Happened to discover this today, so thought I'd give it a go.

1. What is your favorite food?
Very difficult question... For comfort food... not very creative: Pizza
2.Do you eat store bought cookies, which ones?
Oreos -the vanilla kind
3.How old is your oldest piece of clothing?
probably around 8 years old or more... I stay a fairly consistent size, so I hang onto clothing for a long time
4. How often do you go out for dinner?
about once a week
5. If you didnt have to work. Would you?
6. What one thing in your life would you change, if you could?
I would like to not be single for a while (have a long-term girlfriend)
7. If you could have any super power, what would it be?
Mind reading
8. If you could come back in 500 yrs to see the changes, would you?
9. If you had power of life over death, who or what would you bring back?
I would bring back to life all the people in all of history who have been victims of murder/lynchings/witch-trials, etc. (any kind of violent injustice)... give them all another chance.
10. What life experience would you most like to repeat?
a couple key concerts I attended

11. Which one would you least like to repeat?
embarassing, horrible moments in junior high school
12. Did you sleep with a toy, as a child,,,or even now ie. teddy bear?
I had a stuffed animal called a "Pound Puppy" that I adored and slept with for many years... even for a while in college. It was very comfortable to clasp in sleep... it was as much about the physical comfort of it as the emotional
13. Did you ever have a binkie?
14. Did you ever have a favorite blankie, or pillow?
15. Did you ever, know a Peppermint Patty?
I think perhaps, I am one.

16. Do or have you ever known, a Charlie Brown?
17. Did you know a fat Albert?
18. Did you know a Schroeder?
19. Did you, or do you know a Lucy?
20, Did you ever have a Snoopy?
21. What cartoon character are you most like?
Peppermint Patty
22. When it comes to movies, do you prefer comedy, or drama?
23. What is your favorite sport to participate in?
None. Watching bull riding

24. What is your favorite sport to watch?
Bull riding
25. What is your favorite, time of day?
26. Do you prefer, men with scruffy face, or shaven?
I don't prefer men. But, if I must... definitely shaven.
27. Do you prefer women with big chest or small?
Small... or in proportion with her own body. It's all about proportion.
28. No im not going there.....

29. Do you prefer your partner older, the same age, or younger?
Around the same age... wiithin a few years. Though, all my serious girlfriends have been a few years younger than me.
30. How do you know if you are happy?
It's an intangible feeling