Author Topic: If I Asked by Midwest-girl  (Read 60111 times)


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Re: If I Asked by Midwest-girl
« Reply #40 on: October 07, 2008, 04:48:02 am »
Hi retropian,

Actually it was only last week that Amy (midwest-girl) took down her journal.  After "If I Asked" she wrote a an AU/AU entitled "Shades of Grey" and then about a year ago she began another AU/AU entitled "Turbulence."  After just a couple of chapters she informed her readers that she was sorry she wouldn't be finishing that story, b/c she had realized that writing fanfic was distracting her from writing an original novel she was putting together and that she would be putting all her future writing efforts into that.  Unfortunately, I think that leaves the possibility of a sequel to "If I Asked" virtually nil.  I agree that it is a beautifully written story - all her characters seem real to me, too.   :)


Is 'Shades of Grey" good? I loved 'Somebody New', think it's a great fanfic. Is 'Sades of Grey' comparable? Anybody have a copy they can email me?

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Re: If I Asked by Midwest-girl
« Reply #41 on: October 07, 2008, 06:03:38 pm »
Is 'Shades of Grey" good? I loved 'Somebody New', think it's a great fanfic. Is 'Sades of Grey' comparable? Anybody have a copy they can email me?

"Shades of Grey" is an AU/AU in which Ennis is an FBI Special Agent and Jack is a drug dealer - it's superbly written, but very, very different from "Somebody New."  It is very gritty and at times extremely violent in keeping with the realism of her premise.  Here is the link to the thread where it was discussed if you want to know more about it - but beware if you don't want spoilers.  PM me if you want more info!   :) :,4825.0.html

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Re: If I Asked by Midwest-girl
« Reply #42 on: October 07, 2008, 07:18:27 pm »
"Shades of Grey" is an AU/AU in which Ennis is an FBI Special Agent and Jack is a drug dealer - it's superbly written, but very, very different from "Somebody New."  It is very gritty and at times extremely violent in keeping with the realism of her premise.  Here is the link to the thread where it was discussed if you want to know more about it - but beware if you don't want spoilers.  PM me if you want more info!   :) :,4825.0.html


I wasn't sure what au/au means but I just like stories where Jack and Ennis find a happy ending like "Somebody New" or "Dreaming" where Jack doesn't die and Ennis has some major realizations. I enjoyed "If I Asked", where the young Jack decides to pursue the cow&calf operation right after their reunion. I also like a story like "Ennis", which continues the story of Ennis life after the SS and film ending, where he finally finds happiness. Stories that create entirely new situations, like Ennis being an FBI agent and Jack a drug dealer don't hold much appeal for me. That's just my own personal preference.

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Re: If I Asked by Midwest-girl
« Reply #43 on: October 08, 2008, 10:20:47 am »
I also like a story like "Ennis", which continues the story of Ennis life after the SS and film ending, where he finally finds happiness.

There are a couple of sub-genres that fit this category:

After!Jack = any stories that deal with Ennis' life after Jack's passing. Also known as Dead!Jack and Post-Canon
MovingOn!Ennis = After!Jack stories where Ennis finds another man to love

There are quite a few good After!Jack stories out there. Among my favorites are:

"Widower for One Year" by 271horses (unfinished)

"Mitch Drabbles" by grieving_pln

"Gift of Exile" by talkstocoyotes (work in progress. Might become MO!Ennis)

There are only a few MO!Ennis stories that I have liked so far. The two stand-outs are:

"Riding Fence" by Lucian (removed because of  Cease & Desist letter from the BBM publishers. But I have a copy.)

"The Greatest Love"

and its sequel "Night Fire - The Last Ember" by cynical21

There is a rare pre-canon story by 271horses called "Roots" it is the life story of Rich & Earl. It is one of the best stories written in this fandom so far.

The Slash links pages at the Dave Cullen Forum ( are a good place to find fics. Sometimes there is a review to go along with the fic.


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Re: If I Asked by Midwest-girl
« Reply #44 on: October 08, 2008, 10:18:01 pm »
There are a couple of sub-genres that fit this category:

After!Jack = any stories that deal with Ennis' life after Jack's passing. Also known as Dead!Jack and Post-Canon
MovingOn!Ennis = After!Jack stories where Ennis finds another man to love

There are quite a few good After!Jack stories out there. Among my favorites are:

"Widower for One Year" by 271horses (unfinished)

"Mitch Drabbles" by grieving_pln

"Gift of Exile" by talkstocoyotes (work in progress. Might become MO!Ennis)

There are only a few MO!Ennis stories that I have liked so far. The two stand-outs are:

"Riding Fence" by Lucian (removed because of  Cease & Desist letter from the BBM publishers. But I have a copy.)

"The Greatest Love"

and its sequel "Night Fire - The Last Ember" by cynical21

There is a rare pre-canon story by 271horses called "Roots" it is the life story of Rich & Earl. It is one of the best stories written in this fandom so far.

The Slash links pages at the Dave Cullen Forum ( are a good place to find fics. Sometimes there is a review to go along with the fic.


Thanks for the links. I've read a couple of Cynical21 works, but not "Night Fire - The Last Ember", so I'll check it out. I love and have returned to "Roots" by 271horses several times. It's the only Rich and Earl story I've read so far. I haven't read "Widower for One Year", so I'll be sure to read that one too. Thanks for your suggestions and thanks for clarifying some to the fanfic terminology!

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Re: If I Asked by Midwest-girl
« Reply #45 on: November 12, 2009, 11:52:23 am »
Does anyone have a copy of "If I Asked" that they would be willing to share? I've been trying to find copies of some of the "classic" BBM fan fiction that is no longer online and would love to try this one. I recently got a copy of "Somebody New" and thought it was great. Sounds like "If I Asked" is in the same vein. Thanks!!

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Re: If I Asked by Midwest-girl
« Reply #46 on: November 12, 2009, 04:44:01 pm »
Sure. PM me your email and I'll send it to you.

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Re: If I Asked by Midwest-girl
« Reply #47 on: November 12, 2009, 06:23:22 pm »
Does anyone have a copy of "If I Asked" that they would be willing to share? I've been trying to find copies of some of the "classic" BBM fan fiction that is no longer online and would love to try this one. I recently got a copy of "Somebody New" and thought it was great. Sounds like "If I Asked" is in the same vein. Thanks!!

Which stories have you read so far? And what stories are you looking for? I'm sure we can get them to you. There are some good recommendations on this thread too.

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Re: If I Asked by Midwest-girl
« Reply #48 on: April 13, 2010, 10:16:01 pm »
Does anyone have a copy of "If I Asked" that they would be willing to share? I've been trying to find copies of some of the "classic" BBM fan fiction that is no longer online and would love to try this one. I recently got a copy of "Somebody New" and thought it was great. Sounds like "If I Asked" is in the same vein. Thanks!!

I was also hoping someone might have a copy of "If I asked" that they could share?  I am a very late newcomer and it sounds like this would be a great classic to read!  Thank you!!


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Re: If I Asked by Midwest-girl
« Reply #49 on: July 13, 2010, 12:16:44 pm »

I was also hoping someone might have a copy of "If I asked" that they could share?  I am a very late newcomer and it sounds like this would be a great classic to read!  Thank you!!

Me too...any of the "classics" that are no longer available, really. I'm constantly reading and always desperatefor good material.