Well! The past few days--or nights--have been humdingers for odd dreams!
The first night I slept at my dad's house for the holiday weekend, I saw my mother in a dream. In the first place, I very rarely dream about my mother, but the really odd thing about this dream, is that when I do dream about her, I usually don't see her face. She often has her back to me, and I hear her voice, but I don't see her face. What was so odd about this most recent dream is that for a change, I did see her face.
I opened my eyes, and I was conscious of being in bed in the room at my dad's house where I sleep, and Mother was standing there looking down at me. I couldn't make out if she was wearing a housecoat, or if she was wearing the suit we buried her in, but she was standing there looking down at me. She didn't say anything, just looked down at me. I closed my eyes, and she was gone.
Then, just last night, I saw four different classmates from high school. I have no idea why. I haven't seen any of them since graduation--in 1976

--and they were not people I was close to in school. But I saw them in a dream last night.