Sometimes it works if one partner makes every effort. At least for a while...
I have some friends (female) who are constantly working on their relationships though (or because) their partners do not. And they all have been together for yeeeears! I believe,however, that this is kind of masochistic... I would go mad with that...
Corax and Chuck,
My underlying precondition for this discussion is that both love each other. Therefore, it cannot be that one works on the relationship more than the other. I think the sticking point would be for Ennis to commit himself to Jack in the first place. What would need to have happened for him to do so? Ennis must overcome the issues with his daddy, his own identity issues and then also his identity issues
within the society (think on confirming with the norm), which is including Alma and his daughters, then find a way how to deal with any discrimination in its different levels of hate (from just a strange look, to a curse word, to an actual physical action). He would need a lot of strength to overcome all these - were would that strength come from? From what kind of insight or knowledge or from what kind of event?
Ennis is someone who needs to be pushed - by people, by events and by life itself. He is not someone who actively pursues a dream or an ideal, that's for sure. But i strongly disagree that Ennis would be happy to let Jack do all the work while he's putting his feet up (after commitment to Jack!).