Author Topic: Messages From The Heartland  (Read 2183002 times)

Offline David In Indy

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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #2110 on: November 14, 2007, 11:41:15 pm »

          What the heck happened David?  Why did you have a big mess to clean up?   ???    ???

You mean the milk mess Janice? Somebody left a carton of unopened milk sitting on a shelf for an undetermined amount of time (probably a week or two) and it exploded.


And it sprayed its funk nasty foulness all over the utility room. I can't even begin to describe what it smelled like, and there were slimy rotten milk clots on the drapes, ceiling, walls, and everywhere else it could wedge itself into and on to.

I had to open the windows while I was cleaning in there and I thought I was going to die.

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Offline David In Indy

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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #2111 on: November 14, 2007, 11:43:59 pm »
Just dropped in to say Hi...and found your wonderful heartfelt post David.  It's beautiful, like you sweet boy  :-*


Hugs back at ya, Dottie! :D

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Offline David In Indy

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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #2112 on: November 14, 2007, 11:47:00 pm »
I had a very interesting experience back in the early 90s. At that time I had made all kinds of friends down in Winston-Salem and I was going down there camping, tubing, hiking and just having a good time with these people practically every weekend. There was one guy Rick. Anyway, this guy seemed to have certain things that went beyond the ordinary. He was actually quite funny, always some funny story to tell and everybody treated it as that. I remember he used to call and talk about the ghost in his house kept him up all night partying. He said another time that this guy, the ghost, was sitting on the edge of his bed. Another time the ghost had a friend over and had another party. Anyway, everybody thought all of this was funny. Nobody believed him. So it was getting near Christmas, maybe a little before or around Thanksgiving, and Rick suddenly was trying to give people his things. He said he wouldn't be around at Christmas so he wanted certain people to have certain things. Well, about 2 weeks before Christmas one of my other friends called and said that Rick had died from a massive heart attack the night before. I went down there closer to Christmas and found that these other people, his so called friends, had been going to his house taking things. I went into the house once with Jimmy and I have never felt a cold like that. After I saw what these people were doing I quit going down there. These people didn't have great luck after that. But, that New Years Eve, I was all by myself and at 12:00 midnight the bell that was on top of the Christmas tree that Rick had given me rang. It had never rang before during the whole time the tree had been up. It never did ring again. Of course, I thought it was strange. But what was stranger was that I went upstairs and laying beside my bed was something laying in the floor turned over. I turned it over and it was a picture of Rick standing in front of a Christmas trees from a few years before. I had never seen this picture before. Coincidence, it could be. Maybe the picture had been in something Rick had given me and it just fell out. However, I truly don't think any of it was a coincidence. I truly think he was saying goodbye. I had been the only one in that group of friends who had not ended up taking advantage of him. Oh, and by the way, the people who moved into his house next told another friend of mine down there that there was a ghost in the house that tended to be quite noisy. And I am not making any of this up. It is all the truth.


Poor Rick. :'(

That is terrible how his "friends" came in there and started taking all of his belongings! I've known people like this and thankfully I have disassociated myself from them. Unbelievable. Some people have WAY too much nerve, and they can be completely heartless and rude... and cruel.

Do you think Rick's ghost is in the house now? You said the new residents have been noticing some strange happenings in there.

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Offline David In Indy

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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #2113 on: November 14, 2007, 11:51:17 pm »
that was lovely David!

This guy in the heartland decided to go plant the roots of the wild roses he brought back from NYC. Iin my luggage lo.

Rosa virginiana and an unknown very early blooming suckering species rose with lovely foliage.... Dug them up from a garden i planted with a very dear late friend.A garden they were too lazy to deal with and mowed down, obliterating a couple of thousand bucks worth of plants when all they had to do was remove perennials and leave the damned shrubs alone!. So while in NY I dug the roots up, prepared them, packed them and flew home with them. Also a few polygonatum tubers, and a very very rare true dwarf reblooming daily not in commerce.And decided to put the roses in the ground at 4 in the mornin, and no, I ain't jokin!


It sounds like you must have a very beautiful garden each spring. Maybe next year you could take some pictures of it and post them so we can see the flowers! :)

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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #2114 on: November 15, 2007, 08:36:26 am »
But I'll never forget seeing that cute, dark haired man standing next to my bed. And I've often wondered if he will ever appear to me again. I know he is with me all the time, but it sure would be nice to see him every once in awhile! :D

I have no doubt that you will meet you handsome, dark haired angel again, David.  :D

I once had a similar experience. It was during the very sad time when my dear mother was experiencing her final illness. She was 80. She had inoperable cancer. The doctors told us she didn't have long to live. She was attached to a metered morphine pump to keep the pain at bay. Late one night, only a couple of days before she passed away, I was sitting in an armchair at the foot of her bed. The room was dimly lit. I was sitting quietly, my thoughts filled with loving thoughts of my mother, interspersed with harrowing pangs of mourning for what I knew was to come. From where I sat in the corner, I slowly became aware that there was "someone" else in the room with Mum and me. This realisation came to me very gradually and subtly. It was not a momentous revelation type thing. Over to my left was the door. I slowly became aware that someone was standing in the doorway, just inside the room. The most beautiful, blissful, loving vibrations were radiating from him. I at no time looked directly at him. Since that night, I've sometimes wondered why I didn't simple turn my head and look straight at him. I still don't quite know why I didn't do so. Maybe I was afraid that if I'd looked directly at him, I might have found there really was no-one there at all. I don't know. Suffice to say that I did not look directly at him. However, as the sensation of his presence became increasingly more manifest and powerful in the room, I afforded myself the luxury of closely examining him peripherally (I don't know if you've ever done this yourself. You can actually see a great deal peripherally, without looking directly at something). I firmly believe it was my father standing in that doorway that night. But it wasn't my father as I knew him. Dad was 42 when I was born, so I only ever remembered him as an older man. In that room that night, Dad appeared as the young man he had been when he first met and fell in love with Mum. I've seen photos of Dad as a young man. He was a handsome, bronzed, beanpole straight young man; strong and sinewy, without an ounce of fat on his lean bones; a mop of blond hair and bright, azure blue eyes. That was who was standing in the doorway of Mum's room that night. And he only had eyes for Mum. He stood there very quietly, very still, arms by his sides, lovingly gazing at Mum; an enormous serenity emanating from him. I had no doubt that Dad was there to take Mum home with him.

The cynic would say that I had dozed off in my armchair and was dreaming. But I know what I experienced.

I still feel my Dad's strong, protective presence to this day. And I know that he will be there for me when my time comes, just as he was for Mum.
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Offline jstephens9

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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #2115 on: November 16, 2007, 09:15:23 pm »
I'm not sure if it would be Rick's ghost or the ghost he always talked about. It was as if he talked about the ghost like he was just somebody that lived there. Nobody believed him, but ever since then I sure have wondered.

Offline Kerry

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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #2116 on: November 16, 2007, 10:57:28 pm »
I'm not sure if it would be Rick's ghost or the ghost he always talked about. It was as if he talked about the ghost like he was just somebody that lived there. Nobody believed him, but ever since then I sure have wondered.

I once lived in a haunted house. Or rather, a haunted apartment.

It was a lovely penthouse apartment, overlooking the ocean. There were large, floor to ceiling windows in the living room, overlooking the sea. During the day, one could see the beautiful view. But at night, it was pitch-black outside, which turned the windows into mirrors from the inside, reflecting the contents of the room. I used to sit on a settee facing the windows, watching television, meaning I could see myself and the room reflected in the windows.

To my right and behind where I sat stretched a hallway, leading to the bedrooms. I could see down the hallway, reflected in the windows.

Not long after I'd moved into the apartment, I was watching television one night, when I became aware that someone was standing in the hallway. I could see his reflection in the windows. It gave me quite a start. Alarmed, I got up to investigate, only to find that no-one was there.

I initially thought I'd imagined it. A trick of the light, I thought. After all, it wasn't well lit in that part of the apartment. However, my friend revisited me many times thereafter. Not every night, but often enough for me to be aware of his presence.

I became reconciled to the fact that he was a spirit presence and would allow myself to closely observe him in the reflection, whenever he appeared.

He only ever appeared in the reflection. Whenever I went to look down the hallway, there was nothing to be seen.

At no time did I ever feel scared or intimidated by his presence. Nor, however, was it a comforting feeling.

As I observed him, I saw that he was a young man in his mid-20s with dark hair cut short at the nape and heavy on his forehead. He was dressed in contemporary shirt and slacks. He always stood very still, about half-way down the hallway, I guess looking at my reflection in the windows.

Was he aware that I was also looking at him in the same reflection? I'll never know.

He never moved. Just stood there, very still, looking down the hallway. If I became distracted by the television or something else, he would be gone when I looked back.

In time, the realisation came to me that he had died in that apartment. Don't ask me how I know, but I feel sure that he committed suicide there.

It got to the point where I was empathising with his plight; i.e., being stuck there in that apartment.

One night, as he stood in the hallway, looking at me in the reflection, I said out loud to him, "I now release you to your highest good on all levels. There is nothing to keep you here. Be gone from here now. So mote it be."

I never saw him again.

This is a true story.  :)
« Last Edit: November 17, 2007, 02:53:39 am by Kerry »
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Offline David In Indy

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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #2117 on: November 17, 2007, 02:02:44 am »
Wachin K'sapa Yo Alex Hau Slol Yapi Wahi Was'te Wasin Ni Wochangi!!!

 :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

(Alex is back visiting me again and I'm very happy about it!)

I once lived in a haunted house. Or rather, a haunted apartment.

That was very intersesting Kerry. I have had some strange experiences with my bathroom mirror. There is something vey creepy about reflections, and I have seen a few things too! I'm glad you didn't feel frightened or threatened by this spirit in your apartment. Actually I feel very sorry for him, and I'm glad you released him. Maybe this is why he was appearing to you. Maybe he was asking for help.

I have something to tell you about an experience I had once in Evansville. I will tell you about it tomorrow, okay? I need to get upstairs and spend time with Alex!  :D

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Offline brokebackjack

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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #2118 on: November 17, 2007, 08:15:03 am »
Try having 'someone' put a hand on your shoulder, in a friendly typoe-way, as if to say hey bud, i'm here.

When you are cold stone sober, and in a room by yourself with nooooobody there but you.
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Offline Jeff Wrangler

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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #2119 on: November 17, 2007, 12:38:46 pm »
You mean the milk mess Janice? Somebody left a carton of unopened milk sitting on a shelf for an undetermined amount of time (probably a week or two) and it exploded.


And it sprayed its funk nasty foulness all over the utility room. I can't even begin to describe what it smelled like, and there were slimy rotten milk clots on the drapes, ceiling, walls, and everywhere else it could wedge itself into and on to.

I had to open the windows while I was cleaning in there and I thought I was going to die.

An exploding milk carton?  :o
"It is required of every man that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellow-men, and travel far and wide."--Charles Dickens.