As it seems to be true to most everyone here, BBM launched a great deal of self-analysis, introspection, etc. within myself
My turning point, however, was not so much a movie moment, but the 'Orientation Poll' here at BetterMost. I could not, in good conscience, check the 'heterosexual female' box.
I've been reviewing people I've loved, and people who've loved me, and the truth is definitely not at either end of the spectrum for me. Although I'm living a hetero life for the most part, and I've never had a long-term relationship with someone of the same sex, I have definitely been attracted in all ways to other females and have had same-sex encounters, so technically that box was incorrect. If applying the Kinsey scale, I would put myself at 75-80% hetero.
I don't know if this really qualifies as 'coming out' per se, but the responses I've received (negative) from people I know who tend to be close-minded have prompted me to be more articulate (aggressive?) than I would normally be. I feel compelled to try to make them understand that the world is not a black and white place - shades of gray are everywhere and that by not acknowledging this truth, they are rejecting me.