People are raving about the movie Inception but I haven't seen it yet.
I had a significant dream last night...I was in my house, the three-story one I keep telling you about, but every once in a while it would change to a tiny starter home in the suburbs. It was quite crowded, because three families were visiting. The children were all very tiny and you had to be careful not to step on them. There were three men, fathers or older brothers of the children. I don't know where the mothers were...safely ensconced in a back room chatting and drinking coffee, I guess. I was just trying to keep things from devolving into utter chaos. Also I was tidying up because I was afraid someone would trip over something or knock something over. My house was quite a mess, but it seemed to have been caused by others, so it didn't cause me much distress. Except one thing...Christmas lights draped on a potted plant, and lying all over the floor in a corner. I picked those up immediately and put them on the landing to the basement, noticing that there was a pile of dirty wet clothes and dripping water there. Then I also noticed in the middle of the living room a large potted plant with dinner platter sized leaves. It was top heavy and wobbly. I straightened it out, took off some of the leaves, and moved it to the side. I also remember seeing a radio hanging on the wall with some earbuds as though someone enjoyed sitting in the easy chair below it and listening to the radio. It was an old fashioned radio but with some new white ipod earbuds. The last thing was that I noticed all the men had some wounds on their faces. One had a black eye, another a bruise on the neck, and another's face was all black and blue. When they saw my horror, they looked at me sheepishly. Apparently these men all acquired their injuries in separate accidents at their homes. Yeah, sure!