Author Topic: Ennis did NOT want to leave the nest??  (Read 4832 times)

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Ennis did NOT want to leave the nest??
« on: March 21, 2007, 12:52:08 pm »
It is evident that Jack Twist as a young adult left the nest, his parents house! But did Ennis want to leave the nest?

As I say in  responding to one who answered me before on another thread: It is normal to get OUT, move away (at least for awhile) from the parents' house... as a teenager starting to be an adult (being a young adult ). And make your own home, living alone or with someone, and/or have kids.  Therefore, Jack did... wanted that, but Ennis did NOT?? Ennis says that there was no more room for him once his brother got married!

So Ennis left the nest too EARLY??

Be glad to get your comments, proofs and/or ideas!!

Hugs to all!

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Re: Ennis did NOT want to leave the nest??
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2007, 04:15:02 pm »
Is Ennis still in the nest??

Wondering... do tell!!

This is also a good idea friends!!


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Re: Ennis did NOT want to leave the nest??
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2007, 11:54:40 am »
Yes, this is a good idea and you are right. Ennis was cut off from the love of his parents, specifically his mother, too early. Although he tried to find a new home with his sister, and then his brother, he was forced out into the cold cruel world. He settled for "playing house" with Alma but in the end even she rejected him.

Where this is most heartbreakingly clear is in the dozy embrace scene where Ennis suddenly remembers a "rusty but usable" phrase that his mother used to use. He gently bid Jack goodbye by saying, "Time to hit the hay, cowboy" and hummed a lulabye that his mother sang to him when he was a child.

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Re: Ennis did NOT want to leave the nest??
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2007, 11:57:56 am »
One other thing...Ennis aspired to, if not finishing school, at least getting to be a sophomore. "He felt the word carried a kind of distinction." Well, of course, if the most you could aspire to was being a roughneck, then the dream of being a "soft-more" was alluring but unattainable. But, alas, it was not to be. Even Ennis's pickup truck abandoned him, so he could not make the long trip to town.

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Re: Ennis did NOT want to leave the nest??
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2007, 09:54:01 pm »
Thanks Front- Ranger (love your title!!)

I like your comments! You add a principle footprint that being schooling! Jack studied his life and wanted Ennis to help him and be helped by Ennis; plus help his parents: the Twists!! And society! And commerce!! And nature!! Priorites are grandly illustrated by Jack and by his father!!

May I take one word, therefore, from your text: education?? Yes, school!!

Not finishing schooling.... at least Ennis wanted to continue his education, in those days!! Would he like, do so or be able to do so to-day?? Education is no matter what age you are, as you can go to school even if you are 3 years of age or 90 years of age.

I am expressing deep concerns about this as to why Annie added this.

I am very concerned as there is less and less education in the USA, Canada and other civilized countries,
as criminals and fanatical terroists are taking over more and more. Drugs are more important now adays than schools!! We seem to applaud cirminals more to-day than congratulate teachers and students!! I mention this as the sixties times changed dramatical hopes and justice, as the Kennedys were killed, Marilyn was killed, Dr King was killed.... even Elvis was afraid and thought he would be killed!!!

Too many of to-day's songs are against gays, against women; it seems OK to kill women or gays by them, too many songs like rap ones say!! Both Ennis and Jack, did they not say: I am not queer?? !! Yet, they both respected women, I say!! They did not want their wives veiled 24 hours everyday nor disrespected them (see Ennis help his kids and wife; see Jack help his wife and his child (no TV!!!!)!!

Ennis and Jack new of violence against them, indeed!! Of possible, if not probably getting killed because of gay thoughts or gay actions, even in private!! (Did not Ennis's and Jack's boss see them kissing, and refused Jack a 3rd job??) Discrimination existed then against gays or liberty, and does now too!! Even in the army... navy in the USA!!

Both Jack and Ennis did not want to be targeted, to get kill needlessly because they were homosexuals, straights, bi-sexuals or otherwise men!! Nor be placed into crazy-houses?? Nor be in prison for such acts of love!!

So where does education fit in the story by Annie, and in the film Brokeback Mountain??
Because they prefer discouragement, discords, etc., drugs pushers and warlords do not want kids to learn love, to be educated to become more human and lovable and helpful!! Drugs run too many schools to-day and mass murdering in them?? Then too in Jack's and Ennis' days, was that starting then??

Many questions remain to be asked and solved about then, and about now!! Isn't the story about that?? About education and feedom?? Among other things??

What do you think? Others, what do you think??

Hugs to you and to all!!

Note: I focus on education here which helps one be good and like llife!! At least, one wanted that in Brokeback Mountain story and  film then?? !!

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Re: Ennis did NOT want to leave the nest??
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2007, 03:36:06 pm »
I can't really answer your questions but your post made me think....

Ennis wanted to go to school because that was what was expected of him and he wanted to fit in with society. But he was a different sort of person as Annie Proulx portrayed him. Ennis was one of a long line of nature's noblemen, men who are largely unschooled, rough, and perhaps unwashed, but innocent and mentally strong nonetheless. At home in the outdoors, able to take care of themselves, handy with tools, horses, and pickup trucks, strong, silent types with no use for manners and drawing room niceties. This archetype dates back to The Virginian, another book about Wyoming, written in the early 1900s, and the heroes of Zane Grey and others.

But in general, education is very important, and I hope more girls especially in Middle Eastern and Asian countries can receive education because when you educate a girl you are also educating her future children.
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Re: Ennis did NOT want to leave the nest??
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2007, 03:46:29 pm »
Thanks Front-Ranger!!

I believe that you are right.

You qualify Ennis rightly as I think... so too.
Am puzzled as to this, as well as to agree with you:
as you say Ennis...was a different sort of person as Annie Proulx portrayed him.

Wonder why Annie did him like that?


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Re: Ennis did NOT want to leave the nest??
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2008, 12:04:01 am »
Annie did think about both Ennis and Jack leaving the nest??

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Re: Ennis did NOT want to leave the nest??
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2009, 11:58:42 pm »
This is more or less complex that we think??

It needs much more developping as an issue?

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Re: Ennis did NOT want to leave the nest??
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2009, 01:08:45 am »
Thanks Front-Ranger!!
Wonder why Annie did him like that?


Annie Proulx has stated that she writes about rural people, that is her specialty. Also, she set out to write a coming-of-age story in which Jack and Ennis make the transition from youth to adulthood. In her story, she portrayed Ennis and Jack as two peas in a pod from opposite corners of Wyoming. But in the movie, the differences in their characters were played up, because Ang Lee was more interested in exploring the yin/yang "dance" between Ennis and Jack, same as he did in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Sense and Sensibility.
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