I guess I had a really strange one last night, so strange that this time it stuck with me.
I was supposed to appear in a television commercial!

The commercial was to be filmed on the main campus of Temple University, where I worked from 1990 to 1998. I was something like three hours late for the appointment.

I was wearing a dress shirt and tie, and a nice gray tweed jacket. I needed to take the subway to get where I needed to, and I had to buy more tokens in order to ride the train. There was a new sales location near my home, and it was laid out very strangely, so I had a difficult time finding the sales counter. The clerk was one of the front desk attendants from my building, and he gave me two large packages of tokens but only charged a couple of dollars, which seemed very strange to me, so strange that I asked if he was sure that was correct. I was also concerned because the new tokens were considerably smaller than the older tokens I had in my coin purse, more the size of a dime than the size of a quarter.
I don't remember taking the subway, but then I remember being at my destination. I apologized profusely for my lateness to a young woman who seemed to be in charge of things--she was carrying a clipboard that made her look very official. She showed me into a small room with a chair that reminded me of a barber shop chair, and she told me to wait.
That was the last I remember.