So the Guidos are out
Is this the first time TPTB has made it so obvious when the race was actually run? There was Christmas trees in hotels and all sorts...
I quite liked that one of the lead teams was kept back – it is a race and this made it clear that you even have to race to a clue box to be in it.
Re: Charla – why the hell did she not hold the reins a bit further up – I checked it wasn’t cos she was small that caused her to hold on to the reins so loosely. If they had been tighter she would have had more control over the horse. Her little tip over was quite funny though… (But Mirna wouldn’t have really known at the time the task – maybe if they had known she would have done it.)
I also liked Eric’s Miss California comment – classic – and Go Danielle for finishing that sausage before Eric!
Having been to Auschwitz, I have to say I expected nothing less from the racers with regard to their emotions – I defy ANYONE – yes even a ‘dude’ like Eric - to go there and not get upset – even only doing the minimal things they did there. You really do feel like there are hundred of souls forcing down on you as soon as you get there. This place is in the middle of the country but you’ll see no wildlife, no birds flying ahead. Its just eerie. I cried along with them all as it reminded me how painful that place is. And I have no relatives who were involved. But I would say – if you are in the area – do go. While it was a painful experience it does remind you how good we have it and how we should not let anything like this happen ever again. It makes me waonder why we aren’t doing more in places like Rwanda.
Another reason for the bus bunching (as well a allowing the Guidos etc to catch up) I believe is so they could film at Auswitz at night. It’s fairly busy during the day -even at that time of year. This would have a) caused spoilers and b) disrupted all the people there visiting.
Re: Polish people – they are soo friendly! Having been in both Warsaw and Krakow they are very very helpful – perhaps they just don’t like screaming and/or TV cameras and thats why the didn't help Charla/Mirna.
Oswald and Danny should have got the prize. Uchenna and Joyce already have a $1million!