I thought this one-shot was particularly well done and it confirms my feeling that the sequel may be an even "darker" and more complex story than Zero - but on different levels and in different ways.
I agree - the two one-shots have wetted my appetite for the sequel even more than Zero did on its own, if that is even possible.
Did anyone else think that Jack's resolute handling the muggers was a foreshadowing and trial run of the "Action Dentist" activity he'll have to engage in in the sequel proper, in order to help or protect D....?
I really don't know enough about the sequel's topic to be sure of anything, which is good of course - but it has me speculating nevertheless!

I have such high expectations for that sequel, it's almost... worrying. Good thing that Lori seems to be able to handle the pressure of fans' eager anticipations! I know the sequel will be a long time coming, probably, but IMO it's one reason I can't quit BBM fanfiction although the really good offerings are getting a bit more scarce now - I
have to keep at it till I've read that sequel!
Can'tWaitCan'tWaitCan'tWaitCan'tWaitCan'tWaitCan'tWaitCan'tWait OMG!