Author Topic: Secrets and Lies...  (Read 18032 times)

Offline Ellemeno

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Re: Secrets and Lies...
« Reply #40 on: April 18, 2006, 01:50:04 pm »
And Elle once again wins the goldfish in a baggie for pithiest deconstruction.  Spot on.  What are you going to call your new friend? 

Wow, the pot calling the kettle black!  I'm honored, Chantiepie.  The first answer that came to mind, after reading recent posts, is "Little Ennis."  He don''t go up there to fish. 

Or maybe "Pithy."  Have you heard why W.C. Fields never drank water?  Supposedly he said it was, "Because fish piss in it."  So "Pithy" would be a good name all around.

This reminds me to wopnder how the real godlfish Ray gave Sheyne is doing.  Not that the one you gave me isn't real, Chantie.

Offline isabelle

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Re: Secrets and Lies...
« Reply #41 on: April 18, 2006, 03:30:35 pm »
I told him that in some ways, my relationship to the movie is so private that I find it difficult to discuss it.

  So I keep it to myself, and in doing so I find I'm keeping to myself.

Yes, both of you, this is me too. I have one great girlfriend who loved the film - albeit not a quarter as much as I did - who knows I've been spending time on these boards getting to love complete strangers, but after a while I can see she wants to talk about something else.
The saddest thing is that the person who is supposed to be the closest to me - yes, you've guessed who - doesn't even know exactly how many times I've seen BBM at the theater, did not want to come see it with me, and that has dug a gap between us. I always used to think the only reason I could bear living with the same person for so long was that I had my secret garden (nothing 'bad'!), but this is too much of a ridge between us. I feel it is me, the essential me, that he knows nothing about and maybe would not understand if he knew. I don't want to sound sad, I am not really, but keeping more and more to myself, or to you all, yeah, for sure.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2006, 03:35:04 pm by isabelle »
" - I'm vegan now."
"-Vegan? I thought you were still Church of England"

Offline ednbarby

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Re: Secrets and Lies...
« Reply #42 on: April 18, 2006, 05:09:22 pm »

Barb, you're so wonderful.  I love your obsessions.  You're like a dog (maybe Layla) with a bone, getting every last bit of goodness from whatever you latch on to.  And I admire how you don't disown your past infatuations. 

However, I'm a little alarmed at your infidelity to Ralph.  Although, with Joe's brown puppy eyes, I do understand the temptation to stray.  I have to ask, though: is your sweet little duckie named Will in honour of a certain someone?

But I find you so endearing, amusing, insightful, and not at all frightening.  How lucky am I to have gotten to know you?

Aw, you're much too kind.  Really.  And don't worry - Ralph's still Numero Uno.  The Big Cheese.  The Big Kahuna.  Da Bomb.  All of that.  I just went through a period of having dirty, DIRTY thoughts on a very regular basis for one young Will Shakespeare.  I think Ralph would understand.  It was those damned eyes of his.  I swear.  Well, and his mouth.  And broad, athletic shoulders.  And hair that seemed to be every color of hair available in nature all at once.  And that VOICE.  Need your butter melted, anyone?  I'm sorry... what were we talking about?

Actually, I did name my sweet little duckie after a movie character.  But that would be Marshall Will Kane in "High Noon."  And his given name is actually Will, not William, so technically it's not even the same name as Will Shakespeare.  Honest!  (Sort of) funny story - my husband honest to God wanted to name him Deke after Deke Slayton, the astronaut.  With all due respect to dogs everywhere, I said I absolutely refuse to give my child a dog's name.  He said, "Well, Deke had that name!"  I had to go to the handy internet and prove to him that that Deke's real name was Donald K. Slayton - DK or Deke for short.  Turns out about a month before he was born, Ed admitted to me that Will had been his favorite name since his childhood days of watching "Lost in Space" ("Danger!  Danger, Will Robinson!") and that he used to wish it were his name.  Rat bastard.  Jerking my poor little chain all that time.  I seriously thought I was gonna have to corner the Birth Certificate lady in the hospital and write his name on the form when he wasn't looking.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your very kind words.  And no, I'm the lucky one, my dear.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2006, 05:12:50 pm by ednbarby »
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Offline kirkmusic

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Re: Secrets and Lies...
« Reply #43 on: April 30, 2006, 07:03:09 am »
What a great thread!  So much to say.

OT- I just noticed a google ad to the right for "The Ultimate Toilet Seat."  The website is  Just struck me funny.  Anyway...

I don't think the idea that many of us have been keeping to ourselves in our enthusiasm (to put it lightly) for this movie is valid when we've spent so many hours on these boards.  I think when you have an event in your life that shakes you to your core and you don't try to resist the experience, you gravitate to the people who should be there with you.  Hence, here we are.  I don't talk about BBM much to anyone else besides you guys because I know you all get it.  My parents, who are both very intelligent and feeling people, liked Brokeback.  It made my Mom sad that people weren't free to live how they wanted.  And that was it.  No gushing over wordless images, no comments on nuances of acting, no geeking out over the score.  They thought Good Night and Good Luck should have won the Oscar.  My #2, so I didn't mind.

It's absolutely fitting that all of us have found our way here to like-minded people.  Who here hasn't written some kind of lengthy post about their feelings on one thing or another?  Why would you do that with someone who has already told you they don't understand?

My birth dad died in Viet Nam when I was 4 months old.  I started life with abandonment issues.  The act I put up as a kid to hide the fact that I was sad was "the happy kid."  I didn't figure this out until well into my 20's.  Most of my life was spent keeping people at arms' length.  To this day I still have to choose, moment to moment, not to live with those old barriers that no longer serve me, and it's tough sometimes.  I don't have much of a social life because I never got the hang of "hanging out," having been a loner for so long.  It doesn't occur to me to make plans in advance so I can see friends with busy schedules.  Basically I'm lacking in social skills, although I've gotten much better in the past 5 years or so.

In my day to day life it's easy to fall into old patterns, spending a lot of time indoors alone, not making decisions about anything, knowing that I do have goals and not doing anything about them, feeling shy and insular.  But on vacation, the real Kirk comes out.  The guy that doesn't have 37 years of habits and analytical bllsht to contend with.  The guy that can easily start up a conversation with a friendly female London bartender.  The guy who can go to a gay dance club in St. Petersburg, Russia by himself and keep asking interesting people "Do you speak English" in Russian until he finds somebody who does.  The guy who'll hug a complete stranger in Flaggstaff, AZ who liked his karaoke performance of "Sara Smile."  That's who I really am, and I'm behaving as that person with more and more regularity.

BBM hit me so hard because Ennis was so emotionally suppressed.  Damn! do I relate to that.  And what do you know, so do a lot of people here.  I think secrets can be insidious if you don't tell anyone, but being selective about who you tell can be good judgement as long as it's not hindering who you are.

There was a quote I read some time ago, I forget who it was credited to, that went, "Never suppress a generous impulse."  I've adapted that to "Never suppress an affectionate impulse."  It's a very easy reminder to keep love at the forefront of my activities and my dealings with people.

As far as obsessions go, ours is of exceptionally high quality.  I'm just guessing, but I'd be willing to bet that Trekkies and Star Wars fanatics don't get into these kinds of discussions.  Brokies are pretty great folks.  Both the dinner and movie I attended with 5 others of the brotherhood here in the Bay Area, and the phone conversation I had this morning with the NYC brunch crew were fantastic times.  And these are people I never would have met otherwise.  I don't come back to this board because I'm so into the movie anymore.  I just like to check back in with all of you.

We've taken the message of the film to heart.  We are opening ourselves to the love that is out there.  And as evidenced by this thread alone, it's all over the world.  Sometimes the love we need isn't in our own backyards, as Dorothy would have us believe.  But somehow we all found each other.  I don't consider the hours I've spent here to be hours I've spent alone at my computer.  They've been hours I've spent cultivating friendships in New York, LA, Indiana, Colorado, Germany, India, the UK, Illinios, Connecticut, Australia, etc.  You've proven to be thoughtful, compassionate, intelligent, funny, and for those of you I have met or spoken to, wonderful company.  As someone else said earlier in the thread, I've never been part of an online community.  Now I know why they exist and why they're so popular.  We are something to be cherished.

So when someone close to you doesn't get it, you can smile tolerantly and with sage wisdom, knowing that what they think is freaky is actually fulfilling in a way that one can't know until one experiences it.  It has been and will continue to be my unexpressable privilege to share the experience.

Much love to you all,
« Last Edit: December 13, 2006, 04:03:01 am by kirkmusic »

Offline isabelle

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Re: Secrets and Lies...
« Reply #44 on: April 30, 2006, 12:08:52 pm »
Our paths had not really crossed so far. But great post, so hi Kirk!

What a great thread!  So much to say.

They've been hours I've spent cultivating friendships in New York, LA, Indiana, Colorado, Germany, India, the UK, Illinios, Connecticut, Australia, etc.  You've proven to be thoughtful, compassionate, intelligent, funny, and for those of you I have met or spoken to, wonderful company. 

OK, so now you need to add FRANCE to the list!
" - I'm vegan now."
"-Vegan? I thought you were still Church of England"

Offline starboardlight

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Re: Secrets and Lies...
« Reply #45 on: April 30, 2006, 12:45:00 pm »
Elle, I know what you mean about being in articulate when it come to talking about the movie, but when we all got together at La CabaƱa, we all were plenty articulate. My impression of you and hpie are that you both were as intelligent and wellspoken as you have been on the board. I wonder maybe it's because we  all had a mararita or two to loosen us up.
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Offline luigival

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Re: Secrets and Lies...
« Reply #46 on: April 30, 2006, 01:22:36 pm »
The guy who'll hug a complete stranger in Flaggstaff, AZ who liked his karaoke performance of "Sara Smile."  That's who I really am, and I'm behaving as that person with more and more regularity.

BBM hit me so hard because Ennis was so emotionally suppressed.  Damn! do I relate to that.  And what do you know, so do a lot of people here.  I think secrets can be insidious if you don't tell anyone, but being selective about who you tell can be good judgement as long as it's not hindering who you are.

There was a quote I read some time ago, I forget who it was credited to, that went, "Never suppress a generous impulse."  I've adapted that to "Never suppress an affectionate impulse."  It's a very easy reminder to keep love at the forefront of my activities and my dealings with people.

As far as obsessions go, ours is of exceptionally high quality.  I'm just guessing, but I'd be willing to bet that Trekkies and Star Wars fanatics don't get into these kinds of discussions.  Brokies are pretty great folks.  Both the dinner and movie I attended with 5 others of the brotherhood here in the Bay Area, and the phone conversation I had this morning with the NYC brunch crew were fantastic times.  And these are people I never would have met otherwise.  I don't come back to this board because I'm so into the movie anymore.  I just like to check back in with all of you.

Hi Kirk,
your comments were great, and I cannot agree with you more. Thanks for having having expressed many of my feelings as well,
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Offline delalluvia

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Re: Secrets and Lies...
« Reply #47 on: April 30, 2006, 01:39:06 pm »
Great post kirk.  You go, boy!

As for:

As far as obsessions go, ours is of exceptionally high quality.  I'm just guessing, but I'd be willing to bet that Trekkies and Star Wars fanatics don't get into these kinds of discussions.

Well, you'd lose that bet.  After all, Trekkers and Star Wars nuts are people too and not all of them are pubescent fanboy geeks.  The movies have made personal impacts in their lives as well.  Whoopi Goldberg made mention of the reason 'Star Trek' was always so special to her.  When she was a child, it was the first TV show she saw where she found a black woman in a futuristic society in a position of responsibility - "At least one of us made it" she was quoted as thinking.  Of personal stories, the one that sticks in my mind was a lovely woman whose moniker was Undomiel.  Several months into our enthusiastic discussion of 'The Attack of the Clones', she suddenly announced that DRL was going to interfere with her posting (DRL - Darth Real Life) as her cancer had returned.  We all, of course, sent messages of hope and positive thinking, prayers and confidences of her continued well-being...

She never came back.

To this day, I hope she simply moved on to different interests...

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Re: Secrets and Lies...
« Reply #48 on: April 30, 2006, 02:19:11 pm »
 I'm so envious of all of you who can share this wonderful movie and experience with your significant others. Hang on to them; they're treasures! My experience is least my 18-year-old daughter is enlightened and took me to see the movie for the first time. But my husband refuses to see it or even talk about it. I thought I knew him after bearing two children and spending two decades together, but I don't. I've been telling myself that he's just going through a mid-life crisis, but this has been going on for over five years! If it weren't for the children and the time I can spend here feeling like I'm among friends, I'd be long gone, or going batty, one or the other!
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Offline cmr107

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Re: Secrets and Lies...
« Reply #49 on: April 30, 2006, 03:11:42 pm »
Thanks for bumping this thread, Kirk, I meant to post here a long time ago but didn't get around to it. Great post, by the way!

Like most other people here, no one I know 'gets it.' I have managed to have interesting discussions about symbolism and stuff with my mother, but she is one of the people who just thought it was a really good movie. Everyone else just sort of nods and smiles when I talk about it, so I stopped. Kirk, I think you're exactly right that we gravitate to people who share our experiences. The fact that we all seem to be like-minded people in many ways helps also.

At first, I felt weird about spending so much time talking to strangers online, because this is a new experience for me. Then I went more to the way of thinking of hey, how cool is it that I'm making friends from all over the world?

Yes, it's true that no one besides you guys know exactly how many times I saw it in the theatre (17!), but the reason for that is no longer the worry that people will think I'm crazy. I'm usually very open with sharing with friends and family strange things I do, I like telling stories. I'm much less open about my deeper feelings. BBM taps into deep feelings, so that makes it very personal and private to me. The experience of going to see it so many times, and of meeting people in person that I know from a message board would normally be something that I would tell people about. It's kind of nice to have a part of me that people don't know about.

I don't think this post made much sense, but there it is.