For all of us uneducated folk (me), can someone explain who Stephen Fry is? 
Stephen Fry is an openly gay, HILARIOUS Brit comedian / writer / actor. Chuck his name into IMDb (but wash your hands afterwards... lol.. that was nasty I know) and you'll see a list of his works. He was General Melchett in Blackadder with Rowan Atkinson, he starred with Hugh Laurie (from House) in a comic show "A bit of Fry and Laurie" or something. One things for sure, he's a bit of a sacred cow in England - I mean, you can't see the Oscars giving the host role to an openly gay person, can you? But we already knew that the Brits are more evolved - Stephen Fry hosted the BAFTA's this year and did an absolutely wonderful job - he introduced Jake G (who was presenting an award) by saying something like "... an incredibly talented young man about whom I could wax lyrical all night.. and indeed for whom, last night, I just plain waxed. I hope he'll notice!" I think YouTube still have this clip - its very funny.. straight after Fry said that, it cut to Jake waiting off stage giggling and shaking his head. Mmmm... very nice.
Hope that helps. Definitely check out IMDb for him, its a very comprehensive list of his stuff.