What a night!
First, there was the dream that one of my coworkers had used two of the water glasses that go with my dishes to give lemonade to two visiting celebrities (not sure any more if the celebrities were ever actually named), and then didn't get the glasses returned, so that now I only had six glasses instead of eight, not enough to cover the eight place settings I have. I was really angry.
(I had lemonade at lunch yesterday, so I suppose I had lemonade on my brain.)
Then there was a second dream. I was asleep on the sofa when my dad came home. The trouble was, I couldn't remember where I was. First I thought I was in a hotel room some where. Then I knew I was in a house, but the question was, Which house? I could see the stairs from where I was lying, but the sofa in my dad's current house is in the same place relative to the stairs and the front door as in the house where I grew up, so I couldn't figure out which house I was in.
And then something happened that really terrified me. I think this one was the kind of "dream" you have when you first awaken. Anyway, I was "awakened" by some sort of brief banging noise. I figured it was my bedroom door. (In reality, that sometimes happens when the air conditioning kicks in; I think it creates a draft that somehow pulls the bedroom door against the jamb, even when the door is already closed.) I was convinced someone had come into my bedroom, but I had no idea who it was. In the reduced light and without my eyeglasses, it looked like someone was standing with arms crossed in my bedroom, leaning against the bookcase that is just inside the door, just looking at me. I was absolutely terrified because I had no idea who this person was. It also seemed that this person was wearing work boots, jeans, and a red buffalo-plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows (kinda hot, actually, when I think about it
) but I could not see his face. I tried to call out to ask if it was my dad--I mean, I didn't dream I said this, I know I really did try to say it out loud--but I was so frightened the word literally stuck in my throat and I couldn't say it. However, in a presumably short time, I squinted/didn't put on my glasses, and realized that the "person" standing in my bedroom was really just the arrangement of books in the bookcase (e.g., a row of books with light/white covers was what gave me the impression of the "crossed arms).
At that, the fear more or less evaporated, and I went back to sleep and slept until daylight. But I hope I never have a "dream" like that again!