OMG, I had the craziest--
craziest--dream last night. It had no coherent "plot," and it raced from scene to scene. All sorts of people showed up, from a childhood next-door neighbor to George W. and Laura Bush (George and Laura Bush?

). There was a character I was sure was a hustler, and the childhood next-door neighbor assured me that he had given a motivational speech that helped her decide what sort of law she wanted to practice (as far as I know, this person, whom I have not seen in probably close to 30 years, is not a lawyer). Then there was a house cat that was actually a miniature tiger. And on and on it went, like some sort of drug trip.

I think I know where "the hustler" came from. Last night I was sitting at a table with my drinkin' buddy Phil, and we were watching these two characters sitting at the bar. One was clearly
much older than the other. The younger one, with shaggy hair, and a mustache and goatee, for some reason just made me think he looked like a hustler. Phil, who is a bartender and the head waiter in the dining room, insisted that he wasn't a hustler, that he was a "regular" and had never caused trouble, but he still looked like a hustler to me--looked and the way he was all over the older guy like a fly on dog shit.

Those two left together.

So that's where I think the hustler in my dream came from. The Bushes and the next-door neighbor, however, I have no clue where they came from.
The miniature tiger might be Phil's cat, who has a reputation for fearlessness but yesterday was badly frightened by a contingent of Mummers.