I love the topic,

it has tempted me back into this forum. The thing that really made me go hunh ? was the total havoc that both the film and movie caused in every aspect of my life. I thought as I had read the S.S so many times, I was all cried out and the movie would just be another facet. Hmm well that could not have been further from the truth.All this time on and the saga of BBM still jangles nerves and pulls on my heart. I cannot hear the music without experiencing a massive lurch of stomach and heart.
I look back at the photo of those Brokies who came to the get together at my house, and the look of utter shell shock present on the faces of all who had just watched the movie, pretty well sums it all up.
I have ceased questioning my reactions so much, they are as they are and I will probably never know why. I got to nearly 50 having been an avid reader pretty well all my life and nothing has ever had this effect on me. Sure I have seen some sad films, read some sad books, maybe even shed a few tears and thought about things for a couple of days. Never before have I behaved like this. I would have laughed cynically and with scorn, had anyone suggested I would be feeling all these desperate raw emotions, so far down the road.
So I guess the whole movie is a massive hunh, to me.