Hiya BetterMost friends.

Yesterday was a bit of an odd day at work. I got there at the usual time (8:00) and thankfully finished with all my time-sensitive stuff by 9:00 because at about 9:15 the power suddenly went out. We lost everything: access to our server, our shared drives, the intranet and internet, our email and phones. Power was not successfully restored until 11:30.
Once power was restored, I was able to get back to work, and thankfully it was a slow day, so I didn't have a lot of requests waiting for me to complete.
Nothing special last night, but I have to go out and get some shopping done. I need to pick up my groceries, get to Omaha Steak store, check out the Halloween store, and then off to shop for a suit jacket. I have a wedding to attend on the 20th, and then a work function in November that I can wear it to.