Oreo is kind of weird though. Sometimes he will suddenly jump up and start hissing and yowling for no reason. He's done this ever since he was a kitten. I have no idea why he does it.
I picked out Vivien from an animal shelter (a really nice, no-kill shelter here in Pittsburgh) with the idea of getting a black cat in mind. I love the way they look (such beautiful cats), but I've also heard that black cats end up in shelters in disproportionate numbers compared to other kinds of cats (due to people's superstitions, etc.). And, it seemed to be true... at the shelter there were a ton of black cats.
Awesome animal pictures huntingbuddy, Amanda, Jess and Shasta!!! Such beautiful animals! Here's my two babies!Cody, my 3 year old golden retriever. He's a big baby and he thinks he's very cool! I love this picture. I love the look on his face, because he often has this exact same facial expression. It's a "I don't really care because I'm a happy dog and I love everybody" look.
I see the resemblance darlin'
Hmmm. Well, Cody is very good looking. I think he is. So I'll take this as a compliment Scott! Or did you just call me a DOG!!??