The other thing that no one has mentioned is the flute in his throat. He kept it on his person at all times. Obviously he had needed it many time, in order to keep it so handy all the time.
Which just goes to show how often he'd been lynched. So many times, he's prepared. The Tarot card pretty much spells that out.
There's plenty of symbolism in the story. The flute I saw as indicative of Tony being a "pied piper" or symbolic of the time to 'pay the piper'.
Antoine in his stage persona of Mercury is symbolic as a psychopomp - a guide of souls. He even has wings as he swings in the harness to rescue the 'dead' Tony. In his persona as Eve, as one who is responsible for the Fall and brings her/his beloved out of Eden and into the Real World.
Tony's Venetian mask - the one with the long nose - is a traditional one. It's called a 'Zanni" mask - representing someone who is buffoon, a fool, a con man, rogue, one who is self-absorbed with his own basic needs. And of course, it's also about someone not being what he appears to be.
The name Parnassus, Valentina's name, the bells she wears, the symbolism just goes on and on.