Isn't it exciting? A full moon at the summer solstice! 
We were talking about this in yoga class. Someone said that only happens once every 70 years. And the yoga teacher came in later called it a "once in a lifetime" event. But while we were in shavasana I found myself doing the math. Assuming the full moon rotates days through the month, so for example one year it might be June 1 and the next year June 2 or whatever, wouldn't this happen once every 30 years? Or maybe that rotation isn't quite that neat, so it's June 1 for a couple of years, then June 2 for a couple of years, and so on. That would stretch out the years between the times it would fall on June 20. You'd have to wait 40 years, say, to get there. Then again, it would mean the next one wouldn't be 70 years from now, it would be next year.
It's also supposed to be a "strawberry moon." Something about the position of Mars, maybe?