Any vaguely open-minded person with the smallest amount of respect for individual opinion would coward with shame over the way in which the fascist lefties have skewered Prejean.
Oh please... skewered? People are just pointing out hypocrisy when they see it. As Jess and Clyde pointed out, she's getting great publicity from all this. Vanessa Williams? The most "skewered" beauty contestant in history, and the most successful in her subsequent showbiz career.
It is interesting, though, that Prejean's "fall from grace" is because of... showing her body.

I mean please, beauty contests – however they want to gloss it – are all about sex appeal... fuckability. Prejean knows it, and the Miss California organization knows it. Hence the boob job.
Did beauty pageants originate in the USA? They must, because there's that puritanical hypocrisy thrown in: You must be perfect-looking and perfectly "proportioned" (fuckable) — but also conduct yourself with "decorum and modesty".
Meanwhile, every photographer you meet wants a shot of your bare ass.
Navigating the maze of double-standards in the pageant world necessitates a certain mental "blocking out" function in order to maintain any sanity (especially if you're also navigating the ones that can exist in the evangelical community). Her attitudes, therefore, are not surprising. (For the record, I don't think she's evil... she expressed her lil' opinion as diplomatically as she could... and even threw in the requisite bit of patriotism "it's great that we live in a country where..." Clever, that.)