I know Focus had pushed what they thought would sell, Ang lee tried to down play gay sex (I don't know a better term, sorry) in the movie and was in line with Focus in the ads. I do believe the statemens the actors made were their own, whether it be about kissing or the character's sexuality. It was to them, and many more, first and foremost about the love the characters had for each other and sex being part of the love.
Jack did like women, and I saw lots of evidence of that, lots of it from waving to the girls in the stand to dancing with LaSHawn, the movie Jack may have been on that scale much more straight than even bi. The book Jack liked men more, I think, but still could enjoy being with a woman. Jake was playing the movie Jack, and there is a pretty big differecne in the two characters, from buck teeth, small frame to being gay or straight. Jake played the character straight, a man who fell in love with a man. He didn't go all the way to Mexico for sexual relief. Ang Lee directed him as gay, he believed Jack to be gay and he saiid he got the performance he wanted. Jake's Jack came through, to me, more clearly as Ang's.