Author Topic: JGL JGL JGL (a thread for Joseph Gordon-Levitt)  (Read 123100 times)

Offline Mandy21

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Re: JGL JGL JGL (a thread for Joseph Gordon-Levitt)
« Reply #190 on: July 21, 2012, 11:38:51 am »
..Actor Gordon-Levitt changes masks for "Dark Knight Rises"
By Piya Sinha-Roy | Reuters – Wed, Jul 18, 2012....

....LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Joseph Gordon-Levitt has come a long way from his television days playing a disguised extraterrestrial stranded on Earth, harnessing a chameleon-like ability to inhabit a variety of roles in independent films and big-budget blockbusters.

The actor, who gained fame on TV show "3rd Rock From the Sun," portrays Gotham police officer John Blake in Friday's "The Dark Knight Rises," the eagerly anticipated final installment of director Christopher Nolan's "Batman" trilogy.

While details about the film plot have been kept closely guarded, the actor told Reuters in a recent interview that fans can expect "a really excellent movie and a real ending" for the trio of Nolan's movies about the crime-fighting superhero.

"Sometimes they call something a trilogy, and it's not really a trilogy, it's another sequel to make money. But this really is a great ending, there's a beginning, a middle and an end," Gordon-Levitt said about Nolan's Batman movies.

Gordon-Levitt plays idealistic rookie cop Blake who becomes Commissioner Gordon's protégé. As trouble is unleashed on Gotham by the villain Bane, Blake becomes a key figure in joining Batman to save the city.

Following "Dark Knight," fans see Gordon-Levitt in several films over the next few months, including adrenaline-laced thriller "Premium Rush" in August and opposite Bruce Willis in sci-fi time travel thriller "Looper" in September, which reunited him with "Brick" director Rian Johnson.

"(Rian) wrote the part for me, and I've never had somebody write a part for me. That was an honor," Gordon-Levitt said.

In "Looper," both Gordon-Levitt and Willis play the same mob hitman called Joe, hired to kill targets through time travel. Gordon-Levitt took to the challenge of becoming Willis both physically and mentally, watching the "Die Hard" star's old movies, listening to his voice and spending time with him.

"My favorite part of acting is becoming something other than myself, and most of my favorite actors are the chameleons, the ones who disappear into their roles. You don't see the actor on screen, you see the character," Gordon-Levitt said, citing Gary Oldman, Meryl Streep and Daniel Day-Lewis as influences.

Director Johnson told Reuters that Gordon-Levitt put in a lot of "legwork and heavy lifting" to research and embody his characters thoroughly so that audiences don't feel like he is simply putting up an imitation.


Gordon-Levitt, 31, a native of Los Angeles, has spent most of his life in front of a camera, appearing on television regularly since the early 1990s and landing a lead role on NBC's alien comedy "3rd Rock" alongside John Lithgow.

The actor's transition to movies began with a breakout role in 1999 teen comedy "10 Things I Hate About You." Since then, he has worked non-stop across a variety of film genres, from 2004's gritty, low-budget drama "Brick" to playing a hopeless romantic in 2009 romantic comedy "(500) Days Of Summer." He broke into blockbusters with Stephen Sommers' "G.I. Joe: The Rise Of The Cobra" in 2009, and in Nolan's "Inception" in 2010.

"The reason he's been successful at it is that he applies the same criteria to big movies as he does to small movies, he's not just looking to break in and hop on board the latest big franchise, he chooses stories and filmmakers he's interested in," said Johnson, who is close friends with the actor.

Gordon-Levitt's range is wide. He portrayed a cancer sufferer in last year's comedy "50/50" and will be a bike messenger in the upcoming "Premium Rush," as well as Abraham Lincoln's son opposite Daniel Day-Lewis in Steven Spielberg's "Lincoln."

"I have an eclectic taste in the movies that I watch as well as the movies I'm inspired to want to work on. Variety is what keeps things interesting," the actor said. "I do work a whole lot and that's what I love to do, I'm very lucky to have a job that I love and that's pretty much what I do with my time."

Gordon-Levitt makes his directorial debut in "Don Jon's Addiction," exploring porn addiction, due in theaters next year starring Scarlett Johansson and Julianne Moore.

He also is heavily involved with his production company hitRECord, an online community of creative individuals who work on projects, including "The Tiny Book Of Tiny Stories," with volume 2 due out in November.

"There's plenty of people who don't have access to participate in the traditional entertainment industry and are great artists all the same, so hitRECord is a way for me to work with those people," said the actor.

(Reporting By Piya Sinha-Roy; Editing by Bob Tourtellotte; Desking by Andrew Hay)

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Offline Mandy21

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Re: JGL JGL JGL (a thread for Joseph Gordon-Levitt)
« Reply #191 on: July 26, 2012, 12:05:35 pm »
Gordon-Levitt's superhero dreams
Thursday, 26 July 2012

Joseph Gordon-Levitt has hinted that he would like to play a superhero.
But the 31-year-old, who plays policeman John Blake in The Dark Knight Rises, refused to answer the question directly, teasing: "Everybody should play a superhero, whether the cameras are rolling or not."
Joseph, who got the role in Christopher Nolan's third and final Batman film after working with the filmmaker on Inception, is proud that he got the opportunity to reunite with him again.
"It's an honour, a deep honour. I've loved Batman ever since I was a little kid, and I've particularly loved Mr Nolan's movies," he divulged.
"I remember when Batman Begins came out and I said to myself, 'Oh, the filmmaker who is making Memento is making a Batman film. That's really interesting - I'm going to see that'. I loved it, and then The Dark Knight was just about the coolest thing I've ever seen in a movie theatre, so to be a part of this third one, I feel really grateful and very lucky."
The actor, whose new film Looper will open the Toronto International Film Festival on September 6, revealed Batman fans will be pleased with the ending in The Dark Knight Rises, which is in cinemas now.
"It's a very good ending. Sometimes they make a second sequel and they call it a trilogy, but it's just another sequel to make more money," he explained.
"This is a very satisfying ending. There was a beginning, a middle and now this is the conclusion."

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Offline Mandy21

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Re: JGL JGL JGL (a thread for Joseph Gordon-Levitt)
« Reply #192 on: August 17, 2012, 06:34:56 am »
Joseph G-L not expecting Robin film
Thursday, 16 August 2012

Joseph Gordon-Levitt starred in the Dark Knight Rises

Joseph Gordon-Levitt has commented on the potential for him to star in a Batman spin-off movie.
 In the final scenes of Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises his orphaned cop character is seen discovering the Batcave after it is revealed his real name is Robin.
But Joseph told Jimmy Kimmel Live: "I don't get to decide those things. That's the honest truth, man. You think I get to make those decisions? I don't think it's necessarily a set-up [for a sequel].
"I think it's a great ending for that trilogy. Even if you go back to Batman Begins, he's talking about how Batman is more than a man. It's a symbol. A hero can be anybody, and we all have heroes inside of us. That's a theme that runs throughout the trilogy," reported the actor as saying.
Christopher Nolan has made it clear The Dark Knight Rises is his final film in his trilogy.
Asked about being given the role of Robin in the film, Joseph said: "It's pretty awesome, right?
"I was a fan of those movies before I ever met [Christopher Nolan] or did Inception or ever thought I was going to get to do The Dark Knight Rises. He's such a great storyteller and filmmaker. It was such an honour."

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Offline Aloysius J. Gleek

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Re: JGL JGL JGL (a thread for Joseph Gordon-Levitt)
« Reply #193 on: August 19, 2012, 01:57:56 pm »


published Aug 15, 2012


PLAYBOY: We’re about to see you play a bike messenger chased by a twisted cop in the big-screen action thriller Premium Rush.  Meanwhile, audiences are still arguing about whether The Dark Knight Rises  is the best-ever Batman  flick, and your profile has kept rising since you did Inception  and (500) Days of Summer.  Having acted in commercials and TV shows such as 3rd Rock From the Sun  since you were six and having made your 1992 movie debut at the age of 11 as Student #1 in Beethoven,  do you look back on your childhood as a bit skewed?
GORDON-LEVITT: I wouldn’t say I was a normal kid. I’d say I was a lucky little kid, because unfortunately it’s not normal to have extraordinarily good parents who love and support you. I played baseball, did gymnastics, took piano lessons and started acting as just another one of the things I did. I wasn’t pressured into it. But it was acting I loved. I had a really cool acting teacher who taught us how to become a character, to be realistic and feel those feelings, so I hated being expected to behave like an idiot in TV commercials because they seem to think that’s what sells toys or whatever. I remember on Beethoven  we weren’t allowed to pet the dog because it would have distracted him. For a dog lover that was disappointing and weird.


PLAYBOY: Back then, just as now, you never seemed to get caught up in any of the missteps that have turned many promising young actors into tabloid fodder. How?
GORDON-LEVITT: Being on TV when I was a teenager in high school was way harder than anything I’ve experienced since. It prepared me for what it is to work in pop culture. I’ve learned I have basically two different interactions with people. I love when someone approaches me and tells me they’ve seen me in something that made them feel something and that they connected to it. That’s part of why I do it. The other interaction is with people who really don’t care about the movies or anything like that. They just sort of buy into the fame thing, and that feels icky to me.


PLAYBOY: Have you followed the political traditions of your grandfather Michael Gordon, a director who survived the 1950s blacklists; your father, who was news director of a politically progressive radio station; and your mother, who in 1970 ran for Congress on the Peace and Freedom Party ticket?
GORDON-LEVITT: My parents are political in that they’re well read and as up on the news as anybody I know. To me that is political activism, choosing to stay informed and not just watching CNN or some bullshit entertainment show. Every time I sit down and watch television news, I think, This is show business. That’s what I do. I say, go on the internet and find news from all over the world through the BBC, the Pacifica stations, newspapers, people’s blogs and tweets. It’s so funny when people say Fox is bad. Sure Fox is bad, but I don’t think CNN and MSNBC are really any better.


PLAYBOY: You’ve shot a number of short films, including one last year documenting Occupy Wall Street protesters in Zuccotti Park in New York. How closely does the mainstream media’s coverage of that movement relate to what you filmed and experienced?
GORDON-LEVITT: Very little. What I’ve seen on TV focuses on the superficial stuff. It’s a pretty simple notion: People who have lots of money—people in corporations who have tons of money—are malevolently manipulating the system to keep their money. And the rest of the world suffers for it. You could show a trillion examples of how Goldman Sachs, McDonald’s, Walmart and Monsanto are clearly fucking over everybody, but CNN, Fox and MSNBC are owned by Fortune 500 companies, so they never show any of it.


PLAYBOY: Couldn’t a detractor accuse you, a famous, privileged actor, of being one of the elites?
GORDON-LEVITT: I grew up in the 1990s, when it was considered cool to be excessively rich. That’s what rappers rapped about, and later that’s what Paris Hilton had a TV show about and what MTV Cribs was about. The Occupy movement is a pop culture happening that’s saying money is not what’s cool. What’s cool is doing something worthwhile. If your goal is to make money in the movie industry, you make crappy movies, not good ones.


PLAYBOY: How did you make the rough transition from kid TV star to grown-up movie star?
GORDON-LEVITT: As a teenager in the 1990s I loved the spike of indie films coming through Sundance, and films like Pulp Fiction, Big Night, Sling Blade, Trees Lounge  and Swingers.  Had I said to my agents at the time that I wanted to do that stuff, they would have said, “You’re making a ton of money doing TV, and that’s what you’re going to do.” I went to school, quit acting for a while, and when I came back everyone wanted me to do another TV show and make more money. I didn’t want to. I made a decision that I was going to do only work that inspired me creatively, not what was supposed to be good for my career.


PLAYBOY: Yet the work that inspires can also be commercial. The sweet, upbeat indie romance (500) Days of Summer  was a hit and turned you into a heartthrob.
GORDON-LEVITT: The (500) Days of Summer  attitude of “He wants you so bad” seems attractive to some women and men, especially younger ones, but I would encourage anyone who has a crush on my character to watch it again and examine how selfish he is. He develops a mildly delusional obsession over a girl onto whom he projects all these fantasies. He thinks she’ll give his life meaning because he doesn’t care about much else going on in his life. A lot of boys and girls think their lives will have meaning if they find a partner who wants nothing else in life but them. That’s not healthy. That’s falling in love with the idea of a person, not the actual person.


PLAYBOY: Are you actually slagging a movie that landed you on people’s radar and made many of them fall in love with you and Zooey Deschanel as a screen couple?
GORDON-LEVITT: No, I really liked that movie. The coming-of-age story is subtly done, and that’s great, because nothing’s worse than an over-the-top, cheesy, hitting-you-over-the-head-with-a-hammer, moral-of-the-story sort of thing. But a part of the movie that’s less talked about is that once Zooey’s character dumps the guy, he builds himself up without the crutch of a fantasy relationship, and he meets a new girl.


PLAYBOY: Your character in (500) Days  made extravagant gestures in the name of love. What kind of woman could make you do that?
GORDON-LEVITT: Making checklists of things you’re looking for in a person is the numero uno thing you can do to guarantee you’ll be alone forever. You can’t meet someone and think, Do they have everything I want in a person? You just have to pay attention, keep your eyes open, listen to people and be present. I guess what I look for in a girl is someone who’s doing that too. Beyond that there’s not much more I would specify, because you never fucking know, man.


PLAYBOY: You and Deschanel also made the music video “Why Do You Let Me Stay Here?” and a homemade one of you two singing the 1947 classic “What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve?” How do you react when so many people—judging from comments on the internet—want the two of you to get together romantically?
GORDON-LEVITT: It’s awkward when people say that. Whatever. Zooey and I just think it’s funny. It is funny. We’ve been friends for 10 years. She loves movies, music and art, and she’s incredibly knowledgeable about that stuff. She’s turned me on to so many good movies and so much good music. It’s fun just to have conversations, watch movies with her and stuff like that.


PLAYBOY: You’ve used YouTube and the internet a lot to express yourself. Is it as satisfying and creative an outlet as film?
GORDON-LEVITT: The internet’s a fascinating thing because you can express yourself anonymously without any of the consequences. I’ve developed a lot of meaningful, creatively collaborative relationships with all sorts of people on the internet. I use Twitter a lot, and I have an open collaborative production company, hitRECord, where I make art with people.


PLAYBOY: Are there any film genres you haven’t done that you’d like to tackle? You’re reportedly attached to a remake of Little Shop of Horrors.
GORDON-LEVITT: I would like to do a musical, if I could find a cool one. When Zooey and I danced in that video it was just us having a great time, just being ourselves. A song-and-dance role is closer to me personally than other characters I play.


PLAYBOY: Your grandfather Michael Gordon directed some of the most popular romantic comedies and tearjerkers of the 1960s, with Doris Day, Rock Hudson and James Garner. Do you ever wish you were working in old-time Hollywood?
GORDON-LEVITT: No. Right now is without a doubt the most exciting time in human history. The ability to connect with one another, the technology of the internet and all that it’s spawning, is doubtlessly the most fascinating thing that’s ever happened. It’s an incredibly exciting time to be alive, as a human being and especially as an artist. In the 20th century making movies, music or anything was a one-way thing, but creativity is always more of an interactive, back-and-forth, organic and progressive thing. We’re going to get away from “Oh, I just get to listen to stories; I don’t tell them” and “I just listen to music; I don’t play or sing it.” No, man! That’s a terrible way to think about yourself. I think art is going to become more conversational, more of a dialogue, and a better, healthier thing for everybody.


PLAYBOY: Why do you think your Dark Knight Rises  co-star Christian Bale called you an “intriguing guy”?
GORDON-LEVITT: We had a fucking great time every day working on that movie. I felt as though I’d transferred in for senior year and had a graduation celebration. You felt a huge sense of accomplishment and closure. Everyone on that movie did such good, dignified work. No one came to phone it in or just cash a check.


PLAYBOY: Are you enough of a daredevil to tear through Manhattan traffic on a fixed-gear brakeless bicycle the way your terrorized bike messenger character does in Premium Rush ?
GORDON-LEVITT: I’m really into bikes, actually, because I was paying attention to them doing Premium Rush.  So when someone rides by with a cool setup that really fits them, I think, Oh wow, that looks nice. I live in a part of L.A. with quite a bike culture, and I bought a great bike, but I don’t ride it as much as I’d like.


PLAYBOY: Does being an internet-savvy guy who has acted in a few high-tech, futuristic movies translate into being a cutting-edge, gadget-buying guy offscreen?
GORDON-LEVITT: I’d say no. I will admit I like cameras. I have some that are really nice. I like a beautiful guitar or piano, because I love music and musical instruments. I guess I do as much fetishizing as the average guy. Cars do not impress me. Whenever I see somebody with an extremely nice car, I’m like, What an idiot. It just looks so stupid.


PLAYBOY: You play Abraham Lincoln’s son in Steven Spielberg’s upcoming historical epic Lincoln,  starring Daniel Day-Lewis.
GORDON-LEVITT: It’s a ridiculously exciting movie to be part of. Daniel Day-Lewis has a unique, enormously inspiring process that’s very immersive. I never heard his real voice or saw him out of costume. I met the president, I met my dad, but I never met Day-Lewis until we wrapped. As excited as I am about Lincoln,  though, I’m honestly most excited about Looper.


PLAYBOY: That’s the time-travel movie in which you’re an assassin assigned to kill your future self, played by Bruce Willis. What personal or professional transgressions would you travel through time to fix?
GORDON-LEVITT: I wouldn’t do that, but I’m a sucker for Rian Johnson’s thing. He’s the writer-director of Looper,  and I also made Brick  with him. He’s a dear friend and a brilliant filmmaker—a great writer, a great mind. Looper  brings all the exhilaration and chemical feelings you hope to get from an action sci-fi movie. But Rian has also come up with a concept that will tickle your intellect while he tells a sincere story about the cyclical nature of violence and how violence begets violence. I love going to a good movie more than anything, and this movie just hits it.


PLAYBOY: What’s the best night out you’ve had recently?
GORDON-LEVITT: Questlove is a great drummer, but I saw him deejay recently. He could put on any record at all, but the art is in the sequence, reading the crowd and thinking, I know exactly the song to put on right now. To me that’s the art form of the 21st century and creativity in general—being able to pick and choose from anything and make the right choice.


PLAYBOY: You replaced James Franco in Inception  and James McAvoy in 50/50.  Which other famous Jameses are you out to replace?
GORDON-LEVITT: [Laughs] That’s funny. LeBron better look out.

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Cowboy Curtis (Laurence Fishburne)
and Pee-wee in the 1990 episode
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Offline Aloysius J. Gleek

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Re: JGL JGL JGL (a thread for Joseph Gordon-Levitt)
« Reply #194 on: August 19, 2012, 07:14:29 pm »


PLAYBOY: You and Deschanel also made the music video “Why Do You Let Me Stay Here?” and a homemade one of you two singing the 1947 classic “What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve?” How do you react when so many people—judging from comments on the internet—want the two of you to get together romantically?
GORDON-LEVITT: It’s awkward when people say that. Whatever. Zooey and I just think it’s funny. It is funny. We’ve been friends for 10 years. She loves movies, music and art, and she’s incredibly knowledgeable about that stuff. She’s turned me on to so many good movies and so much good music. It’s fun just to have conversations, watch movies with her and stuff like that.


PLAYBOY: You’ve used YouTube and the internet a lot to express yourself. Is it as satisfying and creative an outlet as film?
GORDON-LEVITT: The internet’s a fascinating thing because you can express yourself anonymously without any of the consequences. I’ve developed a lot of meaningful, creatively collaborative relationships with all sorts of people on the internet. I use Twitter a lot, and I have an open collaborative production company, hitRECord, where I make art with people.


PLAYBOY: Are there any film genres you haven’t done that you’d like to tackle? You’re reportedly attached to a remake of Little Shop of Horrors.
GORDON-LEVITT: I would like to do a musical, if I could find a cool one. When Zooey and I danced in that video it was just us having a great time, just being ourselves. A song-and-dance role is closer to me personally than other characters I play.

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"Tu doives entendre je t'aime."
(and you know who I am...)

Cowboy Curtis (Laurence Fishburne)
and Pee-wee in the 1990 episode
"Camping Out"

Offline Aloysius J. Gleek

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Re: JGL JGL JGL (a thread for Joseph Gordon-Levitt)
« Reply #195 on: August 19, 2012, 08:50:13 pm »

Uploaded by Aujii11 on Jan 2, 2011

"Tu doives entendre je t'aime."
(and you know who I am...)

Cowboy Curtis (Laurence Fishburne)
and Pee-wee in the 1990 episode
"Camping Out"

Offline Aloysius J. Gleek

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Can you imagine!

 :o :o ::) :laugh: :laugh:

Every GIF Of
Joseph Gordon Levitt Doing “Magic Mike”
That You Could Ever Possibly Need
The best part of JGL on SNL last night.


Whitney Jefferson
BuzzFeed Staff
posted about 4 hours ago


« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 05:43:26 pm by Aloysius J. Gleek »
"Tu doives entendre je t'aime."
(and you know who I am...)

Cowboy Curtis (Laurence Fishburne)
and Pee-wee in the 1990 episode
"Camping Out"

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Re: JGL JGL JGL (a thread for Joseph Gordon-Levitt)
« Reply #197 on: September 23, 2012, 03:57:06 pm »

             He was awesome as always.  The skits were bitingly funny.  He was sexy and grown up completely.  He is now that hot sexy leading man.
Who would have thought it.  After his start in Third Rock from the Sun teen goof ball style.  He is for sure a multi=talented man.  Music, acting, writing
and a great take on being in his own body.

     Beautiful mind

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Re: JGL JGL JGL (a thread for Joseph Gordon-Levitt)
« Reply #198 on: September 25, 2012, 12:23:02 am »
Looks like he didn't go with assless chaps, though.

Offline Jeff Wrangler

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Re: JGL JGL JGL (a thread for Joseph Gordon-Levitt)
« Reply #199 on: September 25, 2012, 09:05:20 am »
Looks like he didn't go with assless chaps, though.

OK, Saw that on the TV in the bar Saturday night, but I wasn't close enough to the screen to make out who it was in front. Now I know.

Looks like he started early with a personal trainer.
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