A couple of nights ago I had an interesting dream and I wish I could remember more of it to tell you, but here is the gist. I was following my husband (in this case he looked like my first husband, a tall, ginger haired man) in a jungle-like environment over a series of small lakes or swimming pools. They cascaded down a mountainside and there was a high bridge attached to a series of platforms over the lakes. So, they got increasingly higher, to the point where we were on a platform at least 30 or 40 feet over a lake. He jumped in without apparent effort but when I looked down I realized that I just couldn't jump that far. There was only one other way to go...along a slack line across to another platform. I didn't feel like I could do that either, so I started calling out to the people on shore that I needed help, saving, rescuing. I was complaining loudly about what my husband had led me into and griping about how I was stuck and couldn't get down. I was focusing on the people on the beach who seemed to be having a great time watching me, and were not concerned about my welfare. I was being quite a drama queen doing a lot of vocalization and suddenly I turned around and noticed, surprised out of my wits, that while I was complaining I had crossed the slack line without any big effort and all the danger was behind me!!