The only person I have seen suggest that "liberty is a zero sum game" here is Jess. So are you saying you are against equal marriage rights for gay couples, Brokeplex? How about you, Jess? Are you against equal marriage rights for gay couples?
And Injest, are you still in favor of burning witches at the stake, or did you reform?
I think that in a discussion between Injest, louisev, and myself, I am the person most likely to benefit from same sex marriage, so your question as it pertains to me is IMO a bit of a waste of both pixels and eye scan time.
Injest did not opine that "liberty is a zero sum game". I believe that very clearly I wrote that IMO it is a fundamental of political correctness that liberty is a zero sum game.
And IMO this fact about PC and its advocates is what makes the PC secular religion contrary and dangerous to the US Constitution.
I think that Janet "Reno" Napolitano would be better spending her valuable time investigating PC advocates rather than Tax Day protesters and returning veterans. But, then she would have to start her investigation with Eric Holder and then work on over to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.