Author Topic: RWYA, Altitude and Liberation by Mel  (Read 93668 times)


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Re: Right Where You Are - AU by Mel
« Reply #30 on: May 22, 2007, 05:39:21 am »
I've just finished Chapter 4, Melissa.

I am absolutely loving "Right Where You Are." The cliff-hanger at the end of Chapter 3 was a knock-out. I found the family wedding meeting very believable and loved the scene in the cemetery. Beautifully written. Tears at work again!  :'(

On to Chapter 5 now!  :D

Hey Kerry!!! I am so happy to hear that you are enjoying RWYA! Never meant to make you cry at work though.... :-\  ;)
Thanks so much for letting me know what you thought of the first four chapters, hope you continue to enjoy the story!

Chapter 17 is up too!  :D

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Re: Right Where You Are - AU by Mel
« Reply #31 on: May 22, 2007, 09:18:30 pm »

***Beware Possible Spoilers***

I've just finished Chapter 15, Melissa.  Beautiful imagery. I particularly loved this:

<quote> "Why did you come?"

Ennis locked eyes with Jack for a second, then looked the other way, biting his bottom lip. Why had he come?

Because I was so afraid I had lost you again. Because I couldn't think of going another day without you. Because I wanted to say I was sorry. Because I don't feel my true self without you. Because I am only happy when you are beside me. Because I needed to feel alive again.
He turned it over in his head that already felt too full for somebody who never spent too much time thinking things over. Before Jack Twist. Because now the floodgates seemed to have opened and he didn't know where the hatch was to close it again. He never knew his head could be this full. Ennis just wanted things to be simple. So he gave a simple answer.

"I missed you." <unquote>

I think you understand Ennis very well, Melissa. Just beautiful.

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Re: Right Where You Are - AU by Mel
« Reply #32 on: May 22, 2007, 09:57:46 pm »
***Beware Possible Spoilers***

Oh, Melissa, you've done it to me again!   :'(   :'(   :'(

<quote> "We would be careful, Ennis, not pull the attention toward ourselves. Just live a quiet life, we don't need nothing, really." A tear slid down Jack's cheek as he threw out "I don't know what to say any more, Ennis. I don't wanna push you but I need you there with me so badly. Every morning I wake up and I imagine it's you who's been lying next to me all night, and I keep my eyes closed and try to imagine that the other side of the bed is still warm from your body and that you are already out on the land... and..." The tears flowed freely now, like his words, but his voice was still steady. His voice only broke when he added "It would be a sweet life, Ennis."

Ennis felt his own heart shatter to pieces when he saw Jack break down. He reached out with trembling arms and pulled Jack toward him, stroking his hair and saying "It's alright, it's alright", copying how Jack always soothed him. He pulled Jack's face toward him and locked eyes with him, his own tears clouding his vision, and he wanted to say something, but he had to dig deep to find the words that Jack needed to hear. "We'll be OK" he said, and despite the doubts still in his heart, he started to see a glimmer of hope because if Jack felt this strongly, and his feelings matched his own so much, then how could there not be a place for them? They laid down. Jack rested his head on Ennis's shoulder and his breathing slowly calmed down as his tears stopped flowing. <unquote>


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Re: Right Where You Are - AU by Mel
« Reply #33 on: May 23, 2007, 12:10:59 am »
I am not sure if I should still be posting here to let people know a new chapter is up. But if there is anybody out here who relies on these posts to find out if a new chapter is posted, let me know and I will continue to post new chapters here next to ennisjack and bbslash/wranglers.

***Beware Spoilers***

Hmm, at the end of Chapter 17, Melissa, you asked what Jack whispered in Ennis' ear. As I am a romantic, my first thought was that he whispered, "I love you, Ennis." However, that isn't exactly appropriate in the context of the storyline for that particular scene. Probably, "Give it to me now, cowboy!" is more likely, considering the urgency with which Ennis immediately began undressing!  :D

Have just finished Chapter 17 and am now up-to-date. Can't wait for Chapter 18! Would appreciate if you could kindly continue to post notification of new chapters here.
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Re: Right Where You Are - AU by Mel
« Reply #34 on: May 23, 2007, 01:09:21 am »
KERRY!!!!  :D

You're all caught up!!  :)

It's a wonderful story, isn't it? Melissa normally posts her new chapters each Tuesday, so check back then for Chapter 18!!  :)
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Re: Right Where You Are - AU by Mel
« Reply #35 on: May 23, 2007, 01:16:45 am »
***Beware Spoilers***

Hmm, at the end of Chapter 17, Melissa, you asked what Jack whispered in Ennis' ear. As I am a romantic, my first thought was that he whispered, "I love you, Ennis." However, that isn't exactly appropriate in the context of the storyline for that particular scene. Probably, "Give it to me now, cowboy!" is more likely, considering the urgency with which Ennis immediately began undressing!  :D
Have just finished Chapter 17 and am now up-to-date. Can't wait for Chapter 18! Would appreciate if you could kindly continue to post notification of new chapters here.

Hmmm! Everyone is wondering what Jack whispered into Ennis's ear! Check Melissa's livejournal.

Some people over there are thinking it might have been a little more, how should I say this, "exotic" than "I love you Ennis" or "Give it to me now, cowboy".

Everyone is wondering about this whisper. Maybe someday Melissa will reveal it to us, Kerry!  :D

I've been wondering about it too!  :D
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Re: Right Where You Are - AU by Mel
« Reply #36 on: May 23, 2007, 02:14:51 am »

Yikes, "exotic" and "explicit" too!  :D

I didn't realise messages could be left at Live Journal. I'll do that in future.

The response I liked most was, "What you waitin' fer cowboy, a matin' call?"  :laugh:
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Re: Right Where You Are - AU by Mel
« Reply #37 on: May 23, 2007, 06:18:27 am »

You guys are so funny! Shall I tell you a secret....? I didn't know what I wanted Jack to say in Ennis's ear, so I thought I'd leave it up to the readers... Hahahaa! I will choose the best one next week and will post it next week!



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Re: Right Where You Are - AU by Mel
« Reply #38 on: May 23, 2007, 03:37:13 pm »

You guys are so funny! Shall I tell you a secret....? I didn't know what I wanted Jack to say in Ennis's ear, so I thought I'd leave it up to the readers... Hahahaa! I will choose the best one next week and will post it next week!



 :-\  :-\

Hmmm. She'll choose the "best one" Kerry. I wonder what she means by that?  ;)

And to top it off, we have to wait until next week before we find out!  >:(

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Re: Right Where You Are - AU by Mel
« Reply #39 on: May 23, 2007, 04:47:03 pm »
:-\  :-\

Hmmm. She'll choose the "best one" Kerry. I wonder what she means by that?  ;)

And to top it off, we have to wait until next week before we find out!  >:(

Oh it will really depend on what kind of mood I am in!  :P :laugh: