Author Topic: Heath Ledger - News Accounts  (Read 1313364 times)


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Re: Heath Ledger - News Accounts
« Reply #480 on: February 06, 2008, 06:19:24 am »

I just don't get used to those words applied to Heath.
Yes, seems it will be today.
 :'( :'( :'(

Me neither, those headlines with Heath and Dead in them still cause shock in my body...


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Re: Heath Ledger - News Accounts
« Reply #481 on: February 06, 2008, 07:07:26 am »
According to reports, Michelle and Matilda have arrived in Perth.,,20176409,00.html

I'm so glad that the paparazzi apparantly haven't been able to take a pic. Yeeeeeh for airport security at Perth airport.

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Accounts
« Reply #482 on: February 06, 2008, 08:45:29 am »
From that article:

Williams, wearing a black dress and black sunglasses, held the striped-dress-clad Matilda in her arms as they exited the plane under heavy security.

Oh God!!!  :'( :'(  Striped dress....  :'(


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Re: Heath Ledger - News Accounts
« Reply #483 on: February 06, 2008, 08:48:26 am »
I saw that awful copy of PPL MAGAZINE at the newstands today about Ledger's drug abuse.  I guess they couldn't wait. How awful..

Oddly, there were two versions of People out with lead stories about Heath. The first cover had the title "Heath Ledger's Tragic Death" and wasn't really too bad a story; a few suggestions about drugs and partying but basically positive. But then they came out with that second issue with other photos in a sidebar on the cover, and that was just as bad as all those tabloids I have to see every time I go to the supermarket.

Thanks or the CNN story - I'm glad that Heath is a source of pride back home.  When reading the words "family plot," the first thing I thought of was, Ennis' family being so scattered, there probably wasn't one for him; or if there was, it was in a ghost town.

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Accounts
« Reply #484 on: February 06, 2008, 08:56:51 am »
I'd like to think that Ennis eventually was the first laid to rest in a newly established family plot, somewhere close to Junior and Francine and their families. That Ennis's final resting place would be together with *his* own dad is too horrible to even contemplate!

But of course, Ennis isn't that old, he may possibly still be living.  :-\  He's younger than both my parents, both of whom are alive and doing well.... (They never smoked the way he did, though.)

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Accounts
« Reply #485 on: February 06, 2008, 09:05:34 am »

A sicko scam by Heath Ledger con man
Wednesday, February 6th 2008, 4:00 AM

Cops are investigating whether a con artist who pretended to be a pro wrestler to scam children in England is the man who impersonated Heath Ledger's father, sources told the Daily News.

Wayne Scott, 35, of Scarborough, England, will be in Scarborough Magistrates' Court Wednesday to face charges of fraud by false representation and conveying an indecent message, police sources said yesterday. Two of the charges stem from Scott pretending to be a pro wrestler and calling sick kids, some of whom were terminally ill, in their hospital beds, sources said.

The con man is accused of promising to visit the sick kids and give them World Wrestling Entertainment tickets and paraphernalia. He also reached out to U.S. and British organizations that grant the wishes of dying children by pretending to be a pro wrestler, sources said.

NYPD detectives believe Scott may be the con man who impersonated Ledger's father, Kim, after the 28-year-old was found dead in his SoHo loft Jan. 22.

Investigators traced the calls made by the impostor to the seaside town of Scarborough in northeastern England where Scott lives, the sources said.

After Ledger's body was found by his masseuse and housekeeper in Heath's Broome St. apartment, the imposter called the city medical examiner and pressed the doctor who performed the autopsy for toxicology results. He also asked for grisly descriptions of the Oscar-nominated star's corpse, the sources said.

The con man somehow managed to get Tom Cruise's private phone number, calling the "Mission Impossible" star to commiserate after Ledger's death.

The fake dad apparently asked John Travolta to send him money so he could buy a ticket to fly from New York to Australia, where Ledger's family lives and his body will be laid to rest.

The con man also contacted actors Mel Gibson, Halle Berry and Christian Bale, the sources said. The impostor's lies were so convincing that he even got the Frank E. Campbell Funeral Home to book him a suite at the posh Carlyle Hotel New York.

The Madison Ave. funeral home received Ledger's body from the medical examiner and sent it to L.A. for a memorial service. Sources said the medical examiner's office will brief Ledger's family today on the cause of his death and then release the results to the public.

Six anti-anxiety and sleeping prescription drugs were found near the "Brokeback Mountain" star's body. Police said no illegal drugs were discovered in the $24,000-a-month rental.

An initial postmortem examination failed to determine the cause of death.
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Re: Heath Ledger - News Accounts
« Reply #486 on: February 06, 2008, 09:07:57 am »
I'd like to think that Ennis eventually was the first laid to rest in a newly established family plot, somewhere close to Junior and Francine and their families. That Ennis's final resting place would be together with *his* own dad is too horrible to even contemplate!

More than a bit OT here, but I'm glad to see someone shares my views about Ennis' dad.   >:(  Of course, where a person's physical remains are taken is the concern of people still living, but in terms of what it would symbolize, Ennis would be better off in a potter's field than in his father's clutches for eternity, so to speak.

Back on-topic, the mentions that Michelle and Matilda might not be attending were a bummer, so was glad to see that story. I'd love to think the striped dress was intentional. And for some reason, the details about who was there and the flowers and food being brought by the house was rather comforting.

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Accounts
« Reply #487 on: February 06, 2008, 09:19:39 am »
I can't begin to understand how poor Michelle is managing to hold it together. Just the stress of travelling from  Sweden to NYC, on to LA(?) and then to Australia - the jet lag must be dreadful and disorienting coming on top of all her grief and emotional distress.

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Accounts
« Reply #488 on: February 06, 2008, 09:49:32 am »
I can't begin to understand how poor Michelle is managing to hold it together. Just the stress of travelling from  Sweden to NYC, on to LA(?) and then to Australia - the jet lag must be dreadful and disorienting coming on top of all her grief and emotional distress.

True, but I like to think she has good, supportive people around her to help her. The reports said that her mother and best friend were at her home in NY when she flew home from Sweden. Now, in Australia, she is with Heath's mom. I like to believe that she has a good relationship with his family. She and Heath lived in Australia for about 6 months while he was filming Candy and she was pregnant. It comforts me to think that she got to know his family during that time and they continue to be supportive of each other.

I have nothing to base this on except my own personal feelings and observations. But it seems like Heath was very close to his family so I imagine that they (Heath and Michelle) spent time with them while they were in Australia for that extended period. There were also the reports that she and Heath went to his father's wedding back in 2006. More evidence of family closeness.

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Accounts
« Reply #489 on: February 06, 2008, 11:06:22 am »
Anymore reports surfacing anywhere about whether Jake is expected to attend?  I know there were earlier reports that said he was planning to be there... bu have not heard much about this recently.

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