Author Topic: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!  (Read 1245345 times)

Offline fernly

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #830 on: March 24, 2007, 04:25:28 pm »
Many thanks to all of you for filling the archive with your words. Many thanks to Lucise, for making it beautiful.

Bless you for continuing to update the LJ!   :-*
Thank you!  :)





Thank you to everyone for the daily variety of fic treats, and for the archive so I can find them when I need to read them again.

« Last Edit: March 29, 2007, 12:44:55 am by fernly »
on the mountain flying in the euphoric, bitter air

Offline Cameron

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #831 on: March 24, 2007, 08:42:51 pm »
(Decided to keep it going today.  Thank you, Barbara for the great prompts and for all the work on the archive)

A Chilly Afternoon

(September 1980)
Ennis had to go out for a while.  He had been spending the day with Cassie.  She kept talking about going to nursing school  and her friends and their babies.  “Got to get some more smokes”  he said to her.

“But ya have half a pack.” Cassie replied.  “Why do ya have to go?”

Ennis didn’t answer, he just put on his hat and went out to his truck.  He started driving but he had no idea where he was going.  He found himself on Alma and Monroe’s street.  He stopped driving and sat there, a little away from their house.  He just sat there.  Suddenly, he saw Junior and Jenny with the baby, who really wasn’t a baby any more, coming out the door. They were all wearing dresses and new coats.  Alma and Monroe soon followed, Alma in a dress too and Monroe in a suit.  They all looked so fancy, must be all going to the church social.  Ennis watched as they all got in the car and drove away.

Ennis didn’t really know why he was there.  He started the truck and started driving again.  He hadn’t done this all that much lately, not like he did when he was with Alma, when he went out driving all the time.  He headed towards the open road.  It was chilly for September.  The sky was a steely gray.  There was smoke rising from the direction of the oilfields.  Ennis opened the window, the wind rushed in.  The mountains rose in front of him, their peaks obscured by the clouds.  The smoke drifted towards them.  Ennis drove for a while longer, then he stopped the truck.  He sat there all alone.  There wasn’t another car on the road.

Ennis stared at the mountains.  The next trip was months away.  He sat there for a long time.

Ennis then started the truck, and began driving once again.  The window was still open.  The chilly wind was rushing in.  The wind felt like it was cutting right through him.  Ennis turned around and headed back home.

« Last Edit: March 24, 2007, 09:18:36 pm by marlb42 »

Offline mariez

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #832 on: March 25, 2007, 10:42:29 am »



Thank you to everyone for the daily variety of fic treats, and to Barbara for the archive so I can find them when I need to read them again.


Hadn't been to the archives in a little while and I just went and checked them out again.  What a great site.  Let me add my ditto's to Fern's!  Beautiful artwork, as usual, M!   :)

A late contribution.. :)
(Hope it is not too depressing for a friday night .. )

I am but a restless soul ..

A gust of wind blows out this candlelight
My restless soul squirms in pitch darkness.
Unrelenting demons to my left, center and right
Taunting and suffocating any chance at happiness ..
.  .  .
This is heartbreaking, Milli - but it's so beautiful at the same time that it's still a joy to read.  Does that make sense? 

  Maybe this was what old age was for... getting all the wholes filled in... filling up the cracks.  He hadn't had a boy, although he'd wanted one...  Never told Alma that.  But he had one now... and a good boy at that!

Really like that line about old age - and I have wondered at times about Ennis with a son instead of daughters. 

(Decided to keep it going today.  Thank you, Barbara for the great prompts and for all the work on the archive)
A Chilly Afternoon
.  .  .
Ennis stared at the mountains.  The next trip was months away.  He sat there for a long time.

Ennis then started the truck, and began driving once again.  The window was still open.  The chilly wind was rushing in.  The wind felt like it was cutting right through him.  Ennis turned around and headed back home.

Glad you kept it going, Marl.  Ennis is so lost - this depicts that perfectly. 

The measure of a country's greatness is its ability to retain compassion in times of crisis         ~~~~~~~~~Thurgood Marshall

The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself.    ~~~~~~~~~ Mark Twain

Offline mariez

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #833 on: March 25, 2007, 10:47:02 am »
Any drabblers on a lazy Sunday? How about these prompts:

  • Sunday
  • lazy
  • nap

The measure of a country's greatness is its ability to retain compassion in times of crisis         ~~~~~~~~~Thurgood Marshall

The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself.    ~~~~~~~~~ Mark Twain

Offline Lumière

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #834 on: March 25, 2007, 12:32:56 pm »
This is heartbreaking, Milli - but it's so beautiful at the same time that it's still a joy to read.  Does that make sense? 


Yes, it does Marie.  :)
As Always, thank you!


Offline jpwagoneer1964

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #835 on: March 25, 2007, 12:57:59 pm »
Early August 1970 

Ennis awoke to the warmth the sun on his skin, Jack against him, half on top of him feeling his even breaths of sleep. This moment, this time with Jack was what he lived for to be up here just him and Jack. No hurry to ride back to camp, lay back and enjoy the sun, gentle breeze whispering through the trees, the comfort Jack blanketing him, his breath  on his neck.  He had wished too that it could be like this, just like this their days at Brokeback. One day just maybe...long time from now...when Junior an Jenny were  on their own...If Jack would still want... But for now and maybe  ever this was all that would be, this time on the mountain here with Jack, whenever they could....would be all that can ever be....
« Last Edit: March 25, 2007, 07:15:52 pm by jpwagoneer1964 »
Thank you Heath and Jake for showing us Ennis and Jack,  teaching us how much they loved one another.

Offline Lumière

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #836 on: March 25, 2007, 07:10:06 pm »
Greetings ..  :)

One of those days ..

Sunday, June 14th 1981

Bobby took a bite out of his peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and gulped his hot chocolate as he flipped through his newly acquired comic book.

“Bobby!” his mother cautioned, “I’ve told you not to slurp your cocoa, and put away that comic book until you’ve finished your breakfast.” He closed the book reluctantly and took another bite of his sandwich.

Jack sat at the head of the table, eating his breakfast in silence.  He had hoped for an uneventful, lazy weekend – complete with hours of his favourite TV shows and long afternoon naps, but no such luck.  He needed to work these extra hours to make up for the time he was going to be away the following week.

“I’m gonna need ya at the office next week, Jack.  Couldn’t you postpone this camping trip of yours for a few more weeks?  It’s gonna be very hectic for the next little while.  I’m gonna need ya around to …”

“No, I can’t postpone it” Jack interrupted her.  “It’s not like we get together that often anyway,” he said under his breath.

“Well if he wants to see ya he could come to Texas, couldn’t he?!  Why do you have to be the one making the trip all the time?” she demanded, her forehead twisted in a frown.

“Look, I already told ya ..” he started.

“..Yeah ya have - the Big Horn Mountains ain’t in Texas and his ol’ pickup can’t make it .. yeah, yeah I remember..” she gathered the empty dishes and rose from the table.  “You do as you please,” she grumbled, depositing the dishes in the kitchen sink and walked out of the room.  He sighed heavily and ate the last forkful of his jam omelette.

“Can I go with you dad?  To the Big Horns, I mean .. Been a while since we went fishing together.  Can I come too? Please, dad?” Bobby pleaded, a gleam of hope in his eyes.

Jack heaved another sigh and lowered his head.  There were days when he wished he could flee all the responsibilities he held as a father, a husband, and a businessman; days when he longed for a simpler life with no pretenses, no complications, no sulky teenager or moody wife.  Today was one of those days. 

 “I gotta get to work, son” he said, managing a tired smile and rising to his feet.  ‘So much for a relaxed, stress-free Sunday..’ he thought ..

« Last Edit: March 25, 2007, 09:43:31 pm by Lucise »

Offline Cameron

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #837 on: March 25, 2007, 07:48:03 pm »
(Another Sunday Drabble)

Stopping By

(June 1985)
Alma Jr. was feeling real lazy.  It was Sunday and she didn’t want to do anything.  No cooking, no cleaning, no taking care of the crying baby.  She thought of taking a nap, like the baby finally was, but she decided it would be better to go see her Daddy.  She was worried about him.

Junior called out to Kurt  “I’m goin out for a while.”  She got in the car and drove over to the trailer. 

She knocked on the door.  “Hey Daddy” she yelled.  There was no answer.  She knocked again.  “Daddy, where are ya?”  His truck was there.  She tried the door.  It was open.  She went inside. 

“Daddy, ya alright?”  But Alma Jr. saw right away that he wasn’t there.  She looked around.  The trailer was just as empty as usual.  It wasn’t as tidy as usual.  There were two open cans of beer by the sink.  Alma went over there.  “How funny” she said out loud.  Both of the cans were half full.

Junior looked around some more.  She knew she should go, but she had never been there when he wasn’t home before.   The closet door was open.  She went over to it.  She saw her old blue sweater folded neatly on the shelf.  “So that’s where that old thing is” she said.

She looked at the door of the closet.  Two shirts, the mountain postcard, the stains.  She remembered the day with Cassie, trying to tell her that Daddy wouldn’t be getting married again.

Suddenly Alma Jr. jumped.  There was a noise.

“Junior, that ya?  What ya doin?”  Daddy was standing at the trailer door.

“Oh Daddy, I just came by to see ya, the door was open.” 

She walked over to him.  His hair was all messed up and his clothes were all wrinkled.  He looked as if he hadn’t shaved or slept for days.

“Daddy, ya okay?”

He nodded and smiled a little.  “Talk to ya later” Alma Jr. said as she squeezed past him and hurried to her car.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2007, 09:17:01 pm by marlb42 »

Offline Lumière

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #838 on: March 26, 2007, 11:32:54 am »
Morning Drabble Lovers.  :)

Since there have been no prompts yet today, mind if I offer some?

   * fulfill / fulfillment
   * intention
   * discipline

Have fun drabblers!!


Offline Lumière

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #839 on: March 26, 2007, 03:46:56 pm »
My contribution ..  :)

In the wee hours ..

September 25th 1967

The minute they’d arrived at the motel and closed the door behind them, the world as they knew it ceased to exist.  They were overcome with great ardor, fanning the flames of yearning they’d worked so hard to smother for the last four years.  They’d finally fallen asleep around 3 a.m., lightheaded from the exhilaration of reuniting after so long, and exhausted from their hours of passionate lovemaking.

Ennis awoke instinctively around 5 a.m.; Jack’s head was nestled on his chest, his arm draped across his torso.  His heart leapt; this was a fulfillment of many a dream he’d had ever since they’d parted.  How he’d longed for a night like the one they’d just shared, how he’d waited and hoped for another chance to kiss those lips, to feel his skin, to hear his voice. He slowly withdrew himself from Jack’s sleeping form and tip-toed to the bathroom; Jack didn’t stir.

A few moments later, Ennis stood by the edge of the bed, spellbound by the beauty of the man he beheld.  ‘How is it he makes me feel this way, like I’ve never felt before’.. A wave of sadness washed over him as his mind returned to Alma back at the apartment, alone with the girls, probably worrying about him.  He loved her, he had no intention of hurting her; but with Jack, everything was overwhelmingly, amazingly different.  He now felt the same way he felt all those years ago, like he was falling hard and fast, helpless in the face of this force that drew him to the deepest sanctum of his inner being.

Jack stirred, as if aroused by the look of desire in Ennis’ eyes, a look that bespoke deprivation and fierce longing.  He slowly opened his eyes, squinting from the morning light pouring in from the drawn curtains.

“Whut’re ya doing just standing there..” he said groggily. 

“Nuthin’.  You were sleeping like a baby, I didn’t wanna wake ya..” Ennis smiled, crawling back into bed.  Jack kissed him softly on the lips, and pulled Ennis into his arms, cradling his head upon his shoulder.  Soon after, Jack was sound asleep, and Ennis lay against him, wishing the moment would last longer than he knew it would.  He closed his eyes, dreading the thought of facing Alma in a few hours, hoping against hope that his face would not divulge his secret..