* Higgins Gift Shop * ==CLOSED Evenings==
Re-opens tmo. Labor Day
Heart-uneasy Ennis had emotional dry heaves and was in process to
upchuck vomitus!
def = materials discharged by vomiting
=congratz= DeeDee Our Gyrl -- and Dre's Godmama -- hit
1,000 postz!
Delayed congratz as DDD hadn't posted here then.
In fact, DeeDee hasn't played ABCz since Aug. 17!
Detective Dee has been busy on 2 mystery cases:
"Who's that Girl II?" and "Where's the body?"
=aside= Kitty WellsMeow! I luv your classic C&W song about God and "Honky Tonk Angels"! Thanx to "BBM", it's getting a new boost. Happy B-day, Miss Wells! Folkz, Country Queen Kitty just just turned 87 years the other day on August 30th!