Riviera this coming February, and it's on a similar Windstar ship.....
« Last Edit: August 13, 2006, 12:25:02 pm by Impish »
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Buff Twins
« Reply #29 on: August 13, 2006, 12:28:22 pm »
I added some pics in the posts themselves, so you'll have to go back to page 1 to see them.

Have to run now, but will add more later today.  By request, here's two pics of the Buff Twins.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2006, 05:01:12 pm by Impish »
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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #30 on: August 13, 2006, 12:42:21 pm »
Boy, they really are buff aren't they?

The guys who workout together stay together, I guess.

Eh, big muscle-ly guys never did anything for me.  After a while they start to resemble sides of beef.

I'm sorry to read that you didn't like Rome and Capri.  I'm such a Late Republic/Early Roman empire historical buff myself, it's my dream to tour Italy and see the ruins.  Weren't the remains of Emperor Tiberius' villa on Capri?
« Last Edit: August 13, 2006, 06:54:29 pm by delalluvia »

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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #31 on: August 13, 2006, 03:40:16 pm »
Imp - I LOVE that T - made me laugh too!

a big arrow pointing up to your face with the words "The Man" and a big arrow pointing down captioned "The Legend"

Also, you look fabulous in your picture!  And your trip sounds beautiful (I agree w/Delalluvia - sometimes your own company is the best - do whatever feels right for you at that time & place)

Delalluvia - I have a cruise coming up in November - it is on one of the BIG ship cruiselines that you can indeed get for much less (can feel kinda like a cattle car @ times - but really not that often).  My cruise is 2 weeks, Nov 3 - Nov 17 & cost $1057.00 including tax.  Of course it's an older ship & my cabin is in the bottom in total darkness (no porthole) which makes it suitable for a mushroom.   :-\

Someday maybe I will have a suite (well at least a porthole) for a cruise to the Med!  ;D

There's another company with a specially bad rep: they claim it will be an all-gay cruise, then if they don't sell out, book straight people on it, who get a discount. Neither group is informed about the other until they get on board.  This sets up enmity between them

Bet they have themselves covered by the small print.  Totally sucks.

« Last Edit: August 13, 2006, 04:20:11 pm by silkncense »
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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #32 on: August 13, 2006, 04:59:58 pm »

I'm sorry to read that you didn't like Rome and Capri.

???  I never said that about Capri.  It was crowded, true, but a beautiful setting with wonderful shops.

No, it was just Rome that didn't strike my fancy. Not bad: only one port on the whole trip that I didn't take to.   :)
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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #33 on: August 13, 2006, 05:02:45 pm »
Here's the Belly Dancer

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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #34 on: August 13, 2006, 05:04:37 pm »
This pic doesn't capture the Navy Blue of the water, but it does show the turquoise created by the underwater stablizer of the ship.
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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #35 on: August 13, 2006, 05:07:49 pm »
Here's the  group photo taken on the last day, with a close-up that includes me and the French magician.  Can you find me?
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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #36 on: August 13, 2006, 05:13:09 pm »
I didn't mention these two; lovers of several years.  The tall one was the creator of some big online business that I recognized but can't remember now; he sold it and became a millionaire many times over.  He is head-over-heels in love with his Brazilian boyfriend.
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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #37 on: August 13, 2006, 05:17:01 pm »
Another person I didn't mention in the log.  We met the first night, and discovered that both of us were loner types and on the cruise in an attempt to reduce our "hermitage."  He too spent a lot of time reading on his own, but I see in the DVD that he mangaged to join in several of the parties.

About mid-week we passed each other and I asked him "any regrets so far?" and he said, "not a one!"
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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #38 on: August 13, 2006, 05:19:44 pm »
And finally, Francois (head of the ship's hotel) and Captain Roberts wave goodbye as we depart the ship, and a last photo of the ship itself.  There now.  I'm really done.
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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #39 on: August 13, 2006, 06:04:43 pm »
Such great photos!  I almost feel like I was there, too.  Thanks!  :-*
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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #40 on: August 13, 2006, 06:54:02 pm »
More pics!


You say it's a 'gay' cruise, but I mostly see men in your pictures.  Are lesbians not invited or is that like a separate 'lesbian' described cruise?


Delalluvia - I have a cruise coming up in November - it is on one of the BIG ship cruiselines that you can indeed get for much less (can feel kinda like a cattle car @ times - but really not that often).  My cruise is 2 weeks, Nov 3 - Nov 17 & cost $1057.00 including tax.  Of course it's an older ship & my cabin is in the bottom in total darkness (no porthole) which makes it suitable for a mushroom.

 :o :o :o

I'd be petrified.  No way they could get me in a floating metal coffin and lock me downstairs with only one way out.

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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #41 on: August 13, 2006, 07:36:47 pm »
More pics!


You say it's a 'gay' cruise, but I mostly see men in your pictures.  Are lesbians not invited or is that like a separate 'lesbian' described cruise?

This was basically a gay-men cruise, but we did have 3 lesbian couples join us.  Interestingly, the week before our cruise, the ship had an all-lesbian charter.  So the crew of the Wind Surf had two straight weeks of catering to gay people.

There are several lines that specialize in lesbian cruises:  Olivia Cruises, and Rosie O'Donnel's line (don't know its name).  I believe these companies own their own ships.

Finally, there are cruises that have large gay and lesbian contingents booked into one of the regular cruises.  The gay groups are called "Friends of Dorothy" and I'm told they have some parties and events exclusive to them.

You really can do a cruise, my dear.  Decide you want to, and set a goal.  Many cruise lines are lowering their prices, and you can find some with prices starting under $1000.  That's pretty good for room and board for a week!
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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #42 on: August 13, 2006, 08:17:05 pm »
Imp -

Didn't originally see the close-up pic.  -  Dark glasses, dark shirt next to  the man w/ the blue & white stipes?   

Del - Thanks for putting that thought in my mind!  Actually, it's the best sleep I ever get - TOTAL darkness & gentle rocking all night long.  I'm really of the 'when it's your time' frame of mind anyway. 

Come to think of it - don't think those portholes are big enough to bail out of anyway & where I am, once I get out to the deck, the drop is a lot shorter.   ;D  Gotta look for the positive!

« Last Edit: August 13, 2006, 08:26:30 pm by silkncense »
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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #43 on: August 14, 2006, 09:18:58 am »
Imp -

Didn't originally see the close-up pic.  -  Dark glasses, dark shirt next to  the man w/ the blue & white stipes? 

Yep, that's me, but the magician isn't in the blue stripes: he's standing on something so is raised a bit, bare chest and a white strap over his shoulder.

For those still looking, divide the pic in four squares, then look for me smack dab in the center of the northeast square.  Sunglasses and a fat face.  :-\
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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #44 on: August 14, 2006, 08:05:28 pm »
Del - Thanks for putting that thought in my mind!

Oops.  [blushing face]  Sorry about that.  But didn't someone famous onetime say going to sea was like being in jail with a chance of drowning?  :P


I can do a cruise, like those cheapie all-the-food-poisoning-and-alcohol-you-can-puke-while-dodging-on-board-fire cruises to the Caribbean, but one like the Med.  The price was sans airfare, right?

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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #45 on: August 14, 2006, 09:48:58 pm »
I can do a cruise, like those cheapie all-the-food-poisoning-and-alcohol-you-can-puke-while-dodging-on-board-fire cruises to the Caribbean, but one like the Med. 

I think you are besmirching my cruise choices again  :(  If you haven't tried it...  Besides, the booze isn't free  :(  :( (and the food is generally fabulous - with the cherries jubilee the only onboard fire I've witnessed).   :)
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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #46 on: August 15, 2006, 10:47:05 am »
Oops.  [blushing face]  Sorry about that.  But didn't someone famous onetime say going to sea was like being in jail with a chance of drowning?  :P


I can do a cruise, like those cheapie all-the-food-poisoning-and-alcohol-you-can-puke-while-dodging-on-board-fire cruises to the Caribbean, but one like the Med.  The price was sans airfare, right?

Yes, sans airfare.  So choose a cruise closer to you.  Windstar does non-cheapie Caribbean cruises on a ship like I was on; Travelpride is doing a Costa Rica cruise on a windstar boat in Feb., and another on the Caribbean during Xmas-New Years week of 2007-08.  I'm vaguely considering doing that one, but want to see their other offerings for 2008.

But even the Med is possible for you; my point was that if you truly want that one, start saving for it.  Just don't tell yourself it's impossible.

By the way, I just discovered and opened a high-yield savings account online with EmigrantDirect, under the advice of my financial advisor.  It takes only $1 to open, no minimum balances, no fees, and is paying over 5% interest (much higher than your local bank's savings account in the U.S.). That would be a great way to start a vacation fund.  If anyone is interested, post your questions, or learn more at

That's what I'll be using it for...  saving for my next cruise, hopefully in 2008.

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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #47 on: August 20, 2006, 12:01:45 pm »
Imp, thise is so wonderful to read.  I so admire when people get up and do things on their own.  Sometimes I'm like that, sometimes I'm not. 

I relate to the whole "Oh those people over there are all talking to each other, and here I am over here alone - oh, wait, right, they went to the other events so all know each other, maybe I should have gone too - oh but wait, right, I now find drunken hilarity boring, and probably wouldn't have enjoyed myself - plus, I loved being all curled up and reading while I had the chance - but still, it would be nice to talk to someone interesting...." spiral.

Thanks for the beautiful descriptions, especially the navy blue and turquoise.  And I figured out which one you were in the group shot - I thought of you as the one with the beautiful hair.

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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #48 on: August 20, 2006, 06:35:37 pm »
And I figured out which one you were in the group shot - I thought of you as the one with the beautiful hair.

You just made my day.  ;D
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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #49 on: August 24, 2006, 08:42:43 pm »
I think you are besmirching my cruise choices again  :(  If you haven't tried it...  Besides, the booze isn't free  :(  :( (and the food is generally fabulous - with the cherries jubilee the only onboard fire I've witnessed).   :)

Oops, sorry again silk.  My sister has been on a Caribbean cruise and enjoyed it.  Her well drinks were free.  Maybe it was the kind of cruise she was on? ???  She's been trying to get me to come with her on an Alaskan cruise, but everytime I think it over seriously, there is always some disease outbreak or fire or - lately, a keeling over - of a cruise ship.  It's just a coincidence, but I get nervous.

I think I'll just keep saving up for my sister and I's trip to Paris.  I don't particularly want to go, I would rather save up and do a tour of Italy, but it's my sister's dream to see Paris and after her cancer and diabetes diagnoses, and how happy she looks when we talk about the trip, I don't have the heart to say 'Eh, I'd rather not go."

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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #50 on: August 25, 2006, 09:44:03 am »

I think I'll just keep saving up for my sister and I's trip to Paris.  I don't particularly want to go, I would rather save up and do a tour of Italy, but it's my sister's dream to see Paris and after her cancer and diabetes diagnoses, and how happy she looks when we talk about the trip, I don't have the heart to say 'Eh, I'd rather not go."

You're right in supporting your sister in this, and I predict that once there, you will fall in love with Paris and return home feeling glad you went.  Paris has an infectious charm to it that's hard to resist!   :D
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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #51 on: August 25, 2006, 07:15:46 pm »
You're right in supporting your sister in this, and I predict that once there, you will fall in love with Paris and return home feeling glad you went.  Paris has an infectious charm to it that's hard to resist!   :D

I hope so, but I'm having a hard time getting up the enthusiasm.  While I see myself doing the touristy things, I'm not really in step:

France is famous for its vineyards, wines and champagnes - I hardly drink anymore.  Don't really like the taste of alcohol.
France is famous for its cheeses - I'm lactose intolerant and don't like nor eat cheese much.
France is famous for its breads/bakeries/side walk cafes where you can sit and drink coffee, eat pastries and watch the crowds go by - I've a gluten intolerance, and have to watch my blood sugar, so I don't eat pastries and I don't like coffee.


That kind of thing.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2006, 07:17:36 pm by delalluvia »

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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #52 on: August 25, 2006, 09:02:57 pm »
Oops, sorry again silk.

It was all taken in fun - no 'oops' necessary.  I do love cruising tho - if you ever do decide to do Alaska - I live in Seattle & we could go to Starbucks! 
I don't like coffee.
  ;D  Oops.
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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #53 on: August 26, 2006, 09:59:18 am »
I hope so, but I'm having a hard time getting up the enthusiasm.  While I see myself doing the touristy things, I'm not really in step:

France is famous for its vineyards, wines and champagnes - I hardly drink anymore.  Don't really like the taste of alcohol.
France is famous for its cheeses - I'm lactose intolerant and don't like nor eat cheese much.
France is famous for its breads/bakeries/side walk cafes where you can sit and drink coffee, eat pastries and watch the crowds go by - I've a gluten intolerance, and have to watch my blood sugar, so I don't eat pastries and I don't like coffee.


That kind of thing.

France is also famous for its good food, and if any country will have something you will like -- and can tolerate -- it will be France.

Please forgive my frankness, but you seem determined to hate the trip before you even get there.  Tell me those things you do like, and I may be able to guide you on finding them in France.

For example, you mentioned wanting to see the countryside in Italy (and Tuscany is beautiful): France also has wonderful drives through the country.  Everything from palm trees in the tropical south (Provence), to Hansel & Gretel gingerbread houses in the east (Strasbourg and environs), rolling verdant hills with storybook castles (Loire valley); forests; mountains; beaches.

Perhaps you could negotiate with your sister to rent a car (or take a bullet train) for an adventure away from Paris...  something that you'll be able to look forward to, whatever it is. 

It's important to find that something before you go, because if you're full of resentment during the trip, neither you nor your sister will be able to enjoy yourselves.  That's no way to spend your money or your time, and it would probably be better that you don't go after all. 

There's a danger that your relationship with your sister would sour...  and I'm guessin' that's the most important thing to you.  Your willingness to take this trip with her shows your love for her, and nothing's worth putting your relationship at risk.

Please understand: I'm not saying you should cancel.  I'm saying to first try to find something to stoke your enthusiasm about the trip.  Only if you're sure you won't enjoy yourself should you consider whether to go at all.

Please re-read this enough times to see my sincerity....  and concern.


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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #54 on: August 26, 2006, 12:48:34 pm »
France is also famous for its good food, and if any country will have something you will like -- and can tolerate -- it will be France.

*sigh*  Sad isn't it?  That I have to watch everything I eat even in countries known for their cuisine?  I have a lot of food intolerances.  A lot.  They're a lot harder to avoid than you'd think.  For an example, I have a gluten intolerance.  So no grain products.  So that means not only avoiding breads, oatmeal and breakfast cereals, it also means avoiding anything that has flour in it.  That means sauces and gravies as well.  Anything that might have used flour as a thickner.  Anything that is breaded/stuffed/topped with a crust.  While I was in Britain, I had to very carefully watch everything I ate.  I had no choice with my meals on the plane ride over and a day after my arrival promptly embarassed myself when finally meeting my London friend and in the middle of his impromptu tour of Trafalgar Square, had to beg him to find me a bathroom - twice.   

Please forgive my frankness, but you seem determined to hate the trip before you even get there.  Tell me those things you do like, and I may be able to guide you on finding them in France.

No, I'm not ready to hate it at all.  I love to travel.  I'm just not particularly interested in Paris or France,  I don't mind seeing it, it's just not in my top 10 to go to.  I'd rather see Italy, Greece, Crete, Tahiti, Australia, New Zealand, the Galapagoes first.  But due to my limited budget and lifestyle, I can only choose one or two more destinations at the most in this lifetime. 

For example, you mentioned wanting to see the countryside in Italy (and Tuscany is beautiful): France also has wonderful drives through the country.

Perhaps you could negotiate with your sister to rent a car (or take a bullet train) for an adventure away from Paris...  something that you'll be able to look forward to, whatever it is.

Since I do all our planning, we've already definitely brought up a trip through the countryside by train that ends at the Mediterranean.  Just to see the coast and countryside.  LOL.  We agreed we can't afford to stay once we get there and will have to just turn around and come right back, but we think it's worth it. 

It's important to find that something before you go, because if you're full of resentment during the trip, neither you nor your sister will be able to enjoy yourselves.  That's no way to spend your money or your time, and it would probably be better that you don't go after all.

Heh.  Don't worry.  My sister felt my resentment very much in our London trip last year.  I love England.  It was my dream to go there.  For a year in our planning and saving, I kept after my sister to exercise, walk.  London was a walking town.  She is morbidly obese - hence her recent diabetes diagnosis - and I warned her that she would be exhausted if she didn't.  She agreed and reassured me throughout the year that she was doing so.

She didn't.

Our first day touring she nearly twisted her ankle.  She had no strength in her ankles, which she would have had she been exercising.  Instead, she almost seriously injured herself in a town that is not friendly toward wheelchairs.  As a result, she was tired, dragging, hurting, complaining the entire two weeks, wanting to cut our touring short during the day so she could rest.  I finally snapped and said she could go back to the hotel and rest, but I hadn't flown 3000 miles to sit in a cheap hotel room all day and would see her later.

She grudgingly kept on going.  I was both proud of her for sucking it up and determined not to let her ruin my trip.  And I didn't.

It's a family joke now since she also nearly twisted her ankle on a trip to Mexico City with my father, yes, while touring the Pyramids.

I jokingly threaten that when we go to Paris, before we even leave the airport, we're going to stop in a bathroom and wrap her ankles in Ace bandages.

I'm saying to first try to find something to stoke your enthusiasm about the trip.  Only if you're sure you won't enjoy yourself should you consider whether to go at all.

Please re-read this enough times to see my sincerity....  and concern.

Don't worry, Impy.  I won't sulk during our trip.  I do find things to enjoy anywhere I go, whether it's a truck pull or a trip to a faraway city.  A dear friend of mine instilled that in me.  He too was often around grumps who didn't want to be where they were and gave off sufficient negativity to ruin things for others.  He gathered the attitude that no matter their attitude he was going to have a good time.  And I will.  France is not high on my list, but it is on it, so I can look forward to the Louvre, the catacombs, Notre Dame, the Eiffle Tower etc.

I'm reading up on the French language so I can know left from right, up from down and north from south.  ;D
« Last Edit: August 26, 2006, 12:51:51 pm by delalluvia »

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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #55 on: August 26, 2006, 07:02:22 pm »
Thanks....  you've put my mind at ease.

When are you planning this trip to France?

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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #56 on: August 26, 2006, 07:49:43 pm »
Thanks....  you've put my mind at ease.

When are you planning this trip to France?


Well, it was scheduled for spring of 2007, but due to job issues (I lost my overtime which helped a lot in saving money because business has slowed tremendously), so now we've pushed it to the fall of 2007.  My sister has a cop-friend who lives in Paris who says there is a lot more going on in Paris in the fall than in the spring anyway.

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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #57 on: August 27, 2006, 11:04:14 am »
I see.  Avoid August at all costs, because the entire country is on a mandatory 4-week vacation (excepting hotel staff and other necessary services).

I'm already jealous!
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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #58 on: August 27, 2006, 12:56:46 pm »
I see.  Avoid August at all costs, because the entire country is on a mandatory 4-week vacation (excepting hotel staff and other necessary services).

I'm already jealous!

OK, thanks for the tip.  We're edging toward September.  Just at the end of summer, but not too far into the colder weather of true fall.  I suppose the weather is similar to England's?

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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #59 on: August 27, 2006, 07:06:38 pm »
OK, thanks for the tip.  We're edging toward September.  Just at the end of summer, but not too far into the colder weather of true fall.  I suppose the weather is similar to England's?

A bit drier in Paris, I would think.  Mid- to late-September or early October would be beautiful there.
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Re: First Mate's Log
« Reply #60 on: November 28, 2006, 12:07:24 pm »
I couldn't resist appending this news item from today's IMDB:

Former Baywatch star Pamela Anderson has filed for divorce from husband Kid Rock after less than four months of marriage. The couple married in a lavish "celebration ceremony" aboard a yacht moored off St Tropez, France on July 29, but made it official when they returned to the US and wed at the Beverly Hills Courthouse. Anderson, 39, has hired famed celebrity divorce lawyer Neal Hersh, whose clients include Kim Basinger, Halle Berry, Drew Barrymore and Denise Richards, and cites irreconcilable differences. Anderson's representative Tracy Nguyen tells American publication People, "Pamela filed for divorce last week. It wasn't a happy Thanksgiving." Earlier this month, Anderson miscarried what would have been her and Rock's first child together. She has two children - Dylan, eight, and Brandon, ten - from her marriage to rocker Tommy Lee. According to entertainment website, the couple did not have a prenuptial agreement, but because they were married for such a short time, it probably will have little impact on the divorce proceedings. Anderson is currently in Vancouver, Canada filming Blonde And Blonder with Denise Richards.

As we were boarding our ship in Nice on July 30, Pamela's yacht came into the port at Nice, and word spread that she had just been married the day before in St. Tropez.  After docking, the yacht (it was quite ugly, btw) just sat there with no visible activity.  We kept an eye on it for about an hour until we finally got the go-ahead to depart, and I was beginning to doubt the rumor was correct.   But this news item proved it.  Fun!

I believe the DVD I got of our trip includes a picture of the yacht.
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