Hi, C*!
Yay, a new chapter! What a great way to start the weekend!
Gorgeous, gorgeous writing, as always.
There is such a perfect symmetry to your writing and it reflects so beautifully the perfect symmetry of Jack and Ennis. I just want to keep reading the words over and over again.
I love that Ennis brought Summer and Blue
And it's so fitting - Ennis can only be the true Ennis when he is with Jack and when he is with his horses.
It was a beautiful sound. . . .
. . . and that was a beautiful chapter! I always love your humor - thanks for ending with a laugh!
Thanks, C*!
P.S. I'm worried about Ennis's ominous feeling - I trust his instincts!
Thank you so much for always taking the time to read and comment.
You are the
BEST encourager.
I know I'm not the first one to work in a lot of sentiment with Ennis' horses,
but I think my names are original...I think. I haven't read them in any other fics so far. With certain details, like the horses, it becomes a little difficult to sound original, because I believe we all see Ennis a certain way when it comes to his animals.

But I see that as a good thing, and really a tribute to Annie and the screenwriters because their depictions were so strong as to resonate with all of us so similarly.
I know there is one fic that has a black horse with blue eyes named "Twister." And I just absolutely LOVED that.

I think it might be Leslie's story...but I'm trying to remember. (Gosh, I've read so many. Sometimes, I do start to get them mixed up) lol
You quoted one of my favorite lines to write. And it's funny, because it's so short.
But sometimes, the short lines can really pack a punch.
"It was a beautiful sound..." I swear there are times when these boys are in the room with me when I'm writing.
And I'm so glad you like my attempts with humor. lol
Humor is rather new for me.
I've written a great deal of emotional, angsty poetry over the years,
and much of it has been published. But these little stories are really
my strongest attempts at humor, and it is such a refreshing change.
Thanks again, sweetie.
I look foward to your feedback every week.
P.S. - And good for you for picking up on Ennis' ominous feeling. I believe you are the first one to mention that so far. And you have good reason to trust his instincts.
I don't throw in details like that randomly. If Ennis has a feeling about something,
it's gonna go somewhere. A hint though...it may build for several chapters.
Good catch. I love it when people are getting the details.