Anyone good at it?
I rarely remember my dreams, so that is why these dreams are rather surprising because not only do I remember them, they're also what is called repetitive dreams. I'm dreaming of the same thing.
The first series - one I've dreamt of once a year off and on my entire life - is about snakes. Usually I'm alone in some wilderness place, climbing a cliff or walking through a rocky field when suddenly - despite no warning - I realize I'm surrounded by snakes. Not Indiana Jones style, but one here and there as far as the eye can see all around me.
I don't have a phobia about snakes, but if I can go my whole life and not see them in the wild, it would be OK with me.
For an instant, I'm scared and I freeze. But the fear passes. I know if I am cautious, the snakes won't bother me and I go on.
The next series is stranger, IMO.
First of all, I'm not married and have never much wanted to be except in an abstract way when I was much younger. I'm not very domestic and pretty independent of my family (e.g. the thought of calling my mother or sister daily just to 'talk' or 'check in' is alien to me).
Last year I went through a month where I dreamed - at least once a week - that I was at my own wedding. It was an arranged wedding, meaning I didn't know who I was marrying and I hadn't planned any of it and it was a complete surprise to me.
But my family was there and had taken care of all the details. I was literally at the church, looking at all the arrangements and people gathering in a slow kind of panic. Protesting all the way, I was put into a gown, handed some flowers and dragged to the church aisle and then...I woke up.
This year, last week and now this week, I've dreamed again that I am getting ready for my own wedding. Again, it's unexpected and unplanned, but this time, my family is nowhere in sight, I've my friends (people in my dream that I recognize as 'friends' but who aren't my friends in real life) around and I'm in some grand place - not a church - a place like some European country estate. Again, I don't know my groom personally, but throughout
these dreams, I'm trying to get some private time to talk to him and get to know him because this time, I don't seem to mind getting married despite the suddenness of the event. I'm not going 'yes yes yes I want to be married!' I'm just passively going along.
But I never get any time alone with my groom to talk to him. Again, the wedding is all arranged, people are attending festivities, but the deed never gets done.
Another difference is I actually see my groom in these dreams and they're both Hollywood hunks. I can't recall my first dream groom, but tonight's dream groom was Hugh Jackman.
Most dream interpretation books either discuss marriages or weddings where the bride is an active willing participant, but say nothing about weddings where the bride is unwilling or impassive.
Anyone willing to take a stab at these?