People who bitch about money and the price of something but go on with their expensive life-styles.
I was reading in this magazine about the cost of clergy in this new religion. She was complaining about how she could just barely afford reading material. She joined a religious group and then complained that the workshops and other classes were just too expensive for her...then in her next few lines goes on to say how she then had two children!
Um, she's supposedly living on the edge of her expenses, can barely afford a book, can't afford additional learning in her new religion, yet she
can afford pre-natal care, hospitalization for births and the care and feeding of two children for the next 18 years?
Another pet-peeve, parents who say they're too busy and stressed out with "all" that they have to do in their lives. So I asked one married lady with two children what was keeping her so stressed and busy.
Answer? All her kids' extracurricular activities.
I responded, "So take them out."
She was like "What?"
(Her children are very young 5 and 8 years)
I said,"Take them out of soccer and ballet and church groups and skating and just let them play with their friends in the backyard. You cut expenses and running around and you get to stay home with your family. See? No stress."
She looked at me like I was crazy and walked away. So basically she makes herself busy, then complains about it.